Firstly, I still do not own Doctor Who.

Secondly, I apologise about the delay; I had my birthday and then I went back to college and then I got sick and Time sort of fell to the side and when I finally had time to write it, I got writer's block.

Irony, right?

Thirdly, this is the final chapter and so the end of Time, (no pun intended). I'd like to thank everyone who has read, reviewed, favourited and story-alerted as it really means a lot. To those who favourite-authored me, thank you very, very much.

I'd also like to say a big thank you to Angelic Toaster, whose reviews I always looked forward to when I posted a new chapter and who always made me smile. I know I said thank you up there but to the people who reviewed I'd like to say a special thank you as everytime I read another good review, I felt a lot better about writing things and publishing them on here where they can actually be read because for a long time, Time was just on my laptop doing nothing so, again, thank you.

One last thing as well before I finish, a few people said they actually liked River in this story and I'd just like to say that I do too, which shows just how much I really dislike her when the only time I can actually stand her is when I'm writing her. I think if she backed off from the Doctor I'd like her just fine but she's always there, being all flirty. I'm waiting for the episode where he tells to get lost and then actually says Rose's name. I could go on but this is getting really long now.

Anyway, ramble over and onto the chapter.

Chapter Twenty

What the Daughter Does, the Mother Did

It was the day after the events at Canary Wharf, a day since they had returned to Martha and Mickey's flat.

That night they all crammed into the living room, laughing and talking until late into the night. Harry was in his crib with Grace beside him in an old cot dragged out of the spare room whilst Anwen slept in her baby carrier; Jack, Gwen, Rhys, Amy and Rory were on the floor amidst a jumble of sleeping bags and blankets, Melody laying between her mother and father as River sat in a worn armchair, her eyes unfocused. Martha and Mickey had taken one couch, Rose and the Doctor the other.

After Rose collapsed, all hell had broken loose as everyone panicked, unsure of how to help her. The Doctor, cool as you please, had stepped forward, taken her into his arms as gently as he could, ignoring the blood trickling from her nose, and carried her into the lift, leaving everyone else scurrying behind him.

She had awoken an hour later, asking for the Doctor and Grace, completely unwilling to talk about what had happened at the top of Torchwood Tower.

As everyone eventually drifted off to sleep in the flat, Rose stayed awake, gazing at the Doctor.

"You need to rest," he whispered, taking her hand in his.

"I scared you today," she said softly, her breath tickling his cheek.

"Yes, you did. Let's not do that again."

Rose closed her eyes. "I'm sorry."

He kissed her forehead, pulling her closer so that her head rested on his shoulder.

"I love you, my wife," he murmured.

"I love you, my husband," she said with a quiet laugh.

"Me and you, Rose Tyler. We're forever, aren't we?"

"Of course we are. Forever and a day."

"Forever and two days."

"Forever and a billion-"

"As touching as it is listening to the two of you, I would like to sleep tonight."

Rose jumped slightly, River's cold voice reminding her of what she still had to do. She shuddered, taking a deep breath before saying softly, "River, can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

River stood up quickly, almost running into the hall, not glancing once at the Doctor as she passed.

"What's wrong?" he asked, holding Rose's hand tighter.

"I need to-oh God," she whispered, sitting up slowly. She closed her eyes, willing herself not to cry yet.


"I need to give her the memories back. Doctor, she's going to hate me."

"Memories? What memories?" he asked hurriedly, sitting up beside her, still clutching her hand.

"I'll tell you later. She deserves to know first," Rose said flatly as she pulled her hand out of the Doctor's grip, getting to her feet and making her way across the room, careful not to stand on anyone as the Doctor watched, torn between following her and staying put.

He felt oddly protective, as though River was a threat.

Exhaling wearily, he sat back, listening with all his might.

"You wanted to say something?" River asked breezily, leaning against the wall and staring at Rose expressionlessly.

"I told you I would give you your memories back," Rose said softly, closing the door quietly behind her.

"What if I don't want them back? From the way you talked about them, I think they're something awful. Something I won't like."

Rose bowed her head.

"I might have been Aunty Rose, but he was never Uncle Doctor," she said sadly. "And I'm sorry, River. I am truly sorry. Because I made you love him. By erasing myself I created love accidentally. And when you remember, that love will disappear."


"You used to know me as Aunty Rose. We lived on the TARDIS together."

River shook her head jerkily, her eyes wide.

"I lived with my parents."

Rose hesitated before saying gently, "I rewrote your memories, editing myself out of them. It was too dangerous for you to meet the Doctor in the Library and tell him I would come back. No one should know too much about their own future."

"You do," River snapped, backing away from Rose, her entire body trembling.

"No I don't. I have hunches when something important has to happen but I don't know anything for sure, not about my life or the Doctor's. Even Grace's future is blank to me."

"But you know I'm in it?" River asked scornfully.

"I can see your past and future, River."

"What happened to Melody?"

