Hello and welcome to my most ambitious fanfic ever. I'm going to cut the bullshit and give it to you as it is. This will be long. I may not even finish it. This is a huge project that has been in my mind for years and I'm finally getting it out of my head.

The major pairings are going to be Taiora, and Mimato. There will be a Davis x Kari x T.K. triangle and Kenyako. Everything else will be done as the story goes and reader reaction. This is going to feature characters from the first four seasons of Digimon in various roles. They may be villains.

Despite that, the focus will be on the cast from the first 2 seasons primarily. Also, this going to be a very Tai-centric story. Although, it will be quite a while before we actually meet him. Oops spoiler Hahaha.

As I mentioned earlier, this is not my normal kind of story. As a result, updates will be irregular. Maybe a few weeks. Or maybe a few months. Maybe even a few years. On the flip side it is also possible that I update more than once a day with this.

Get ready for a rollercoaster lol. By the way, I'm going to do everything I can to keep characters IC and also this story is going to stress the relationships between people. That doesn't mean they have to be romantic. It could be friendships, or sibling relations.

This is going to be rated M for a good reason. This isn't for the weak of heart. There will be heavy swearing. Multiple direct references to drugs and alcohol. Possible lemon, depending on how the story unfolds. You have been warned.

And with that, I am ending the longest Author's note ever.

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.


Davis' POV

I woke to the sound of my D-3 beeping. Someone was trying to contact me.

Groggily, I picked it up and pressed a button.

"What the fuck do you want, Izzy?" I managed to croak out.

"Good morning to you too Davis." He replied.

"Cut the crap." I answer pissed that he woke me up.

"All right, all right. Calm down. I just wanted to let you know Matt wants you at HQ ASAP."

"Of course he does." I reply even more pissed. "Tell him, I'll be there in a bit."

"All right. Watch yourself on the way here. There's been some rebel movement today." He warned.

"Fuck that shit." I say back only to see that he had cut himself off.

What a start to the day. What time was it? I looked at the clock next to my bed only to realize it was broken.

Oh yeah, I had broken it when the alarm went off the last time I was in my room.

That was a while back. Probably two, three weeks ago. I couldn't remember exactly. Not that it mattered. Remembering stupid events was absolutely useless during war. Goddamn war.

6 years ago if you had told me that the world would be in the middle of war fought with Digimon I would have laughed my ass off.

Of course that was right after we had beat MaloMyotismon. Everyone in the world age 25 and under had received a Digimon partner.

Naturally, at some point someone realized how powerful Digimon could be. That's when Digimon were used to push people's own personal agendas. Soon, all semblances of national governments broke down and the world began to be run by various organizations and factions. Each with their own set of agendas.

The thought of people using Digimon like that absolutely disgusted me. I rolled over to look at my partner. Sleeping peacefully next to me was DemiVeemon.

He was in his in-training form because of the mission we had completed yesterday. That mission was hellish so, it was only natural that he'd be in his in-training form.

His form was proof that he was exhausted from yesterday. The least I could do was let him sleep while I got ready. I rolled off the bed still clutching my D-3.

I left my room and went to the part of my apartment I called the kitchen. There was a fridge, microwave, and stove. Too bad the microwave and fridge only worked half the time with the electricity being out constantly.

I sighed. I couldn't really complain. Compared to the rest of Odaiba I was living in relative luxury. To have electricity at all no matter how fleeting was a treat.

I lit a match and got the stove going. I put a pot of coffee on top. I really hoped it would heat quickly. I was convinced it couldn't be past 6:00 yet. I clicked a button on my D-3 until I got to the clock app. It read 4:15.

Lovely. Absolutely fucking lovely. I was forced to wake up at 4:00 just to go and meet Matt.

Not only was I exhausted from yesterday but also I was then woken up at an ungodly hour in order to meet a person who I really fucking didn't want to meet.

Life was just fantastic. I peered out of the kitchen. The windows were boarded up. I really missed being able to look outside my apartment. Too bad it wasn't safe.

People could then spy, and break in much more easily. Of course I could live at HQ like some of the others. But that certain thought didn't quite appeal to me.

I was a loner these days. I took mostly solo missions with DemiVeemon. That wasn't always the case. Before I would always be on joint missions with Ken. But then, Matt sent Ken and Yolei away.

I made a small smirk remembering the fight I had with Matt, when I found out about that. Actually, this would be the first time since then that I'd be coming face to face with him.

Just another reason why this day was shittier than the rest. That was really saving something.

I turned and noticed that my coffee was hot. I quickly turned the stove off and poured myself a cup.

It wasn't until after I took a sip that I realized how cold I had been. The heat from the coffee felt so good as it went down my throat.

Suddenly my D-3 began to beep. It was Izzy.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Nothing, Matt just wanted me to make sure you woke up." Izzy said casually.

