
Birdwing yowled in agony as she kitted. Shadowedkit had became Shadowedpaw and since Dapplesong was sick he was the one delivering her kits.

As the pain ended she glanced down at her kits, a small gray she-cat, a red she-cat, a black tom, a white she-cat and a white tom. Dropkit, Crimsonkit, Midnightkit, Cloudkit and Stormykit. They are my future. I wish that their grandfather could see them now, Streamclaw why did he have to be a killer?

Really really really short, I know but I just wanted to introduce the next story, which will be up in two-three days. Thanks all you reviewers!

Moonblaze13, Newlife of Thunderclan, MBL, Sunmist, TwistedAnimal, tufted titmouse, Four-leaved Clover's Wish, LaoevanSVU, Clawfire of Windclan, FangandIggyRuke, R.L Sisters, Liza Taylor, Queen of the Pens, Mewo no I think its meow, Ashbreeze, oXoXLeafheartXoXo, Iceshadow911247, violentyetpretty, Amberfern-Honeyspots-Icey, , Sketch5634, Lightning of the West and NancyDrewSmarticus.

I wouldn't have finished this with out you guys! Love you all!