Rose sighed. "I never wanted to hurt you, Melody."

"No, you just wanted to steal my memories and give me false ones," River said sweetly. "You're telling me that my entire world, my life, is a lie."

"Not a lie, altered. Everything I ever said or taught you was instead done by someone else."

"Oh that makes me feel so much better," she snarled.

"Take my hand," Rose said calmly, reaching out to River.


"Take my hand and you remember. The real memories replace the false ones."

"I don't want to."

"I promised I'd give them back, I won't break my promise now."

"I don't want them," River whispered, backing away down the hall.

Rose darted forward, holding River's hand in hers.

"I'm so sorry."

"Aunty Rose, how old are you?"

Rose smiled, brushing Melody's hair back.


"It was you," River gasped, wanting to pull her hand away but finding herself frozen.

"Aunty Rose, the Doctor won't let me drive the TARDIS, he says I'm too young. Am I too young, Aunty Rose, am I?"

Rose laughed, beckoning Melody over to the console, putting one finger to her lips.

"He'll be busy for a while building Grace's Sonic Screwdriver. Come here."

"Can you fly her, Aunty Rose?"


"Did the Doctor teach you?"

Rose snorted. "I was taught by the TARDIS."

"Will she teach me?"

Rose smiled, placing Melody's hand on the console.

"We both will."

"Stop," River pleaded.

"Tell me a story, Aunty Rose."

"Don't you want your Mummy or Daddy to?"

Melody wrinkled her nose. "They always start kissing when they tell stories."

"What do they tell you stories about?"

"The Last Centurion. The Girl Who Waited. The Boy Who Waited. The Bad Wolf. The Doctor."

"Well I'll tell you a story that has something to do with all of them."

"All?" Melody asked in awe.

"All. It's a poem, one as old as Time."

"Like you, Aunty Rose?"

"Like me."

"And like Beauty and the Beast?"

Rose laughed. "Not really like that, no. That's a tale as old as time. This is a poem, a very important poem. It goes:

Demons Run when a good man goes to war,

Night will fall and drown the sun,

When a good man goes to war,

Friendship dies and true love lies,

Night will fall and dark will rise,

When a good man goes to war,

Demons Run but count the cost,

The battle's won but the child is lost."

"Is it a sad poem, Aunty Rose?"

"Yes," she said quietly, her eyes faraway. "I suppose it is."

"Please. Please stop," River begged, falling to her knees, Rose going down with her, still holding her hand.

"You knew Grace as the Doctor's daughter but you had never heard of me. You met her as that little girl in there and you moved onto the TARDIS with your parents. You knew that she had been kidnapped and when you asked how they'd got her back you were told that the Bad Wolf saved her. You never asked what it was or who it was. That was the cover up, Melody. That's what I made you believe. And I'm so sorry, I am so, so sorry because by doing that I made you fall in love with the Doctor."

"I don't love him anymore," River sobbed, tears falling thick and fast. "I never did."

"I never meant to do that to you, Melody. I only meant to wipe my existence from your life. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Did you make him love me back?"

Rose looked away, biting her lip. "I don't know."

"I was in love with the idea of him. He is the only one of my kind."

"You're half-human, Melody. You are not alone in this universe."

River ignored her. "Did you take away everyone's memory of you or just me?"

"Yours and the Doctor's timelines are reversed. It was only you that knew."

"What do I do now?" she breathed. "He was the centre of everything."


"My life, is it still the same?"
Rose nodded quickly. "It was only your childhood I had to change."

"You taught me so much," River whispered. "Everything I thought the Doctor taught me…it was all you."


River gaped at her, horrified. "That doesn't mean I'm in love with you does it?"

Rose laughed, a lone tear rolling down her cheek.

"No. In a different context…I taught you as family, he taught you as the Doctor, your idol. I should have seen what would happen. I didn't even think to look down that possible path."

"You thought he loved you too much to do that."

Rose said nothing, rising to her feet and pulling River up with her.

"So that time when I had a driving lesson and I landed on a planet in the middle of a civil war and Dad hit the roof…"

"Oh no, that was the Doctor," Rose said quickly, shaking her head. "From what I can tell, I was with Amy."

River looked at her curiously. "What's it like, seeing everything?"
Rose sighed, biting her lip as she half-smiled.

"It's…amazing, brilliant, completely exhilarating. It's hard though, seeing every person's life except for my own. Well, mine and the Doctor's. And Grace's, though I can sort of squint at hers if I really try. But I can see them sometimes, when they're tied to others."

"So…through what happened with me and the driving lesson, you can tell the Doctor was with me?"


"And through my Mum's timeline you can tell you were with her?"

"Pretty much."

River frowned. "I don't think I'd like that."

"Sometimes I don't think I do. It's scary, not knowing what comes next. But then again, that's all part of life with the Doctor and I love every second of that."