"Why don't you tell Matt to shove a-" I stop as I realize he had hung up again.

Izzy had come up with a way for the Digidestined to call each other using their Digivices a few years back. While a very useful feature, I wanted to absolutely murder him for it right now.

I went to the bathroom as soon as I finished my coffee. I took a longing look at the shower. But I knew that I couldn't.

First off, Matt would kill me if I was late. Second, who knew what could happen while I was in there? Third, the sound of water running for more than a few seconds at a time could attract the wrong type of attention.

The last two reasons were probably why I hadn't showered since the last time I was at HQ. Even there, it wasn't exactly safe but it was safer than here.

I quickly turned the faucet on and splashed some water on my face. I used some soap to quickly wash my hands and then I sprayed myself with some spray deodorant.

At least now I looked halfway presentable. I still had light scruff on my face from not shaving for a few days and not to mention the bags from all the overwork. But hey, at this point who didn't have bags?

I quickly went to my room and grabbed a relatively clean looking set of clothes. I sprayed them with deodorant too before I put them on. Then I grabbed my D-Terminal and goggles from the nightstand.

Instead of putting my goggles on my head like I used to, I pulled them all the way down so that they were around my neck. Pocketing my D-3 and D-Terminal, I took one last look at myself in the mirror I had in my room.

I was wearing a long sleeved collarless black shirt along with some beige cargo shorts. I added a gray zip-up hoodie and then picked up DemiVeemon. I cradled him in my arms.

The poor guy needed as much sleep as he could get. Even if it was only an additional 2 or 3 minutes.

I left my apartment grabbing my supply sack. It was kind of tricky to put it on without waking DemiVeemon but I managed it somehow. As I left, I made sure I turned on the security system and I locked both locks on the door.

I walked down the dimly lit hallway towards the elevator. Some gas lamps lighted the hallway. I walked straight past the elevator to the stairway. There was no point in chancing the elevator. If there was power, it could go at any moment.

After reaching the bottom, I stepped out into the cool night air. That was when a raindrop hit my head.

Awesome! It was now raining. I quickly put my hood up with one hand while clutching DemiVeemon with the other.

After a few raindrops hit him in the face, he began to stir.

"Davis?" He whispered.

"Hey bud, you awake?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm up. Where are we headed?"" He asks slowly taking in the surroundings.

"To HQ." I whispered.

I took a quick look back to make sure we weren't being followed. There weren't many people on the streets. The ones we did pass were just the homeless beggars displaced by the war. DemiVeemon broke me out of my observations:

"Hey, I'm kind of cold. Can I come in?" He asks looking at my hoodie.

"Yeah of course." I reply.

He quickly made his way up my chest and onto the top of my head. Comfortably perched in between my head and hood, he proceeded to ask some questions.

"Is it another mission?"

"Not sure. Izzy didn't give me any details."

"Oh. Are we going to see Matt?"

"Yeah. We have a meeting with him." As I replied, I thought I saw something move in front of us.

"Oh boy. Try not to punch him this time."

"Hey shut up for a second." I say to him seriously.

Luckily he knew that it wasn't personal and that I was just worried about something ahead of us.

Suddenly, something glowing came flying towards us. I quickly rolled to the side and pulled out my D-3.

"Sick'em Andromon!" I hear someone shout.

"Lightning Blade!"

Too bad for them, I was one step ahead of them.

DemiVeemon had already digivolved to Veemon after the initial attack. And we both broke into a run towards Andromon.

"Veemon armor digivolve to Raidramon!"

"Thunder Blast!"

Raidramon's attack hit Andromon square in the chest. By the time he had recovered, I had already jumped onto Raidramon and he galloped past Andromon and his partner.

His partner wasn't wearing anything that distinguished him to a faction. That meant he was most likely a rebel.

"Nice shot!" I complimented Raidramon.


"Hey, let's get to HQ as fast as we can."

"Already on it." Raidramon replied noticeably picking up the pace.

Luckily, we didn't run into any more trouble on the way there. We soon reached the old TV station Matt's dad used to work at. It had been converted to our HQ.

Mr. Ishida had realized that we needed a base and offered it right away to the Digidestined. The block around the station was barricaded by our allied forces. I reached the checkpoint and merely flashed my D-3 to them. Izzy had also upgraded our Digivices to act as keys.

I walked past the receptionist into the elevator. Luckily, there was always electricity here. After a minute, I reached the observatory. As I walked out I saw Izzy and Joe talking.

"Hey guys." I say putting up a hand.

"Davis, you're late. Matt's been waiting." Izzy scolded me.

"Whatever." I reply walking past them into Matt's office.

Well, what'd you think? A review would be awesome! Also, hit up the poll on my profile. Pleeeaase? If you have any questions put them in a review please? Later!