A/N: So this is my first story! Please review what you think! There should be more chapters on the way.

Chapter 1

Bridget's POV

"Hey! Bozo!"

The man that was standing in front of my cage has a hotdog in one hand dripping grease on himself and a water bottle in the other hand, pointed to himself.

"Yes I'm talking to you who else? Wait maybe its Santa Clause."

Its always fun messing with these idoits they are so stupid.

"What do you want little freak. Do you want your mommy and daddy?"

Anger erupts inside me and I start banging on the cage door.

"What I want is to GET OUT OF HERE!"

"Well guess what bitch," he looks at me with a huge grin on his face, "Your not going anywhere for a very long time, your stuck with me and I can do whatever I want to you."

A huge smile appears on his face, thinking of something wrong, as he sets the water bottle down. Mmm with no lid, I roll my eyes, they never learn.

"Well you know what I think is that you need a bath."

A look of complete confusion crosses the mans face as he trys to comprehend what I said. I ignore him and focus all my energy on the water bottle. Right as he finally understands he grabs the water bottle and I get the water to blow out, so he gets a faceful of ice cold water. He runs up to me, reaches in my cage and slaps me across the face. I scream in pain, and I lunge for his arm and catch it with my mouth and bite down hard until I tasted blood. The man screams and yanks his hand out of the cage.

"You freak!Look what you did," he points his bloody arm at me, "Your going pay for this!"

"Sure whatever you say bozo," I spread one of my creepy, annoying smiles across my face.

Bozo kicks my cage in anger causing my cage to roll over, and then storms out the room cursing things that are not wonderful. Him leaving gives me time to think, which is never a good thing, so instead I comb my fingers through my curly blond hair. That becomes painful cause my hairs past fixing. I reach my hand into my pants pocket and pull out the picture I have looked at. There are three people an man with sea green eyes and dark straight hair, and a lady with wavy blond and gray eyes that just stick out they both look to be in there 20s, but in the middle of both of them is a little girl with curly blond hair as the lady, and sea green eyes like the man, a huge smile plastered on her face, there only one person that could be…..me. The other people must be my parents, I always think I remember them, but then that could just be me thinking up memories. I flip the picture over and read the names.

Percy, Annabeth, Bridget Jackson

I have looked at these names a thousand times. Even though its hard for me to take in, but I'm the little girl Bridget, but this family looks so happy. Whatever happened? Why can't I remember? I hold the picture to my heart and breath evenly, this is the only thing i have to remember….something.