River smiled. "I did too." She hesitated before adding, "I thought I'd hate you when I found out. And in a way, I'm furious. But in another way…I feel free. I'm no longer tied to the Doctor. I can live and love and be happy. I'm free. And I gained a rather brilliant Aunty," River said with a smile, hugging Rose briefly before wiping at her eyes.

"I'll always be here for you now, as your Aunty Rose. I'm sorry I had to hide it from you for so long."

River nodded, making her way back to the living room, Rose following behind her.

"Do I need to…?"

"If you want. It hasn't happened to any of them yet but if you want to, you can explain it."

River shook her head silently, curls bouncing around her shoulders.

"I said I'd tell the Doctor…is that ok?"

"Yes," River murmured. "Tell him everything."

She opened the door, walking back to her chair and slumping into it.

She was angry, sad, happy, calm, up, down.
She was a bloody paradox of emotions.

She pulled a face. She had also been around Gwen for too long.

Her life had been violated, twisted into something very different that it should have been.

She'd been tricked into loving someone. True, she still cared deeply for him, as her friend and fellow Time Lord.

But now…she didn't feel the ache in her chest when she saw Rose with the Doctor, murmuring to him as she lay beside him, kissing the side of his mouth to shut him up.

What she told Rose was true.

She was free.

"Rose told me," the Doctor said quietly the next day, glancing across at River who had just entered the TARDIS, which had been moved into the living room following complaints about it blocking the way to the bathroom.

"I know. She said she would."

"How do you feel?"

River smiled, closing her eyes.

"Free," she whispered. "It's the only word I can think of."

The Doctor shifted, suddenly feeling very awkward.

Swift change.

"So. How did you hide your song, Song?" he asked, leaning back against the console, staring at River curiously.

River smiled at him mysteriously.

"Ask your wife."

"Who taught you how to drive the TARDIS?"

"Ask your wife."

The Doctor sighed, shaking his head good-naturedly at River. "What are you going to do now?"

River's smile became a smirk.

"Ask your wife."

"That's not an answer," he said sadly, his teasing mood abating.

River's smile faded, her eyes looking past the Doctor.

"I don't know. Everything I thought was real isn't. I might stay away from a while, get my head on straight, let Little Me have you for a bit."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" River asked, eyes widening with surprise.

"Not loving you in…that way."

River laughed. "A day ago I would have hated that but now…let's just say I don't see you in that way anymore. Don't get me wrong, you're not quite Uncle Doctor. But I don't want to make babies with you."

"Oh," the Doctor squeaked. "Right. Very good."

Before he could find another random topic to bring up, Amy's voice cut through the silence.


"Amy!" Rory hissed.

"Oh sh-! River!"

"Coming," she called back, laughing.

The Doctor walked beside her, still trying to think of something to say. As they reached the doors, River spoke.

"Doctor, what you told me about love, in that way. I think you should tell Rose that."


"She just needs to know."

The Doctor nodded, frowning in thought.

"Oh, there you are," Amy said happily, pulling River over to where Rory stood quietly.

"So…will we see you now we have…little you?" Amy said slowly.

River looked at her mother, misery clawing at her chest as she thought of leaving her so soon.

She didn't even look at Rory for fear of bursting into tears. Not wanting to hurt him, she reached out, taking his hand gently. He squeezed it, making her eyes water anyway.

"Maybe now and again. I'll visit, I promise. Now that I know-I feel different. I never really loved the Doctor, not the way I would a real man. Maybe it's time I find a new loverboy."

"Oh God," Rory muttered.

"Hey, River," Jack said smoothly, moving over to her. "I'm right here waiting for you."

River stared at him, eyebrows raised.

"You wound me," he said dramatically, clutching at his heart.

"I know. Terrible, isn't it, sweetie?"

"Well look me up one day," he said with a smile.

The smile on River's face was positively wicked as she let go of her parents' hands. She raised her arm, revealing the battered Vortex Manipulator on her wrist.

Jack stared at it in amazement.

"Been there, done that!" she cried mischievously.

"I'm looking forward to that!" Jack yelled, beaming at her.

Rory shuddered.

"Mother, Father, till the next time. Aunty Rose, I shall see you very soon I expect. Doctor, tell that daughter of yours I'll be waiting. And you!" she cried, pointing at Jack and beckoning him closer. He darted forward, bending his head slightly as she whispered something in his ear.

His mouth dropped.

A moment later she was gone.

"Imagine our children," Jack said weakly, raising his own Vortex Manipulator to his chest.

"I shudder at the very thought," the Doctor said cheerfully, Grace squealing in his arms as he joined them, Rose making faces at her over the Doctor's shoulder.

"You could be Great Uncle Doctor," Jack said teasingly, folding his arms in a challenge.

The Doctor stared back at him stoically.

"Shut up, you can't say anything, Uncle Jack," Rose laughed. "And you're going to be Godfather."

"What?" the Doctor yelped, startling Grace just as she was about to fall asleep.

Rose glared at him, taking her into her arms.

