Dear Lucy,
You're being wierd. I mean, you didnt reply to the last leter I sent you and you even ignore me at Fairy Tail. So now it's your falt that Erza is forsing me to write this again and she's relly super pissed cuz youre upset and stuff, and I mean RELLY pissed. She beet me up and tide me to this chair and forsd me to rite you a e-mail cuz u didnt reply to the last two leters Erza made me send you. Ow- I mean, the last two leters I sent you. Damn it, Erza! Gray says you didnt reply cuz they were relly short but I culdnt sit and rite sometheen for very long cuz it got boring and Erza was gone.
So I gess it kind of makes sense that if you wont reply to leters, I should rite you a email, since Erza said that lots of people use them, but what are these red squiglees doing under everytheen I tipe?
Also, its' really hard useen a keybored. If I hit the wrong key and cant find the back button and get mad at the compyuter and just keep typeen it lo0kz a laeioot liadfke thisseat. Then Erza gets mad cuz she can't read it and then I get hurt so that's bad.
She's yelleen at me again to get to the point, so fine! I just wanted to say that I don't know what I did rong! I mean, I went to your place cuz you sed for me to, and you were all dressed up and stuff and we went out, but I was just acting like myself and yoo got mad! Even worse, you told me that a tryst and a date were the same theen but I still dont know what a tryst is so I think you're wrong cuz the word 'tryst' is too different from the word 'date' to be relaited. OW- Erza said that dosnt make sense. I think it makes plenty of sense.
Wait, owowowowowaw3rw3rwi3 vjat4tg4 adf' ERZA STOP. Okay, okay!1!
Lucy, I'm sorry for whatever I did during our date/tryst/thing. You shuld tell me why I'm sorry, becuz I don't know. Does it hav anytheen to do with the place we went? Cuz I thot that their fire food was pretty bad and if you didn't' like it too, you shuld have just told me. I would have beeten up the guys there for you, if you wanted.
Becuz, um, well, Erza says that the wierd feeleen I get around you is actualee not a 'crush' but becuz I like you as in like like, as in I wuld marry you and stuff, wich is kinda funny because I don't see what crushing someone to a pulp has to do with like-liking people, but wutever.
Erza is relly exsited now, saying stuff like 'woAh! a Confeshon!' and stuff. What's a confesshun? Lucy, this is really frusterating. You're the only one I can depend on to tell me what stuff meens and I miss hanging around at your apartment and stuff. Can you just tell me why you're mad? Becuz for some reason I don't like it when you're mad at me- Erza says it's cuz I like you, and if Erza says so, then I guess I do (I mean, if I don't, then she'll hit me again), although Igneel told me a long time ago that I should get marrieed and then give him grandchildren. How the hell do I give him grandchildren? Actually, how are they made, anyway?
Erza just said Igneel's a pervert.
Erza lies. She lies like a cheap rug. Ahaha! Get it? Wait, ow, Erza, no! Ow!
So, uh, please use that weird button... the one with the 'R' and the 'E' and, uh, I don't know what that says, but I think it looks like 'reply', except they speld it wrong and added a extra 'V' and 'W'. But I gess theyre the same thing because I don't know how a compyooter works but it dusn't matter. Becuz the wierd feeling that makes my stomack feel weird and floppy is gone when you're gone but for some reeson I kind of miss it. Isn't that wierd?
Uh, if we have to get marrieed, we have to give Igneel grandchildren cuz Igneel said so.
My name:
P.S. I'll give you back the rest of your lacy undeez if you reply.
A/N: Unbeta'd, but that's okay because Natsu's writing skills are bound to make anyone's eyes bleed either way. Anyways, this is the last chapter. That being said, there is a not-so-subtle nudge as to who must reply to Natsu, so let's not leave him hanging, folks!
Edit: Maybe it's a little confusing, so I'll say it like this: Natsu is asking you, the reader, to reply as Lucy, which is why the last chapter is open-ended. Of course, you don't have to, but it's more fun that way, no?