So this story just really came to me whilst I was reading a Vampirates book, I don't think anyone's done one like this for Gauken Alice yet but let me know if they have and I'll make sure that my version is nothing like theirs =)

This is based LOOSLEY on the 'Vampirates' books by Justin Somper, all material I have used relating to the Vampirates is entirely his property, similarly I do not own any of the Gauken Alice characters.

I'll tell you a tale of Vampirates,

A tale as old as true.

Yea, I'll sing you a song of an ancient ship,

that sails the ocean blue...

That haunts the ocean blue.

the Vampirate ship has tattered sails,

that flap like wings in flight.

They say that the Captain, he wears a veil,

so as to curtail your fright.

At his death pale skin,

and his lifeless eyes,

and his teeth sharp as night.

Oh, they say that the Captain, he wears a veil,

and his eyes never see the light.

you better be good child- good as gold.

As good as good can be.

Else I'll turn you in to the vampirates,

and wave you out to sea.

Yes, you'd better be good child- good as gold,

because look, can you see?

There's a dark ship in the harbor tonight.

And there's room in the hold for thee.

(Plenty of room for thee.)

Well if pirates are bad.

And vampires are worse.

Then I pray, that as long as I be,

that though I sing of Vampirates,

I never one shall I see.

Yea, if Pirates are danger,

and Vampirates are death,

I'll extend my prayer for thee-

that thine eyes never see a Vampirate...

...and they never lay a hand on thee.

'Ji-chan . . . . . ' I sighed suppressing the surfacing tears as I recited the shanty and cast my gaze over the empty cliff top, the wind howled accompanying my grief as I bent to pray before the newly erected wooden cross . The roses that I placed at the bottom of the cross were harshly torn away from the ground and tossed in the wind like a rag doll.

His body had never been recovered, the possibility of it ever being recovered I knew was slim. I witnessed his fall over the edge knowing that I could do nothing but watch my only relative plunge into the dark abyss known as the sea. None came to his funeral, we were simply known as 'the lighthouse keeper and his niece', if only they knew the truth. Rising to my feet I battled the wind which threatened to push me into Poseidon's embrace and stumbled to the lighthouse which I once called home.


Unlocking the old wooden door I stepped inside sheltering myself from the raging wind.

'Miss Sakura', the voice could be barely heard over the wind and I turned acknowledging my visitors and stepped away from the door frame allowing them to enter. Shutting the door with great effort, I turned to face the unwelcome duo. They didn't hesitate and proceeded straight to the point much to my relief and annoyance - the had not come to offer their condolences, but to take from me the last possession that served as a reminder of all the years I had spent in this town.

'….. the auction will begin at noon in the town hall, should you wish to attend. Although given the circumstances I hardly think that's is necessary, the state of your grandfather's financial accounts entitle you nothing….', he was pleased with himself, I could see it in his eyes. This old historical landmark could make him a small fortune, and he couldn't care less about where I ended up.

'Sorry, could you repeat that please?', I asked feigning that I had been listening to their well prepared speech, when they paused for a couple of minutes.

This time it was the older of the two to respond to my question, he smiled kindly at me and I could see that he was uncomfortable of the position he had been forced into, 'Do you have any other family that you could perhaps stay with?'

I smiled slightly, ' I have an aunt who lives a couple of ports over' a lie 'I'll be fine' another lie. Yet the duo seemed not to notice and the elder of the two appeared as if a great weight had been removed from his weary shoulders as I ushered them out of the door.

I wasted no time in gathering the small amount of belongings I possessed and storing them within a small sailing boat that was moored against one of the many perilous rocks that surrounded the lighthouse.

The sky grew darker; there was one last task I needed to accomplish before I set sail. Racing back up to the lighthouse I threw the door open and ascended the spiral staircase the wind urging me on. Reaching the top I grimaced as I realised this would be my last true home. A task that I always completed with Ji-chan, now seemed like a chore. Once cleaned and refuelled, I held a burning match to the wick which sprang to life, illuminating the dusk with a bright rotating beam of golden light.

For a split second I allowed to watch the beam sweep across the sky.

'Goodbye', I whispered before racing down the spiral staircase and out of the lighthouse.

I carefully clamber down the slippery steps carved out of the rocks to the small sailing boat moored up; releasing the ropes from the rocks I allowed the current to carry me out into the unknown.

The first warning of the brewing storm was the millpond texture of the usually choppy water, it was then that I realised my mistake and ultimately my downfall.

It didn't take long for the waves to tear me from the boat and send it to the bottom of the ocean, rain pelted my exposed head and I felt my strength waning as I watched in horror as my one chance sunk into the dark depths of the ocean. As it disappeared from my sight I felt a ghostly touch around my ankle before I was brutally yanked underwater and a stream of oxygen escaped my lips in a silent scream. Here there was a safe haven of calm, a complete parallel to the storm raging above, squinting against the darkness a flash of lightning rippled through the water and I recognised one of the guide ropes had snaked around my ankle and was dragging me down to the depths along with the remains of the boat. Struggling against my restraint I tried to break the surface of the water, to reach the oxygen that I had minutes ago taken for advantage.

A captain going down with her ship, how cliché.

The corners of my vision blurred and I felt my lungs slowly start to fill up with water. I was suffocating .

When all hope seems lost and darkness clouded my vision a hand reached out towards my body and effortlessly tore the rope dragging me to the ocean floor.

A pair of dark crimson eyes.

Then I blacked out.

let me know if the revised version is any better?

Thanks Violet =)