"What did you expect?" she asked.

"Not Jack! Imagine the example he'll set!"

"I'm still right here you know."

"Who else is on the list?" the Doctor asked quickly.

"Martha, Mickey, Rory and Amy."

"River?" he suggested.

Rose glared at him again.

"River is her sister."

"Her sister?" he cried.

"You know what I mean," she said dismissively before looking down at Grace. "Daddy's silly, isn't he? Yes, he is. Silly Daddy."

"Silly Daddy?"

"Will you lower your voice?" Rose hissed. "You sound like you're going out for the opera."

Jack snorted as Grace let out a cry.

"Oh, Gracie, don't cry. I'm sorry I was mean about Daddy. Shh, sweetheart."

"SWEETHEART?" the Doctor exclaimed.

Grace burst into full on screams.

"Now look what you've done," Rose snapped, rocking Grace gently in her arms.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Stop shouting."

"Alright, fine then," he whispered, reaching out to touch Grace's hand, smiling benignly when she wrapped her tiny fingers around his little finger. "I love you, Gracie."

Rose smiled triumphantly. "I knew you'd call her Gracie sooner or later."

"Oh shut up," he said softly. "I love you too, you know."

"I know."

The Doctor moved to her side before kissing her gently, one hand still in Grace's, the other resting on Rose's neck.

"We should go soon," he whispered, smirking as she shivered at his breath in her ear.

"I don't want to say goodbye," she whispered back, turning her head every so slightly so that their cheeks were touching.

"Not that I mind but I really am still right here," Jack said loudly.

Rose closed her eyes briefly before turning to Jack and smiling.

"Sorry. I'm going to take Grace onto the TARDIS. Oh wait."

She frowned, glancing back at the Doctor.


"Do you have a crib?"

Martha's voice called out to her from the kitchen, muffled by the door.

"You can take the one she used last night if you want."

"Thank you, Martha, but no. I'll find one," the Doctor said, rubbing his hands together purposefully as he walked onto the TARDIS.

Rose watched him go, sighing.

"You want to stay here, don't you?" Jack asked quietly, moving so that they stood side by side.

"I want to stay with everyone, yeah. I want everyone on the TARDIS, I want what it's been like the last few days, all of us together saving people and having a laugh and being safe."

"But," he said softly, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"But it will never be like that. I see all of your lives and they're normal. Well, yours is a bit mad if I'm honest. But don't you see? I have to go on acting like nothing's changed, that we'll all meet up occasionally like normal people, and sometimes we will but in my mind…Jack, in my mind I've seen their deaths. I've seen their whole lives and I'm such an important part. In mine I know it will feel like they're there for a second and then they're gone and I'll move on, make new friends, act like it isn't killing me each time."

"That's our curse, Rosie. To live forever seems fantastic. It's only when you realise that you get to live forever while everyone else gets left behind that makes it so terrible. But you know what I do?"


"I cut all ties and run."


"Well that's what I usually do but these guys…Gwen and Martha, Mickey…it's a lot harder that I thought it would be."

"They're special, Jack. Every one of them is special."

"You're special too, you know."

Rose rolled her eyes. "And you."

"We're the two immortals. No getting rid of us."

"I know, the universe has tried many times."

"And each time we get the better of it."

"And always will."

"Rose…" he said softly. She turned slightly so that she could see his face properly.

"Yeah?" she asked just as quietly.

"Do I ever die? As in, ever."

She pursed her lips, blinking quickly. She nodded silently.

Jack sighed contentedly. "Do I die alone?"

She shook her head.

"Are you there?"

The tears began to fall as shook her head again.

"The Doctor is," she said shakily. "And Martha. But, Jack, I will visit you, I promise. Throughout your entire life I will always be there."

Jack smiled, raising his hand to her cheek and cupping it lightly.

"Oh, and don't tell the Doctor, you know what he's like. He's start going on about paradoxes and futures."

"And is he right?"

"Not this time."

Jack laughed, his hand still pressed against her cheek.

"Love you, Rosie."

"Love you, Jack. I'd ask you to come with us but I think I already know the answer."

He glanced at the TARDIS, his hand dropping.

"Maybe later. Anyway, I don't want to see my future bride as a child, that's just wrong."

"Oh God, Jack, stay away from Melody," Rose warned.

"She'll always be River to me. Isn't she amazing? Rose, I think I love her," he said dazedly.

"Of course you do. Now get your stuff and get lost."

Jack grinned, saluting sloppily. "Yes, ma'am."

"Be careful, don't go off with strangers, try not to die too many times, play nice with the other kids," Rose called, glancing down at Grace.

"You suck the fun out of everything!"

"See you soon, Captain."

"Goodbye, my Goddess!"

"Oh God, don't-" she started with a laugh.

Before she could finish he was gone, leaving her alone with Grace.

Her face fell, her heart heavy.

Despite her joking she didn't want him to go. She wanted him here with her, running alongside her and the Doctor.

