Hey guys, this is my first fan fic, some of the chapters are quite short so bare with me, just getting to grips with the whole thing! Any reviews would be much appreciated, i will try to publish the chapters as quickly as i can :) be nice!

Hattie Laraway.

**DISCLAIMER; i do not own Doctor Who or any of the characters associated with the program.**

Ghosts in the bone meadows,

Chapter one: Jolt, Jolt, Jolt.

'Doctor! What's happening?' Amy Pond yelled as the TARDIS jolted forwards and backwards haphazardly.

'Yeah! A little knowledge would be great about now!' Rory yelled from the other side of the console before he was knocked off his feet by another jolt.

'I don't know! I'm trying to have a look but she's not being very cooperative!' The Doctor yelled from the console, he was holding onto a red leaver with one hand, and reaching out to the monitor with the other, but every time he got close enough to see, the TARDIS would jolt again, spinning the monitor round.

'Well ask her nicely!' Amy muttered sarcastically, holding tightly onto the metal rails near the door.

Suddenly the ground beneath them stopped moving. Amy immediately jumped up, running to the console,

'Where are we then, Doctor?' she smiled, Rory slowly got up from the floor and walked over.

'I don't know. I think all the jolting broke the monitor! I can't even tell where we are, let alone when.' He jumped backwards, clapping his hands, 'Right, Rory, Amy, stay there! I mean it. Don't move, we could be facing anything out there, an army, aliens, humans, freezing cold, a planet of lava-went there once, place called Exclabay, wonderful planet, great food! Weathers a bit dull though.' He ran to the door, grabbed the handle and turned round, his face sombre. 'I mean it; don't follow me, STAY HERE! I won't be long, just going to check its safe!' and with that he opened the door, stepped out, and closed it behind him.

Amy jogged to the door, turning to Rory, 'well? Come on, stupid face! We've got an adventure to be had!'

'Amy, I really don't think this is a good idea. He said for us to wait, cant we just wait? What's wrong with waiting?'

'It's boring, come on!' she grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the door.

'Amy, he said it could be something dangerous, like an army, or a dangerous planet, or aliens who want to eat us, or-'

'Or Earth?' she laughed, skipping off to follow the doctor, who was facing away from them a few yards ahead, sonicing the air.

'Come along Ponds!' he shouted, 'What took you so long?'

They had landed on what looked like an ordinary street, in the 21st century, Earth. There were rows of houses all lined up neatly, each almost identical, but with different doors and colours. They all looked incredibly old. The cars on the street too, weren't in the best condition, a lot looked old, second hand, but they all looked used. It was completely silent. At the bottom of the road she saw a group of young people, around their mid 20s. They started to walk off, round the corner. The doctor sniffed the air, lifting his sonic higher up.

'Something doesn't seem right... it's too old.' he muttered to himself. Looking up he caught site of the group of people, his expression changed and he pelted down the road after them. Amy and Rory both gave each other confused glances before running after the doctor who had just reached the bottom of the old road, and turned the corner. They turned the corner, and stopped in shock. A little ahead they could see the doctor had stopped too. His arm dropped to his side and it hung loosely there.

Well, thought Amy, this definitely isn't the 21st century.

Back in Leadworth, Amy jolted awake.
Right next to her, Rory jolted awake.
And outside the TARDIS, down a 21st century road and round the corner, the doctor blinked.

'What the?' he muttered to himself. Turning round, to find no Amy and Rory, but of course, why would he? He hadn't come with them? They were back in Leadworth. But why did he feel like they were just with him? Something weird was going on. And The Doctor was about to get to the bottom of it.