Chapter 10
I couldn't deny this anymore. I missed her. I missed being Katharine's friends. Even though she ditched me for Lexi and broke Damon's heart, I missed her. She was my sister and then with the flick of the wrist she was gone. And I just had to pack my crap and leave. I missed her more than anything. I wouldn't admit it to anyone though.
The days go by and I haven't heard from Damon. I'd seen him at school with a smile on his face and I knew he was fine. He never once saw me though. Days would turn to weeks and weeks to months. We just didn't speak.
I missed him too though. It was already December and we hadn't spoken since August. Until the week before winter vacation. I was walking down the hall with Bonnie laughing and having an amazing time and he ran into me.
"Elena I think we need to talk. Now."
"Umm… Okay? Bye Bonnie I'll text you later." Damon and I walked outside. It was insanely cold for a December morning. "Damon what happened?"
"Elena why have you been avoiding me these past few months? I've needed you more than anything and you were nowhere to be seen. I've heard from people that you moved and whenever I'd go to your house you were never there. What happened?"
"Damon I'm so sorry. I haven't been home because I've had family things to deal with. (AN: the family problems from chapter 7) and whenever I did see you, you were happy. I didn't want to ruin your happiness. Especially after everything you've gone through just couldn't live with myself if I ruined that for you. I'm sorry Damon."
I started to walk away and I was stopped. I wanted to walk away so badly but someone was holding me against the wall. I knew what Damon wanted but I was too afraid to say anything or do anything. Every day that goes by I think of his kiss. I tried to do things to get over it but I couldn't. It was impossible. The taste of his lips still lingered on mine. His warm hands, holding me. It was all too amazing. I didn't deserve him. He was Damon and I was Elena. Those two things would never come together. As much I wanted it to after all these months he had a smile on his face. He was happy without me. If he could live without me then I could learn to live without him. That's just how it would have to be from now on.
God Elena was beautiful. I've missed her more than anything. I swear when I finally saw her again I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It's been so long since I've seen her face and I wouldn't have cared if I had died because she was here in my heaven. She looked so helpless, so lost. I just wanted to see her smile again. To hold her in my arms, to kiss those sweet lips, to feel everything I could feel with her. I couldn't live without her. I know I'm young, but I don't care. I know love is real. I know it's real because I am feeling it with Elena. I know she loves me. She just won't admit it. You can't just ignore the kind of feelings we shared with each other. It's impossible to sit there and think that what we had was nothing. And even of the slim chance that she doesn't love me, I will make her love me. Elena Gilbert is the love of my life and I won't let anyone get in the way of that.
As I was holding Elena against the wall I didn't care about the looks people were giving us. I needed to prove to her and to everyone else that we are meant to be together. So I looked into her eyes and saw the love there. She nodded her head yes and I knew what I had to do. I slowly leaned down and gently placed my lips on hers. I felt the electricity throughout me, from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes. It was like fireworks. I knew she felt it too when she got on her toes to deepen our kiss. I know that sounds like lust but it wasn't. It was pure love. And now I knew I was right Elena Gilbert loves me. And I know we will spend eternity together. And to all think that I wanted her best friend.
A/N: I'm SO sorry I haven't written in forever! I've just been busy and I had insane writers block but hopefully it's gone and I can get back to writing more stuff for you guys. I know the story sounds like its over but I promise it's not. Reviews are welcomed (: thanks for reading!