Her heart sank even more as Gwen entered the room, Anwen in one arm, her car seat in the other.

"Where'd Jack go?" she asked lightly, putting the car seat down and bending to put Anwen into it.

"He left," Rose forced herself to say past the lump in her throat.

Gwen stared at her, her eyes hard.


"You just missed-he left."

Gwen watched her for a moment more before turning back to Anwen, her shoulders stiff.

"Oh. Well. Should've known really. Being Jack and all. Yeah. So."

She stood, her eyes glistening.

"Gwen, I'm sorry," Rose whispered.

"Not your fault. Bye, Rose. Take care of your little girl, she'll be the best thing in the world to you and that's a promise."

"You too. And be careful. Thank you…for what you did for me. It means a lot."
Gwen shrugged, giving Rose a careful one-armed hug, dodging Grace.

"Rhys would say goodbye but he's already in the car. We need to get going as soon as we can."

"Of course."

"Bye. Bye, Grace," Gwen said softly as she picked the car seat up.

"Goodbye. Bye, Anwen. Bye."

As the door shut behind them, Rose closed her eyes, weariness of goodbyes already getting to her.

"Martha," she called, too scared to go into the kitchen and talk to her there. The living room was good, the TARDIS was in the living room. That way she could run if it got too much.

Stay in the living room.

The kitchen door opened.

"Everything ok?" Martha asked, frowning.

"Um. Yeah. I just…I think we're going soon and I just wanted to-"

Martha walked forward, pulling Rose into hug, Grace between them.

"You're welcome, I'll see you soon and Mickey's in the bedroom," she said shakily.


"Don't. You'll make me cry."

She let go, taking a few steps back.

"The Doctor's on the TARDIS," Rose said but she knew it was useless.

Martha shook her head. "Tell him I said goodbye. Besides, I'll see you both soon."

Rose smiled tearfully and nodded.

"Mickey!" Martha yelled.

There were footsteps and then he was there, her oldest friend, staring at her sadly, knowing that he would have to say goodbye to her again.

It never got any easier.

"Goodbye, Rose," he said simply, staying where he was in the doorway.

"Bye, Mickey."

"Come on," Martha said gently, taking Mickey's hand and leading him into the kitchen.

As soon as the door shut, Rose let out a sharp breath, the very air around her causing her pain.

An arm snaked around her waist.

"Don't cry," the Doctor whispered, kissing her neck lightly. "I hate it when you cry."

"I'm not crying," she muttered. "Who's crying?"

"I found a cot," he said quietly.

"Good; my arms are dead."

He laughed, leading her onto the TARDIS.

They were silent, neither knowing what to say.

Finally the Doctor spoke.

"I know you used to wonder why I never went back to see people I travelled with. This is why. It's all good until you have to say goodbye. And, Rose, I have had a lifetime of goodbyes."

"Maybe it's worth it though," she murmured.

"Maybe. Ah. Here we are."

They stopped outside a room, the door a nondescript white. Rose raised her eyebrows.

"Wait till you see inside."

The Doctor opened the door, letting Rose in before him.

"Oh my God…" she breathed.

The room was huge, twice the size of Rose's, with a ceiling exactly like the Doctor's. Planets hung from it like mobiles, Earth and…

"Gallifrey," Rose whispered. "You've given her home."

"I gave her both of them," he said quietly. "There's so much space so that when she grows up she can fill it with whatever she wants. There's not much here now obviously; just a few chairs, a bookcase, the cot."

"Show me the cot. Please," she added sweetly.

The Doctor sighed. "Wrapped around your little finger…this way."

At first she saw nothing but then:

"Doctor…Doctor, I can read it."

The first thing Rose noticed was the size of it, nearly three times as big as a normal cot. It was made of dark wood, carvings and pictures all around it, the cushions inside a deep blue.

And right above where Grace would lay her head, her name in Gallifreyan.

"I thought you might be able to. Have to find out about that."

"Here you go, Grace. Nice, new bed of your own," Rose whispered, putting her down gently and pulling a blanket over her legs. "Night, my baby. Sleep well."

"You should sleep yourself," the Doctor said quietly.

Rose shook her head. "I'll stay here for a while."

"Alright. I need to find Amy and Rory. Will you be alright on your own?"

Rose smiled, her eyes shining. "I'm not alone. Not here. Not anymore."

"Rory, do you think our lives will ever be normal?" Amy asked, her legs draped over Rory's.

They were in the library, not reading nor talking, just sitting together, taking in the peaceful moment while they could; Melody asleep against Rory's other side where they sat on a worn couch.

They glanced at each other before laughing quietly.

"No, of course not," she said to herself. "It's so weird that she's, like, nine and for us it's only been a week or whatever."

"If you think about it, people are going to ask how old she is and think you had her when you were twelve," Rory muttered, frowning.

"We could say we adopted her," Amy suggested half-heartedly.

