
Charlotte POV

"I held true to my threats and promises. Emma has a sadistic streak to her. She can't work cerebro like I can. I am the more talented telepath. Made an astral visit to every world leader on the planet making them know what will be dealt if they don't accept. We are more powerful then any of their bombs.

Initially there were some hate crimes. We dealt with them. Then we showed our true power in a demonstration in DC, London, St. Petersburg, Vatican, and even special shows for those forming a militia.

Now through acceptance we can walk around. There are Xavier schools around the world. Schools for mutants. Now we are envied. And when you get older we'll teach you how to use your powers for good. For the safety of your home and family. All mutants are family." Kissing the small bundle I held in my arms. Placing her in the crib. Moving to the other beds in the room. Mutants who had no place to go. People still turned away their mutant family. Yet they send them to us. Their new accepting Family. Looking down the line I walk. Giving mental good nights to all of them. A mother goose welcoming her flock. At the end of the row a girl sits on the end of another child's bed. She holds up her arms. Wrapping them around my neck. Holding my daughter in my arms. I turn back toward the bedroom of children. "Good night future." Turning the light off. To sweet dreams.

Walking down the hallway to our quarters. Inside Erik is rocking our second child in his arms. Making metal dance to entertain and get him to sleep. Moving close I lay a kiss on our son's head. Suggesting him to sleep. Erik smiles as we walked them to their bedroom next door. Saying our good nights. Wishing them well for the future we move to our bedroom. Closing our room off from theirs.

Erik standing there pulling me in tight. His kisses are just as Ravenous as all those years before. We haven't lost anything, we gained. Stepping back toward our bed, I smile.

"This house still has a few more empty beds." Tugging me slightly forward with my necklace, his gift, toward him.

"What are you suggesting, my wife?" All I can do is smile. He locks the doors.


To the futureā€¦