Okay well this story is just something that came into my mind while reading the first book in the VA series like for the tenth time, and I've thought about a good somewhat plot I'd like to unfold. This isn't all that great, but it's hopefully a one shot depends on the reviews… so here it goes.
And by the way this takes place when Dimitri Finds Rose and Jesse in a compromising position. Except things change a bit.
All the credit goes to Richelle Mead the real author and original owner of the VA series I's just barrowing them.
And yes I am taking a couple sentences out of the book just because the dialog wouldn't be the same without them.
Chapter One
After the seed against Mia was planted inside Jesse's head. I took it to myself to remind me where he was at before I had starting getting off topic. Sitting up closer to him so that he could continue running his hand up and down my leg, but with a much better access. That was all the invitation he needed to take it to himself to start running his hand all the way up to my thigh.
I couldn't help, but feel wanted by his dark blue gaze. His eyes seemed to be glazed with desire. Reminding me of the Oceans Sea. He leaned in pressing his lips against mine, and for a moment I felt reckless again. So I wasn't surprised when I began to kiss him back even harder. Not having gotten into trouble in a while seemed to be taking its toll on me.
So when Jesse proceeded to run his hands below my shirt, I didn't stop him. Neither did I when he took his shirt off, throwing it to the corner of the room along with his shoes. He was so anxious he started pulling my own shirt over my head, to be able to feel more skin to skin contact. He pulled back to admire my body.
"You're so beautiful," he said, while he began kissing me again. We stayed like that for a while just making out. His hands rooming my upper torso. Squeezing my breast, and kissing my neck roughly. That turned me on. He groaned.
"What's wrong?" I asked Out of breath. The heat radiating throughout my body making me feel so alive.
"Well-" He dragged the word out, " You were kind of umm… pushing your hips against me" I looked down to see our intertwined body's indeed so I hadn't been the only one likening what we were doing.
"So…" I said. My intentions weren't at all to have sex. I wasn't what everyone believed I was. But I sure as hell wasn't going to let Jesse go unsatisfied. So thrusting my hips up toward his, and felling the reaction coming back from him being positive. I couldn't help but aloe him to take my bra off. It wasn't completely off. We kept grinding while I was about to throw my bra off-
And that was when the door flew open. And in came a very pissed off Russian, Dimitri.
At that moment before shock could take its place across my face. I sprang up. Thanking the lord I hadn't been able to take my bra off completely, so my boobs weren't exposed. In truth no one had seen me without a bra. Jesse would have been the first to see and maybe even possibly touch them. But I wasn't nearly ready to lose my virginity.
Hooking up my bra I record time. I then took in my surroundings.
Pissed of Dimitri.
Clothes in corner.
Jesse fumbling to put his shirt on.
And last but not least…
Dimitri holding Jesse by his shirt.
WAIT! Just a minute ago Jesse- NO wonder Mason called him a god. With lightning speed he crossed the distance of the room towards Jesse picking him up by the shirt. Taking him nearly off the ground.
"What's your name?" Dimitri barked.
"Jes-Jesse Z-Zeklos, sir." Answered Jesse face ashen.
"Mr. Zeklos do you have permission to be in this part of the dorm? The girls Dhamphir dorm in particular?"
"No, sir." I was shocked that Jesse hadn't stuttered this time.
"Do you know the rules about male and female interactions around here?"
"Yes, sir."
But seeing the god act out didn't shock me as much as to what he said next.
"Then I suggest you get out of here as fast as you can before I turn you over to someone who will punish you accordingly. If I ever happen to see you like this again"- Said Dimitri while pointing to where I was standing, half-dressed by the couch-"I will be the one to punish you. And It Will Hurt. A lot. Do you understand?"
Jesse still being held by the shirt looked Dimitri straight in the eye. Swallowing hard. His eyes no longer holding the desire they had shown earlier, now showed pure and shameful fear. Not seeming like the careless, rich Moroi, who never seemed to care a bit about what the consequences were. This was the total and complete opposite. I couldn't totally blame him. Looking at tall dark and very pissed off Russian god I was too. So Jesse's next words didn't surprise me. "Yes, Sir!"
"Then, GO!" Dimitri all, but shouted. Not needing to his voice giving it more of the effect that was needed. Just like that he Dropped Jesse who didn't even bother putting his shoes on before he was out of the door almost as fast as Dimitri had entered the room witho8ut looking back.
I watched until I couldn't see Jesses figure anymore. Maybe it was me, but I was afraid of looking into th4 eyes of my pissed off Russian Mentor. But with a lot of effort I met his gaze. I guess now it was my turn for a lecture. Only he couldn't grab me by the shirt bot that he wouldn't it was just that I wasn't wearing one.
So should I continue or what.? Tell me what you guys think plzzzzz
Oo Jen oO