"No. She's ours; I don't care what other people think. You know…we could move away from Leadworth. You always said you wanted to live abroad one day. Maybe today is one day."

"Or you could stay here," a voice said from the door, causing the two to jump.

"Doctor?" Amy asked, throwing her legs onto the floor and standing up, squinting at the gloomy doorway.

"Who else?"

Rory rolled his eyes.

"We can stay here? But you've got Rose and Grace; won't it be a bit cramped?"
The Doctor stepped forward into the light and stared at her in an are-you-actually-being-serious-way.

"Oh right, bigger on the inside."

"Do you want us to stay?" Rory asked hopefully.

He was silent for a moment. "You have a half-Time Lord daughter. She needs to be protected and she needs to learn. I have a half-Time Lord daughter and she's going to need a best friend who gets her in a way no one else can. See where I'm going with this?"

"So you want us to stay for Melody and Grace?" Rory asked, subconsciously stroking Melody's hair as she cried out in her sleep.

"Well that's part of it. The other part is that you're both my best friends and I don't want you to leave," he said quickly, staring resolutely at the floor.

Amy smiled, glancing back at Rory who nodded.

"Then we'll stay. But Melody needs her own room and you need to keep Jack off the TARDIS until she's one hundred and two."

Rory made a choked sound. "More like a thousand. If she comes back and tells me she's with him, I'll-"

"Yes, yes, I know, go all Roman. Personally I think he's very nice," Amy said casually.

"You're just saying that because you think he's gorgeous."

"You're just being mean because he's gorgeous. Doesn't Melody deserve a gorgeous man?"

"Yes but not Captain Jack Harkness. Any other gorgeous man except for him."

"I agree with Rory," the Doctor said cheerfully as he left the library, neither of them hearing him over the sound of their bickering.

He entered the console room, his heartbeats picking up speed as he saw Rose.

"Hello," she said softly, holding her hand out to him.

He took it gently as he stepped closer, his other hand on her waist.

"Are they staying then?" she asked lightly, straightening his bow tie absentmindedly.

"Yes, yes. Took them long enough to decide though, you'd have thought I was offering them poisoned biscuits the way they looked at me."

Rose smiled. "Poisoned biscuits?"

"Don't knock them 'til you try them."

She laughed, glancing into his eyes for a moment, her free hand caressing his cheek.

"What are they doing now?"

"Arguing about Jack. Rory's terrified he's going to end up with River."

"Melody," Rose corrected. "And it doesn't matter anyway. He's marrying Grace."

The Doctor spluttered, trying very hard to find his voice.

Rose laughed again, leaning back against the captain's seat, though it didn't reach her eyes.

"Just kidding, Doctor. I don't think your hearts could take it."

The Doctor watched her, his gaze soft.

"You miss Jackie," he said gently, pulling her closer. She rested her head against his chest, the steady beat of his hearts soothing her troubled mind.

"I just wish I could talk to her sometimes. I had a baby and she'll never know. I got married and she'll never know. What else am I going to do that she'll never know about?"

"There is a way," he murmured.

"I can't burn up a sun to say goodbye," she said flatly.

"Why not? I did."

"Yeah but you're…you!"

"Rose, it might be the only chance you have left," he said in a low voice.

"Don't say that," she whispered, closing her eyes.

"Then what do you want me to say?"


He smiled.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

She was silent for a moment.


"Find me a sun."

"Right, this star is going into supernova, it should open in…oh what a surprise!"

"Bad Wolf Bay?" Rose said cheerfully.

"Of course. I hate that beach," he grumbled.

Rose laughed. "Join the club."


She looked up, immediately concerned by the troubled look on the Doctor's face.

"What? What's wrong?"

"If you could go back, back to your family, would you?"

"But I can't," Rose said evenly.

"But if you could?"


"No?" he echoed.

"I choose you. I chose you then, I choose you now. I will always choose you."
The Doctor smiled, hiding his face so she wouldn't see how much it pleased him to hear her say that.

"Really?" he mumbled.

"Really," she said solemnly. "Better get used to it, Doctor."

"Did you know, Rose Tyler, that I love you very much?"

"Quite right too!" she exclaimed, jumping up from her seat.

"That wasn't an answer."

"You don't answer half of my questions," Rose muttered, glaring at him from across the console.

"Yes I do!" he cried incredulously.


"I do."

"Do not."

"Fine. Ask me a question, any question and I'll answer it."

"Do I look fat in these jeans?" she said slowly.

"Not at all. You look as beautiful and sexy as ever."

She laughed. "Right."

"Another one," he whined. "That one was silly."

"Hey, don't mock my questions. Erm…"

The Doctor sighed. "Stop wasting time, Time."

"Oh, Doctor, you're so witty, please stop before my sides split," she said sarcastically, poking her tongue out at him. "I give up. Quick fire round instead. Ready?"

The Doctor squared his shoulders. "I was born ready."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Favourite colour?"


