Hey Guys! I'm am back and ready to write and finish this story. School had taken away all my free time and the homework drove to insane, but I will try to update faster. Please R&R!

Bridget's POV

When we reached the elevator Matt stopped in front of the door and I could fell the shiver run down his body. I knew he was afraid to get back on there, well hey! I was scared out of my wits. I had almost died in there, I start to remember how that bed had felt; the warmth spreading throughout my body. I'm snapped out of my dream by the ding of the elevator. Matt looks down at me, "You ready?"

"Well this is the only way down."

Matt chuckles and walks onto the elevator. He presses the bottom button and I close my eyes then press my head into Matthew's chest, before I knew it we were on the ground in the lobby of the Empire State building. He sets me down on the ground and wraps his arm around my shoulders and we slowly walk/limp towards the doors. As Matt opens the door the sunlight blinds me, I have to cover my eyes to be able to see. I see the car that says summer camp that is just siting there. I point out the car to Matt and we walk over to the car.

"Is this the car to take us to Camp Half-blood?"

The man looks at Matt, and I notice he has eyes all over his face. The creature nods and we hop into the back seats. "So what are you?"

He looks through the rearview mirror at me and responds, "I am just a helper of the Camp, I mostly drive the kids to the places they are told they need to be."

I look over at Matt, "Are you ready to meet your parents, Bridget?"

I sign loudly and take a deep breath, "Yeah I am, the thing that is scaring me the most is what if they don't like me anymore?"

Matt roughly turns my head toward me, "How in the world can you say that! Bridget your parents have been looking for you since you were taken. Their life hasn't went on cause their daughter was taken and they had no one but each other. You might think that they are going to be disappointed in you but they will just be glad to have their daughter back with them again, because you'll will be a family again!"

Matt's face was red and for a moment I was afraid that he would hurt me, but I got out of that moment real fast. This is Matthew that has saved my life a million times, he never once left my side. He was just trying to explain that my parents are ready to reunite the family again.

"Matthew i'm sorry I wasn't trying to hurt, I was just scared. I know that hearing about what your life could have been was hard, and I will be here for you."

He shakes his head, "No i'm glad that my life went this way cause if it hadn't I would have never met you and we wouldn't have met the Gods."

"Yeah and I would of most likely still be at that camp, being tortured or I could have been dead."

Matt just kisses my cheek and tightens his hold on my waist. Even though were related it is very distant and you can't see any resemblance in us. So if we have a thing I will not stop it, because I wouldn't ever be able to have a real relationship with anyone else.

Annabeth's POV

We are almost there! I just want to see my daughter she has probably grown so much. I wonder if she has the smarts like me. I turn to Percy and he slightly looks at me, "Annie calm down we have an hour left ok. I am already speeding 10 over the speed limit."

"Wow, Mr. Hero over here going crazy again," I giggle a little," and I told you to stop calling me Annie."

My attempt to sound serious didn't work with the giggles still coming out of my mouth. I lean back in my seat and watch the trees run by in a blur. Whenever I really focused on a tree I could see its full truck and green leaves. Then I would go back to just staring at the blur. My family was about to be complete again and the me that can't ever be smart and have a life, will go away. Percy I know is happy to see me happy and normal again. The way I was acting scared him and he felt that there was never a solution unless we found our daughter, so his mission was the same as mine. Finally our mission will come to an end and we will get to go back to our regular agenda.

Please review ! You guys are the people that make me smile when I see that people are following me or reviewing!