Three little word

"Evans! Is that the best you can do?" Potter screamed, as he jumped behind a desk to avoid the attack.

"Well, Potter I am just warming up", Lily replied behind the front desk. "What do you think of getting bald; I bet the ladies would like that". Lily conjured a dozen fireballs and directed them with high speed towards Potter's black messy hair.

"I think I look more dashing with lilies, don't you think?" He twisted his wand and the flying fireballs turned into lilies. "You know Lily-Flower, we can do this all day, whatever charm or hex, and even curses you throw at me, I will easily obstruct it".

"Getting cocky are we, Potter?" Lily snapped.

"No, just bragging about my confidence" Potter replied with a grin.

"Well", Lily said with anger, "your confidence is making you suicidal!"

Outside the classroom

"Mooney?" Sirius asked. "What do you hear?" Mooney's ear was pressed against the classroom door. "I hear curses, crashing and explosions" he replied. Sirius turned around to face him.

"What exactly did Prongs do to Evans?"

"It's not what he did." Mooney replied. "It's what he said."

"And what did he exactly say to Evans?" Mooney avoided Sirius eyes. "He said... I love you." Sirius stood in shock for a moment before he exploded. "He did what? He can't just say that to Evans. Oh, this is the end of the world." Mooney looked now on Sirius with confusion. "What?"

"Prongs can't just blurt that out, Evans have to admit to herself first that she is falling for him!" This time it was Mooney who was in shock. "Oh, come on Mooney, I've got the looks, but I have also got the brains." These two aren't compatible with each other yet." Sirius stopped.

"It is up to Evans to accept what she feels, oh, Merlin, this is the end of the world."

Inside the classroom

"Lily-Flower, enlighten me, what do you mean with suicidal?" Potter said with his arms now lowered as he walks closer to her.

"You, you confident brat, you can't just say you love me!" Lily's emerald green eyes sparkled with anger; her fiery red hair was dancing around her. They were dangerously close now and James brain was in turmoil! Should he really pursue this moment, or would his action set off a new argument that maybe or maybe not, lead into another exploding fight?

He and Lily were transfixed on each other's eyes, the reality was lost to them and their senses were thrown out the window. Lily's lips were inches away from his, and the thought of tasting Lily's soft lips were tantalizing and every fiber in his body screamed at him to do it. James made up his mind and softly pressed his lips against Lily's.

Outside the classroom

"Mooney?" Sirius asked again, "What do you hear?"

"I hear nothing" Mooney replied. Sirius went to the door and opened it. Inside the classroom, they saw James and Lily kiss each other.

"Oh, I guess it's not the end of the world after all" and slammed the door shut.

The End

Note: please read and review my story and tell me what you think:)