"Star or moon?"


"Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?"

He stared at her blankly. "Pass."

"Dogs or cats?"


"More kids?"

He laughed loudly, throwing his head back. "With you? Most definitely."

Rose grinned to herself, absurdly pleased.

"Tweed or tartan?"

He rolled his eyes. "Tweed."

"Did you love River?" she blurted out, immediately screaming at herself internally.

The Doctor froze, River's words from earlier whispering in his mind.

"No. There has only ever been you."

"Well not ever. I know you had family on Gallifrey but forget I even said anything. I didn't mean to anyway. It was my mistake."

"There has only ever been you," he said again, locking his gaze with hers. "I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. And I never loved River. Flirted, yes. Loved, no."

Rose bit her lip to stop herself from smiling.

"Now come here and kiss me," the Doctor said softly.

She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him senseless.

He found he didn't really mind.

"Love you," she murmured.


There was a loud whine from the console, breaking the Doctor's concentration.

"It's ready," he said quietly. He took Rose's hand, pulling her over to the console. "Just keep saying her name. You'll know when you've got through to her."


"You just will."

She frowned, clutching onto the Doctor's hand tightly.




"I did it," she whispered, feeling a link to her mother's mind, though it was thin as thread. "I don't think it's very strong."

"She's asleep. Just keep calling her."




"She's awake," Rose breathed. "I can feel it. Is this what it was like for you with me?"

When he spoke his voice was husky with emotion. "The link to you was strong as soon as I called your name."

Rose lifted their entwined hands, brushing her lips against his knuckles. He shivered, taking her free hand and kissing it.

"Just keep saying her name. She'll follow your voice."

"What do I do then?"

"I'll do some scientific stuff and your image will go through."

"Will I look like a ghost?" she asked anxiously.

"I'll try to stabilise it."

Rose nodded, closing her eyes as she projected one word across universes.


"They're leaving. Taking-God, they bought a Ferrari. I asked for a nice car and I got given a Land Rover."

"Aren't Land Rover's nice cars?" the Doctor asked confusedly.

"Well yeah but they're definitely not Ferraris."

"Oh right," he said, as though he actually knew what he was talking about.

Rose smiled. "Sorry. Let's talk about something that will make you look smart."

"I am smart. You know I'm smart. You fell in love with me because I'm smart."


The Doctor suddenly grinned. "That's what we can talk about."

"What?" Rose snapped, not liking his tone at all.

"Why you love me."

She snorted. "What are we, twelve?"

"Rose, tell me," he whined.

"No, you'll laugh at me."

"I won't, I promise."




"Wo-you know what then, my darling wife, I shall go first. I love you because you're brilliant, because you make me laugh, because you're beautiful, because you're special-"


His voice was soft as he continued; he was speaking from his hearts.

"Because you took the Time Vortex into your head to save me, because you came back to me time and time again and I was always incredibly grateful, because-"


"One more. I love you because you made me better. You found me and you made me into a better person and there is no greater honour I can give you than that."

"Is that an insult or a compliment?"

"It could be both. But that's why I love you. Your turn."

"You know what? I think my Mum's in Norway."

"Liar," the Doctor breathed, noting how she leant closer to him. "It'll take her hours. I promise I won't laugh."

"You gave me life," Rose said in a rush. "I love you for loads of reasons but the biggest is that you gave me life, Doctor. Without you I would've done nothing and seen nothing and been nothing. I would've just been another statistic. But you made me better. Without you I would be nothing. And, my darling husband, there is no greater honour I can give you than that."

The Doctor swallowed, his throat feeling rather choked with emotion.

"So instead of making you laugh, I made you cry," she said with a laugh, kissing his hand again.

"Rose, look at me," he said quietly.

"I'm concentrating; need to keep my eyes closed."

But she opened them anyway.

He gazed down at her, his eyes filled with so much love and admiration.

"You could have been anything without me. You didn't need me to show you how brilliant you are."

"Yes I did," she whispered, going on her tiptoes to kiss his lips lightly. "Just like you needed me."

"I still need you. I will never ever stop needing you."

"Then never ever leave me," she whispered.

Before he could reply, the TARDIS hummed. The Doctor stepped away from Rose, hating the moment when their skin lost contact as he stared at the screen.

"I think…Rose, she's there."

"Oh God," she gasped, grabbing onto the captain's seat to hold herself up. "I can't do this. I'm not ready to say goodbye forever."

"You have to be," he said sadly. "I'll go get Grace."

She nodded, wishing he could stay.

"That button there," he said softly, watching her from the top step.

She pressed it and felt the connection immediately.

And there she was, stood on that godforsaken beach again. But this time she was where she wanted to be, she was on the right side.

And this time her mother took her place.

"Hi," she said in a high voice.

She cleared her throat.

"Rose," Jackie breathed, almost disbelievingly. She reached out her hand to Rose.

"You-you can't. I'm just a hologram."

