Sorry that it's been taking me so long to update. I've been pretty busy, but I hope you like this next chapter. The idea that you're about to read is pretty original if you ask me. So please enjoy:)
PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: You must know at this moment that I plan on merging this fanfic with my other fanfic Bitter Salt and the Sea Foam. They are going to remain separate fanfics and tell the point of view from that character's perspective. Tell me what you think!
Lupa was something to behold. She sat casually, looking down on us, but her appearance was anything but ordinary. Her sitting place was on top of some stairs on a wide flat surface like a stage. The building had looked small from the outside but the room that we walked into was huge! On all four walls, dark scarlet drapes covered it completely. Marble pillars were on the front corners of the stage-like throne. Large torches were attached to the pillars burning a dark gray fire which gave the light in the room an eerie bright glow. And that eerie affect played a perfect role the way it hit Lupa's dark silvery coat. Her mouth was closed but I knew that it was just hiding a maw full of diamond sharp teeth. Her height was as big as a horse and her coat which emanated a godly radiance was perfectly kempt.
She reminded me a lot of one of those snow wolves that followed the goddess Artemis. Just a hundred times more powerful. Wait… how did I know that?
Aletha stopped at the entrance and bowed deeply, so I did the same. "Rise Aletha, daughter of Demeter, and come fourth." I risked myself to look up as she rose and walked over to the stage-throne and put one foot on the first stare. When Lupa's eyes fell on me, I quickly dropped my head. I faintly heard something like a humored chuckled from Lupa. "Rise Perseus, son of…" She seemed to stop herself and I wondered why. "Rise and come forward." She completed with a quick sharp voice without telling me my parentage. I did so and just as Aletha had, I stopped at the base of the stairs and put my right foot on the first step. Then Lupa spoke with her powerful resounding voice. "I would have told you your father Perseus, but you see, that would have been against the rules that are set in this camp. Aletha, would you care to explain it to him?" Aletha nodded in obedience.
"Although Lupa is able to tell your parentage, she is not allowed to tell you who it is until your parent claims you. And the only way for your father to claim you is once you complete the CTC, or the Coliseum Testing Challenge. You didn't see it on our way here, but there is a complete replica of the Coliseum. Unlike the Coliseum ruins you see in Rome, Italy, this replica is literally a double of it in its glory days. The glory days when Rome was still the ruler of the known world. In order to be accepted at this camp and to have your parent claim you, you must complete the CTC with all its levels of trials. If you fight your way through and win, our praetor Reyna will decide if you should enter the camp as a member or be eliminated with a thumbs up or down. Lupa will be present to watch as a consultant to Reyna.
"If you win the CTC, you will be put in your cabin and shown your rank." Once she had finished explaining, I thought through of the different challenges a gladiator in Roman times had to encounter just to live. I must have watched a documentary on it because I remembered them coming up against huge wild cats like lions, tigers, and even leopards and many more deadly animals. Gladiators fighting against each other or a Roman opponent. And of course the rare instance that a gladiator would fall in the hands of a trap.
"Also, once you enter the coliseum arena, you will lose that protection from the River Styx. Any over the top advantages like that are stripped away from any gladiator fighting. Think of it this way; it's like you're cheating if you have the Curse of Achilles Heal."
I had images of myself fighting a huge lion and then tripping over my feet and having it jump on me, its jaws clinging to my head. Or even worse, they'd have monsters. I shook away the images from my mind.
"And one more thing," said Aletha, "before the CTC begins and you walk out into the arena, you will be given a certain set of instructions. You must follow them, do you understand?" I nodded and looked up to Lupa as if she could escape me from this almost certain death. She seemed to smile amusedly, but I couldn't be sure.
"Do not be afraid Perseus," said Lupa, "if Juno says you are as skilled and powerful as you are, then I doubt you will be defeated… you may leave." Aletha bowed her head quickly, so I did the same and we walked out of the room.
It was silent between us as we walked out from behind the curtains until I heard shouting from outside. "Leona!" I heard a guy call and then I saw a girl enter the waiting room with the guy following her. They looked exactly the same. They both had perfectly styled golden blond hair, the girl with a long side braid that went down below her chest with cherry blossoms attached to it as if they grew from her hair. And the guy had shorter hair in the back and longer in the front. Stunning purple eyes, perfect complexions and tall athletic bodies.
"Leave me alone Dakota!" Said the girl furiously.
"Leona, Lupa will be infuriated with you just storming in there like that!"
"I said, leave. Me. Alone!" The girl named Leona, angrily walked past us and into the room where Lupa was. I could here Lupa say, "Rise daughter of Venus and come fourth… but not with that temper of yours."
"Forgive me Lupa." She quickly said, her voice toned down.
"What is it Leona?" Lupa's voice sounded impatient, as if she had dealt with this daughter of Aphrodite… I mean Venus, one to many times.
"That girl Jade, has gone to far this time!" "What has she done? And please lower your voice." Now Lupa sounded angry.
"She's stolen my boyfriend." Her voice definitely had been lower but their was so much venom in it, it almost made you cower at the sound of it.
"And what do you expect me to do about this?" Now Lupa's voice almost sounded humored.
"I want you to give me permission to cut her head off." After Fiona had said this, there was a low growl that filled the building. It made my heart pick up speed and my face pale.
"Fiona! I'm tired of your impudence toward me. As if I'd lower myself that low to letting one of my warriors kill another just over puppy love. Leave now before I do something I'll regret later." There was a small pause. "NOW!" And with a ferocious growl, I saw Fiona run past us in a blur. Then it was silent again.
I looked over at the guy named Dakota who's face was almost about to burst out in laughter. I looked at Aletha who's face said the same and with that they both walked outside with me trailing behind them. As soon as we got outside, I had expected them to roll over in laughter but they stayed silent. They walked to the middle of the courtyard and began to talk.
"Sorry you had to see that from my sister." Said Dakota first.
"Sorry she is your sister." Aletha replied. They both let out hushed laughter. Dakota changed the subject by reaching out for my hand.
"Dakota, twin brother to the crazy Venus cabin leader Leona. And you must be Perseus, the one that everyone's been talking about. Sorry, things go around this camp fast especially with your epic swordsmanship." He gave me a kind smile, a set of perfect white teeth. I suspected he could use that smile on girls as his smolder.
"Yeah, but you can just call me Percy."
"Percy," said Aletha, addressing Dakota, "is going to be needing your assistance with the CTC. You're the one that's the informer for all Gladiators entering the Coliseum. Why don't you run him down on the rules and get him a new set of clothes and armor, while I call attention to everyone at the camp to start filling the seats within an hour."
So I have the next chapter finished, but I'm making some changes. Should be updated pretty soon just as I'm finished updating Bitter Salt and the Sea Foam so the two fanfics can collide. Please read it if you haven't already. It's just one chapter so far, but you'll see how the character will be able to easily react with this fanfic. Again, they'll remain two separate fanfics, just with the characters telling their point of view.