I own nothing.

Written for a prompt where Alfred was immortal.

It's like picking up an old favorite book and rereading it over and over again. Even though the ending is known, there's always a small little scene that's forgotten, a line that still touches the heart, and the feeling of nostalgia. It's like greeting timeless characters that one grew up with and know they'll be there forever more.

It is perhaps the only story that Alfred never tires from reading.

When Bruce brings home Dick, there's a small smile that never leaves Alfred's face. It's cruel to find so much joy in Dick's misfortune, but Alfred knows there was nothing that could have prevented the tragedy. Alfred had tried in the past. It did not end well.

Young Dick like always bring a bright light of hope. The grief is still there, it always is, but the house suddenly feels more alive. Alfred feels the old grandfatherly instinct returning. Bruce never brings up why Alfred feels the need to bake more cookies for Dick then Alfred ever did for Bruce. If he ever did ask, Alfred would simply mention that it's a grandfather's duty to spoil the grandchild and father's duty to disciple. Bruce can spoil his grandkids when he's a grandfather. (And if all goes well, he'll get at least one, or three, or five).

When Dick is eight and finally discovers Bruce's secret, Alfred is the one who finally convinces Bruce to train the boy. After all, Alfred is the one who left the clock open so Dick may find it. To both his own horror and amusement, Dick takes to the streets as Robin not even a year later. That worried him slightly, as far as history went this was the youngest Dick had taken the mantle of "Robin".

But Alfred lets the things go. The story is always different with each read, but the ending is the same. They're destined for greatest.

It's simply a matter of getting there.

Please review. :3