"Like that film we watched?"

Rose laughed, though it sounded forced.

"Yeah, Mum. Like Star Wars."

"Rose, I'm back," the Doctor called. He stopped when he saw her stricken face, standing just out of range of the connection; Jackie could hear him but not see him.

How that made him feel better.

"You!" Jackie yelled. "Are you taking care of her?"

"Yes, Jackie," the Doctor called dutifully.

"Mum, there's someone we'd like you to meet," Rose said softly, beckoning him over, Grace wriggling in his arms.

"Mum, this is Grace. Our daughter."

Jackie sagged slightly, as though all fight had left her.

"I'm a grandmother?" she whispered.

Rose nodded, tears already falling.

"How old is she?"

"Just a few weeks. Time travel and everything, sort of messes things up a bit."

Jackie nodded, her eyes wide.

"Oh and, Jackie, guess what? I'm your son-in-law!" the Doctor cried, flashing his wedding ring at her.

"God help me," she muttered.

"At least I won't call you 'mum'."

"You won't have a chance," Jackie whispered, reaching out with her hand again.

Rose bowed her head, her silent tears turning into loud sobs that echoed around the TARDIS. The Doctor moved Grace to one side, leaning into Rose and kissing her temple, resting his chin against her forehead.

"I miss you, Mum. And I love you, I love you so much, I always will."

"I know, sweetheart. I know. I love you too." Jackie hesitated. "How long?"

Rose glanced at a screen behind her.

"A minute."

Jackie laughed.

"What do you say to your only daughter who you're never going to see again in a minute?"

"I don't know," Rose said quietly, gazing at Grace.

"What now for you? You're married, you've got a kid. Can you still go gallivanting around the universe in the TARDIS?"

Rose smiled at her. "Yeah. The universe still needs the Doctor whether he has a wife and child or not."

"But what about you? What about when you grow old and they don't? What about when you die and they don't?"

"Mum," Rose said in a low voice, making the name a warning. "Ask any other question but that."

"Why? Because you don't want to think about it? I'm your mother, Rose; I have to ask the hard questions."

"No, that's not it."

"Then what is it? Am I too thick to understand or something?"

"It always has to be about you, doesn't it?" Rose snapped. "God, I'm burning up a sun to talk to you and all you want to do is shout at me and patronise me and make me feel two inches tall. You know why I don't think about it, Mum? Because I don't need to. I won't age and I won't die for billions of years or whatever because I'm Time. These seconds counting down in our final minute right now? It's me, all of it. And as much as I want to stop it, I can't. Time has to go on."

"What-I don't-how?"

"It doesn't matter; we only have a few seconds left. Mum, I'm sorry for everything, I love you, take care, promise me you will."


She was too late. She was gone.

At Bad Wolf Bay, Jackie sank to the sand, her eyes burning with tears as she held her hands to her face, mourning the loss of her daughter all over again, burdened with the loss of a granddaughter she didn't even know she had.

On the TARDIS, Rose fell to her knees, her chest heaving with sobs as the Doctor called desperately for Amy.

"What's wrong?" she yelled, skidding to a halt when she saw Rose. "Oh my God, is she ok?"

"Take Grace," he said urgently, passing her over as gently as he could in his haste. "She should just sleep; her room's down there, first on the right."

Amy nodded, hurrying out of the console room as the Doctor knelt in front of Rose, pulling her to his chest, her face buried in his neck as she clutched onto his jacket, anchoring herself to him.

They sat there for what felt like hours but were merely minutes. Rose's sobs subsided to sniffles as the Doctor stroked her hair, rubbed her back, brought her back to him with each touch.

"I'm so sorry, Rose," he whispered, lifting her slightly as he straightened his legs, placing her in his lap.

"I thought I could handle it. As soon as I saw her-"

"I thought she took the news of our marriage very well," he said brightly, resting his head on her shoulder as she played with the ends of his hair.

"Yeah, I think it was when I told her I was Time that she freaked out."

They laughed together, the Doctor's hushed, Rose's tearful.

"So what now?" she asked, pushing the Doctor down and laying beside him on the TARDIS floor, their legs tangled together.

"Well, I have Time, the Girl Who Waited, the Boy Who Waited and two half-Time Lord's in my TARDIS. I think I need a holiday. I deserve a holiday."

Rose smiled. "Where shall we go?"

"Who said you were coming?"

Rose punched his side lightly. "Fine, it can be a family holiday."

"What about…Barcelona? We never did get to go."

"Your wish is my command."

"Is it child-friendly?"

"Of course."

"Are they at war with anyone?"

"No. Don't think so anyway, if my history is correct."

"Is there a chance of actually having a relaxing holiday?"

"Probably not."

"Will we have to run?"

The Doctor turned his head to face her fully, taking her hands in his and holding them to his chest.

"Most definitely."

Rose grinned at him, moving forward to kiss him.

"Then what are we waiting for?"