You Belong With Me

A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but I wanted to give you guys something before I go on vacation tomorrow and here it is! No chorus till the end, but it's a songfic to You Belong With Me by Taylor and stupid Word erased the first half so I had to redo, so sorry if it's not too good at first! And pretend they are sixteen! Enjoy!

Kim Crawford sighed and laid back on her bad to think for a moment or two. As her eyes were about to close and rest for a few moments, movement caught the corner of her eye and she turned to look out her bedroom window. Her neighbor and best friend…and her secret crush Jack Anderson was pacing back and forth. But no one, repeat no one knew about Kim's crush on Jack. So, she watched as Jack paced back and forth, his left arm waving around wildly while his right hand pressed the phone to his ear. He was no doubt talking to his girlfriend, Donna Tobin.

Kim sighed again as she turned away when Jack started yelling and she swung her legs onto the floor. Donna Tobin, Seaford's cheer squad captain and captain of the new pep squad Rudy had hired to cheer for the dojo. And the first tournament with Donna and her team of mean girls was coming up in a couple days. Donna's nastiness towards Kim had become even nastier when she started dating Jack about a month or two ago.

Kim walked over to her vanity and took out her contact lenses before putting on her thick glasses. She let her mind wander once more. Today was Tuesday and Homecoming was Friday, while the tournament was on Thursday. And once again, Kim had been being her normal old clumsy self and strained her MCL, a tendon in her knee. She couldn't compete for at least two weeks. She was going to be forced to sit on the sidelines while Donna and her squad cheered for Jack and the others. Just her luck.

Kim looked into the mirror, her geeky glasses peering back at her and Donna's evil smirk reflecting behind. The brunette always sent Kim a death glare whenever Jack wasn't looking and whenever he was out of earshot, never failed to taunt her about her glasses or her studying.

Kim turned away from the mirror and shook her head clear, playing her mantra over in her head about not letting Donna get to her. She looked out the window once more to see Jack still arguing on the phone, trying to explain himself, probably. He and the guys sometimes took usually funny jokes too far for the uptight Donna to appreciate.

Kim turned on her Ipod dock and grabbed her hair brush, turning up the volume of music Donna would most definitely hate. She started singing into the hairbrush, dancing around her room like she always did when she feeling down.

Kim sank down on her bed about fifteen minutes later, taking a rest and then…she remembered she hadn't closed her curtains. Sure enough, there was Jack, off the phone and watching her, a chuckle forming on his lips. Kim blushed a bright red as Jack started to imitate her dancing before she stuck her tongue out at him and quickly drew the curtains.

Glancing at her clock while she sang along quietly to the song that was playing, Kim decided it was late enough to go to bed now, considering she had school in the morning. She walked over to her closet and started to sift through the clothes and shoes to lay out for the next day. As her eyes scanned her wardrobe, she thought no wonder Jack doesn't like me. Compared to HER my clothes are nothing.

Kim wasn't really the type of girl to wear to short skirts that showed her butt or the type to wear ten-inch heels and pumps like Donna and her clique did. Grace called them skunkbags, but it still made Kim feel inferior, especially around Jack, when she showed up in sneakers and a T-shirt or a pair of flats and a modest sundress. That was basically what her wardrobe consisted of.

Sighing once more, Kim set out a pair of bell-bottom pants and a turquoise sweater along with a pair of black ballet flats before falling into a restful sleep, dreams of her and…the boy who shall not be named…together.

You're on the phone with your girlfriend

She's upset, she's going off about something that you said

Because she doesn't get your humor like I do.

I'm in my room it's a typical Tuesday night

I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like

And she'll never know your story like I do.

Well, she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts,

She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers,

Thinking about the day when you wake up and find

That what you're looking for has been here the whole time.

The next morning, Kim hit her snooze button about a dozen times before shooting upright in bed and realizing she had school and the commitment to walk with Jack. She threw the covers back and raced blindly to the bathroom and back. Her clothes were on in record time and her simple make-up took basically no time at all. She grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the table and called good-bye to her mother before racing out the door and stopping in front of Jack's house with just a second to spare.

As if on cue, Jack stepped out onto the porch and strode down the walkway towards her.

"Hey, Kim," Jack said with a grin as he reached her and nudged her gently.

"Morning, Jack," Kim smiled and pushed her hair behind her ear as the two started walking down the street to bus stop bench. Kim and Jack didn't have their licenses yet, so Jack always waited with Kim at the bus stop until Donna arrived to pick him up, always to Kim's dismay, but she figured it irked Donna that he was with her.

"So, those were some pretty swag dance moves last night," Jack smirked as Kim blushed beat red before snapping back.

"Oh, so you're quoting Jerry now?" she asked at his use of the word 'swag.' "I didn't know dumbness could rub off, but I guess it can." Jack froze and Kim just smiled sweetly at him before tossing her straight blond hair over her shoulder and walking ahead of him until she reached the bench to sit down. She heard Jack chuckle behind her and he quickly caught up with her and joined her on the bench.

"I guess I have been spending too much time with Jerry," Jack shuddered before he burst out laughing, causing Kim to do the same. She could never get enough of his laugh or smile, even if Donna was around.

