Hey guys! :) This is my second story on this site and since I'm just a German teenager with too much free time, it won't be perfect. If you find any grammatical errors or something else that sounds strange, please tell me; I'm always glad when I can fix mistakes and learn :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, they belong to their respective owners. I'm making no profit with this, it's just for fun.

In the depths of the universe, on a small planet named Mori, a patrol of three Galaxy Soldiers made its way through the wasteland the planet was now. Once, the planet had prospered with live; a thick forest had covered the land, allowing many different animals a safe life and giving the inhabitants a livelihood. The leader of the patrol, a hot pink colored, ball shaped warrior, ruffled the feathers of his wings in sadness.

Now, all that was left after years of war were burnt tree-trunks and the bare, rocky ground. A sharp wind blew over the planet, carrying the ashes of past battles with him which made it impossible to see farther than a few meters.

The warrior held back a sigh; they had hoped to save this planet, but it looked like their struggle had been in vain. The fact that this planet was the home of his species didn't make it any better. A shadow flew across the small patrol and a screech was heard; a flying demon beast, no doubt. However, it seemed not to notice the warriors through the ash.

Its wing beats caused the ashes on the ground to whirl through the air. The warriors coughed when they inhaled it. 'This isn't our home anymore,' the hot pink warrior thought.

A sudden shriek, followed by the sound of a sword crashing on flesh was heard. The patrol stopped abruptly and tried to locate the source of the noise. Their tension was almost tactile. They were meant to protect this planet and its inhabitants after all. "This way, Galacta Knight!," called a green, ball-shaped warrior with a red mohawk and pointed with his sword to the left.

The pink warrior, Galacta Knight, nodded. Instantly, the patrol broke into a run.

The sound of battle came closer and they soon found the source in a ravine. The tree-trunks thinned out around it; it had probably been a clearing before everything had been burnt down. The warriors went closer to the edge and looked down into the gap. On its bottom, a demon beast looking like a giant crow cornered... something.

It was moving too fast to be identified at first. Finally, it stopped a few seonds and they realized what it was. This "something" turned out to be a blue, male and ball-shaped creature, obviously one of their kind.

He used a plain, slightly rusty sword to lash out for the demon; his navy blue cape waved behind him when the fighter dodged the sharp beak of the beast. Then, he took a swift blow at his opponent's belly. It shrieked with pain, unfolded its large wings and pushed itself into the air. With powerful wing beats, it disappeared into the ash-filled air. The three soldiers didn't know that it only flew from their sight before landing and sneaking back.

With the battle ended, the only sound left was the wind blowing. However, the sudden silence seemed not to bother the fighter; he simply sheathed his sword and brushed the ash from his cape. Farther up, on the edge of the ravine, stood the patrol and looked down on him with a mixture of surprise, distrust and awe.

"Maybe he is...?," asked the warrior with the mohawk and threw Galacta Knight a look.

But before his pink companion could answer, the third and last member of their patrol, a warrior with spiky blond hair that was split in the middle by his helmet, spoke up: "He is, Sir Falspar. No usual Puffball can defeat a demon beast on his own."

Puffball. That was what their species was called and despite their name suggested else, their kind had originated many powerful warriors.

Galacta Knight shook his head: "N.M.E. killed them all and you know that, Jecra. It's impossible-" He was cut off when the blue Puffball from the ravine talked; they never found out how he got from down there on a rock behind them.

"I am a what?," he asked calmly, obviously unimpressed by three powerful, experienced Galaxy Soldier Army members. He had wrapped his blue cape around himself tightly and a metallic mask covered his face, the v-shaped opening only revealing his yellow eyes.

Sir Falspar, startled, unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the stranger: "How did you do that?"

Even with a blade aimed at him, the blue Puffball didn't lose his calmness: "Did what?" His eyes glittered violet for a heartbeat, as if he was amused. Now Jecra approached the stranger and pushed Sir Falspar back while doing so.

"Nevermind. Who are you, in the first place?," he asked and threw his companions a warning glance so they wouldn't interfere. They understood; Jecra had a great talent to handle foreigners.

The stranger dipped his head slightly: "My name is Meta. May I come to know yours?" His tone was polite, almost formal, making Jecra rise a brow under his mask. In times like this, it was rare to meet sombody with manners like this. He shook his head slightly as if to clear it.

"Sure," he said, "I'm Jecra... Sir Jecra to be precise and I serve in the Galaxy Soldier Army."

Galacta Knight spoke up: "I'm Galacta Knight and this," he signaled to an angry looking Falspar, "is Sir Falspar." His tone made it obvious how superior he felt toward the blue fighter.

But either Meta didn't realize this or simply ignored it. He only nodded: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

All four were silent for a few seconds, before Meta spoke up again. "When you were talking earlier, Falspar – excuse me, Sir Falspar of course – suggested I was... something. I would like to know what he meant." His tone was still calm, but the patrol could tell that he was determined to get an answer.

They looked at each other for a few seconds. Finally, Jecra said: "Sir Faslpar thought you might be... a Star Warrior."

Soooo... I originally wanted this to be prologue, but somehow, it became a full chapter oô

Whatever... I would love to get some reviews :)

And for the difference between Star Warriors and Galaxy Soldiers... This will be explained in the next chapter^^