Created: Jun.25.11

I knew I shouldn't have watched Digimon again because I knew this would happen! I watched the third season of Digimon, Digimon Tamers, and ended up becoming addicted to it! I have wanted for awhile to do a story about Impmon, and since I also recently created my own Digimon I thought 'why not?' and decided to do a story with both of them in it.

I also want to apologize for two things: One, I cannot use spell check so sorry if the grammer in the story isn't perfect. Two I may have made the characters alittle OOC (I already know I'm gunna have problems keeping Impmon in character), so sorry this is my first Digimon fanfic after all. Oh and btw this takes place after the actual season, and all the digimon came back to earth.

-Night of Fire-

Chapter 1- Introduction

"Yay, yay, yay! Thanks for letting me come stay the night at your house Jeri!"

"Your welcome Calumon, it's fun having you around to play with."

Calumon, who was flying, landed on Jeri's shoulder, his ears shrunk to there smaller size. "I just wish that that picnic could have lasted longer, I'm still hungry..."

"I know I wish it would have lasted a bit longer to, but it's already getting late, and between you and Guilmon we would have had to get more food anyway."

"Hey come on I didn't eat that much!"

The two of them just laughed and continued on there way to Jeri's house. That is until Calumon spotted a not so unsual sight ahead of them.

"Hey Jeri, Jeri! Look over there!" He pointed his paw hastly in the direction her wanted her to look.

Jeri looked at calumon and then followed his line of sight. What she saw was a seemingly small patch of fog, but any Tamer knew what it really was. It's actualy a digital feild, meaning a Digimon was arriving from the Digital World.

"Oh Jeri, let's go see what it is!" Calumon begged excitedly.

"Uh, I don't-"

"Pleeeeaaassseee?" Calumon gave a very cute puppy dog look to Jeri and she, being kind as she was, had no choice but to give in to the small Digimon's wish.

"Alright, but promise me you'll be careful."

"Yay! Come on lets go, lets go!" Calumon took off from Jeri's soulder and started to fly toward the digital feild.

When they arrived, Jeri was quick to spot Takato and Guilmon who were probably here for the same reason they were, to see the Digimon that had come through.

"Takato! Guilmon! Did you two see the Digimon yet?" Jeri asked aproaching her friends.

"No not yet. Have you?" He asked, not noticing Guilmon was walking further into the digital feild, Calumon following him.

"No sorry I haven't seen it yet eaither." Jeri and Takato then looked around in surprise when they noticed the 'fog' was lifting.

"Huh? That's strange the fog doesn't normaly dissapear until we find the Digimon." Takato then realized Guilmon was missing.

"Hey were did Guilmon go?"

"Calumon's gone too." Takato and Jeri looked for the missing Digimon until they spotted Calumon who was looking for them also.

"There you guys are, you sure pick a strange time to run off, Guilmon found the Digimon and has it cornered come on!"

Calumon led Jeri and Takato to Guilmon who had a small squirrel-like Digimon cornered against the stone wall that surrounded the park. They took notice that it's fur is a tan color, it stomach is a orange yellow color, and it has red marks on the corners of it's eyes, and one that runs from it's forehead to the tip of it's tail. It's only about a foot and a half tall, has a long bushy tail, and small feet. (meaning no legs, like Calumon)

"Okay lets see what Digimon this is..." Takato pulled out his D-Power and it brought up information on the Digimon. "Okay, Kogatamon a rookie level Digimon that is very timid in nature, it's attacks are Ember Burst and Blaze Tail. Well it doesn't sound too dangerous."

Guilmon, who still had Kogatamon cornered, walked closer to it and gave it a sniff, the small Digimon became terrified and swiped at Guilmon with it's paw, scratching his muzzle.

"Ow! Hey that wasn't nice!" Takato then quickly grabbed onto Guilmon's arm before he tried to get close to Kogatamon again.

"Guilmon, give it a break your probably scaring it."

"But I'm not scary am I?"

"Not to us Guilmon, but your much bigger that it is and it doesn't know you so it's scared of you." Jeri explaind to the now upset Guilmon.

Guilmon looked at his tamer sadly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to Takatomon."

Takato smiled at his digimon giving him a pat on the head. "I know, it's okay boy."

"Um, guys?" Calumon asked with a worried tone, and landed on Takato's head to get his attention.

"What is it Calumon?"

"That Kogatamon is gone..."


This is just an introduction so that's why it's so short, all of the other chapters will be longer.

Tell me what you think 'cuz this story is going to be my first story that is longer than two chapters. So any opinions/ ideas people have would be greatly appreciated. Just be nice please. :)