~ Hello again !

This is the sequel of my first fic "Missing Him". If you didn't read it, here is a (very) short summary: Sherlock and Molly had an affair, she got pregnant, he died at Reichenbach Falls, she had a baby girl and… finally married John. Well it's a bit more complicated than that so I suggest your first read it if you haven't already!

By the way, thank you so much to all of you who reviewed and subscribed to "Missing Him". It was my first story ever. I hope you will enjoy this one equally.

The story begins about 1 year and ½ after Molly and John's wedding, so 3 years after Sherlock's death. ~


Chapter 1

"Audrey, stop playing with your food, put it in your mouth darling."

Audrey Watson, 2 and ½, was not very keen on breakfast. She was splashing her spoon in her bowl which was already surrounded by a pond of milk.

"I'm not hungry !"

"Well it's always the same story. You're not hungry now and then you'll eat all sorts of bad things before lunch."

"Not my cereals !", said the little girl with a frown.

"It's exactly the same. They just changed the box" replied Molly with a hint of exasperation. Mornings with two children were always a bit hectic. She went back to the bedroom where baby Jack, 4 months, was waiting for his bottle.

John was left to supervise Audrey's breakfast, while he was drinking his coffee.

"Hey sweetie, eat a little bit. For daddy, ok?"

"Ok…" She didn't sound very convinced and looked back at her bowl with a sad face. John knew very well that part of it was acting, but he could never stand to see his daughter unhappy. He tried to cheer her up by asking about her day.

"So what are you going to do today?"

"We go to the park."

"You're going to the park with mummy and Jack, this is fun. What do you like to do at the park?"

"I like the slide. And play in the sand."

"You play in the sand with your friends?"

She nodded. "Lucy, and Thomas and Andrew but I don't like him".

"Why don't you like him?"

"He pulled my hair!"

"Yes that is not very nice. Well tell him that he does it again, I will pay him a little visit."

They were suddenly interrupted by a ring at the door.

"Are we excepting someone?" asked John.

"No. Can you go, I'm busy?"

"I'll get it !"

John went to open the door, but found no one behind it. At first he thought it was probably a joke or a mistake, but then he saw a copy of The Times on the carpet. They didn't have a subscription. He hesitated for a moment but finally picked it up and closed back the door.

"Who was it?" asked Molly from the bedroom.

"I don't know it's strange. Hum… Someone left a newspaper at the door. Oh wait, there's a note it's from Mycroft."

He went back to the kitchen and settled at the table with the newspaper. Audrey was now involved in a potentially dangerous experiment with a jam pot.

The note from Mycroft was brief: "Page 16, MH". John's curiosity got caught and he quickly flipped through the pages. Page 16 covered the national news and was composed by many small articles. His eyes wandered between the titles until one in particular made his jaw drop.

"Oh my… Molly you need to come see this."


"The newspaper, you won't believe it."

Molly appeared shortly after, holding a blond baby boy in her arms.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"They got Moran".

"Are you serious?"

"Hear that :

"London, 31st May.

Sebastian Moran, 44, was arrested on Monday while he was trying to board on a train at Paddington Station. Moran, former colonel of the British army, had been on Interpol's most wanted list from 2010. He is suspected of involvement in a wide range of internationalcriminal activities. He could also be responsible for the mysterious murder of Ronald Adair which took place last year. "

"Wow", she sighed. "Thank god, does that mean we'll finally be at rest?"

"He was the last one they were looking for. This time I think it's over" he answered with a smile.

"Do you think Mycroft will take back the bodyguard? I can't stand it anymore."

"We see uncle Mycroft?" interrupted Audrey

"Not today honey, on Sunday", replied Molly.

"Why ?"

"Because he is working today."

"Why ?"

"Because he is very busy".

"Uncle Mycroft is your brother or daddy's brother?"

Molly remained silent and a look of panic spread over her face.

So far they hadn't told her at all about Sherlock. It was a frequent subject of discussion in the couple, which often ended in a row. John was in favor of telling her the truth as soon as possible. Even if he had adopted Audrey, a part of him was fearing the day she would discover he was not her "real" father. He believed that the earlier it would be, the easier she would accept it.

Molly knew that the time would come when she would have to explain that before John, there had been another daddy, which had died before Audrey was even born. But for the moment she wanted to protect her daughter's childhood and innocence. She didn't need to know about death, and Moriarty, and Reichenbach Falls. She also knew that Audrey was a smart child, and that questions would inevitably come one day or another. She didn't expect it to be so soon.

She tried to regain her composure and continued:

"Why are you asking that honey?"

"Lucy said her uncle Paul is her mummy's brother."

John saw that his wife was desperately looking for an answer so he took over:

"Well... Sometimes your uncle can be the brother of your mummy or daddy, but not always. So Mycroft is not my brother or mummy's, but he is still your uncle. Do you understand?"

"No", said Audrey shaking her head.

"You will when you grow up. You like your uncle Mycroft do you?"

"Yes!" she replied enthusiastly.

"Then it's the only thing that matters." She seemed temporarily satisfied with the answer. John exchanged a relieved glance with Molly, then looked at his watch. "Oh I'm running late!"

He quickly gathered his things and grabbed his jacket.

"Good bye little rascal", he said to baby Jack. Then, he gave Molly a kiss and whispered in her ear : "It's going to be all fine. How can a day start better than this ?".

She smiled him back, "I love you".

Finally he took Audrey in his arms saying: "Hey princess, give daddy a kiss before he goes to work."

John got his kiss, as well as a large stain of strawberry jam on his white shirt. He looked pissed off for a moment, then burst into laughing.

"That's my girl !" he exclaimed.