"Finally, a breakthrough!" Kim cried, grabbing his hand and squeezing as if she was giving him the most important new in the world. She accidentally held on longer than she would've liked and she quickly pulled away before breaking away from his gaze and clearing her throat. Jack sense her discomfort, and began to talk again as the sun beamed down on them. But just as he opened his mouth, an old woman walked by and smiled.

"Oh, what a sweet couple!" she crooned and waved her hand at them as she walked away.

"But we're not-I mean, he has-and I don't," Kim began, her words staggering in mortification before a small smile appeared on her face when Jack started laughing again.

"Oh, I love little old ladies," Jack grinned, putting Kim at ease again before he continued. "So, are you going to the Homecoming dance on Friday?" Kim smiled a bit sadly.

"I don't think so, I've got a huge test on Monday and I need all the study time I can get," she replied glumly. And maybe she imagined it, but for a few moments, Jack looked sad too as he opened his mouth again.

"Wish you-" he was suddenly cut off when a bright blue convertible pulled up and Donna looked over at them before silently scoffing at Kim and looking in the rearview mirror to fix her lipstick. Jack shot Kim an apologetic look before he walked around and hopped into the car. When he was seated, Donna pulled him into her and gave him a bone-crushing kiss. She smirked at Kim when she pulled away before driving off.

Kim stood up as the bus finally appeared. And that was exactly why she couldn't go to the dance. Donna. Donna was that reason.

Walk in the streets with you and your worn out jeans,

Can't help thinking this is how it ought to be,

Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself

Hey isn't this easy, and you've got a smile that can light up this whole town,

I haven't seen it in awhile since she brought you down,

You say you're fine I know you better than that.

Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers

She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers

Thinking about the day when you wake up and find

That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

Thursday had come and Kim was unwillingly sitting behind the Wasabi Warriors' bench as they competed. Jack had come up to her before the tournament, offering his sympathies about her not being able to compete…and she had just flipped him over her shoulder and whispered that he'd better win.

Of course, that was the moment Donn and her posse had chosen to walk in and see the position he and Kim were now in. Kim shrank back against Donna's evil look as Jack smirked and went off to warm up.

It was now the last event and if Team Wasabi won, they would have won the whole tournament. Kim stood up with the rest of the fans as Jack took the mat and was about to call his name when Donna began cheering. Kim slumped back down and just clapped along as Jack ran forward, as if in slow motion, performing half of a Wasabi whip, a stunt a bit more possible than the Wasabi Whip itself. The world seemed to move in slow motion for a minute as everyone held their breath. When Jack landed with a thud, there was silence for a few seconds before the dojo erupted into applause and the guys and Rudy ran out to tackle Jack in victory. Kim followed and a moment later, Jack walked away to find Donna…before running into the locker room. Kim looked over and saw Donna in a compromising position with…a Black Dragon of all people. She sighed and glanced in the direction Jack had gone before turning back to the celebration, her mind never stopping.

She had known Jack forever, knew everything about him. She knew what he ate for breakfast, for crying out loud. She knew what music he liked, she knew how to make him laugh and cry, she knew he aspired to be just like his grandfather, she knew that he had an allergic reaction to shell fish and blue cheese. She knew everything. And she also knew he wanted her at that Homecoming dance. And she wasn't going to let Donna Tobin stand in the way of that.

Oh, I remember you driving to my house

In the middle of the night

I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry.

I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams,

I think you know where you belong, I think you know it's with me.

The time had finally come. Jack had left about half an hour with Jerry, Eddie, Milton, and surprisingly no Donna. Could it be true? Kim snapped herself out if it, knowing it wasn't before she checked herself one last time in the mirror. Her hair was delicately and loosely curled and cascaded around her bare shoulder. Her floor length royal blue dress was sparkling and her make-up and earrings high-lighted it perfectly.

Kim had never driven in a ballgown, but there was a time for everything. And she had never broken the law, but no one was home and the police wouldn't mind as long as she didn't cause any trouble.

Fashionably late, as Grace had said, Kim arrived at the dance about forty-five minutes after the start. When she walked into the room, it was like the crowd of people in front of her parted, giving her a direct view of Jack, who had yet to turn around as he talked to the guys. But then Milton turned him around and a smile appeared on his face when he spotted. Kim smiled shyly as he started walking over to her and she took small baby steps towards him.

When Jack was halfway to her, Donna seemed to notice what was happening and she stepped out in front of him, her fingers dancing on his chest and purring sweet words to him, tugging her red dress down a bit as well. Kim totally expected him to stop and kiss her…but Jack pushed right by her before he stopped a few feet away from the blond girl.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along,

So why can't you see

You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your back door

All this time how could you not know baby

You belong with me

"You came," Jack said to her in disbelief.

"Of course," Kim replied, finally finding her voice and stopping her staring eyes. Jack smiled at her and pulled out a small note from his pocket and handed it to her. Kim looked up at him, her eyes questioning, but he just gestured to the paper.

Kim unfolded it and gasped before a smile crossed her face. It read 'I love you.'

"I love you, too," Kim told him told him softly as Donna went on a rampage by the buffet table, her cronies trying to calm her. And then Jack kissed her.

You belong with me

A/N: So how was it? I really hope you liked it and please review!