Hi readers! This is called the fantasisical mailbox (and no, fantasisical is not actually a word.) Okay, so here's what you do. Write a letter to a character from one of the books below, and put it in a review/PM. When I update a chapter, I'll put up the replies. Please specifically write who the letter is to. Ok? Make sence? Good.

Harry Potter

Maximum Ride


Daniel X

Dragon Slippers

Hunger Games

I am Number Four

Gallagher Girls

The Mysterious Benedict Society

Series of Unfortunate Events

The Cronus Chronicles

The name of this book is secret



City of Ember

And yes, I know this idea is WAAAAY overused, but I just want to see if I can pull it off. Submit please, and the first chapter will have 5 letters (I think, as long as I don't get too overloaded).

Luv ya bunches!
