Disclaimer: Neither Christopher Paolini nor the Inheritance Cycle belong to me.

Author's Note: First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your awesome reviews! They mean a lot to me and this story would be worse off without it. I really do appreciate it. So now without any further ado I present you an all-new chapter of my fanfic...

...Previously on Christopher's Quest:

"News?" Chris asked, not wanting to wind up with an actual argument.

"Bad news," Tenga sighed, looking a million years older. "Eragon, Saphira the Second, and Arya are trying to get in here."

"How is that bad?" Christopher asked, now thoroughly bewildered.

"Because the Warlocks are after them!" Tenga snarled.

Now Showing – Chapter 7: The Battle Begins

"The Warlocks?" Christopher yelped. "How do you know? Did the Orb..."

"Yes," Tenga fumed. "There are many other spheres like the Orb outside the labyrinth. They guard the entrance and are enchanted to show me whoever it is that is trying to get inside."

"But why would Eragon, Saphira, and Arya come here of all places?" Christopher asked, confused.

"Because it was an ancient hideout of the Dragon Riders, fool!" Tenga berated. "They obviously found out about it and came here either looking for knowledge or an escape from those cursed Warlocks. Now you better get your arse up there and help them fend off those demons while I replenish the wards. Without them, the Warlocks have free access to these tunnels unless Eragon, Saphira, and Arya get here first. Even then, they have a good chance at getting inside. Now move!"

Christopher started at the harsh command, and bristled slightly at how Tenga was treating his creator. For Christopher was, after all, the Author of this world. It was strange, for he didn't believe in gods or wasn't sure anyways. But now, here, in a sense he was a god.

What is the world coming to? He sighed, rubbing his temples to stave off a headache.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and carried out the method of searching for other minds. He had 'invented' this after all, and Shay had taught it to him herself. At first the only signs of life were those of tiny critters like rats, mice, and cockroaches since they were underground. But then gradually they became larger and larger like birds and rabbits. Finally, he found the mind he was searching for only to smash into a massive barrier.

Cursing, he recoiled and tried again gently probing the well-guarded mind. He allowed a wry smile, upon seeing the source of power that the mind drew from to put up such strong mind shields – the smiling face of Arya wearing a soft green dress, standing amongst the trees of Du Weldenvarden. Needless to say, this mind belonged to Eragon Shadeslayer who Christopher needed to get in contact with if his impromptu plan would work.

At last the barriers granted him access cautiously and Christopher marvelled at the vastness of Eragon's mind. Heaving a sigh, he diverted his attention to the task at hand.

Who are you? Eragon asked. Are you friend or foe and what business do you have in those halls?

Um, right, Chris gulped. How best to explain this? You can call me Christopher or Chris for short, and I am a friend. More I cannot say right now as I believe you have some nasty Warlocks on your trail.

How do you know about them? Eragon asked suspiciously.

I have my ways, Christopher replied smugly, very pleased to befuddle his own invented character for once. Listen, we have no time now and must act while we have the element of surprise. I know I am a complete stranger to you but I swear in the Ancient Language that I am an ally and only want your safety. In fact, I can get you into these halls soon enough. You can interrogate me all you want then.

Very well, Eragon replied warily.

Christopher had said all of that in the Ancient Language since, again, he had invented it and Brom taught it to him along with Saphira in between warfare classes. Hoping his luck would last, he quickly recounted his plan to a very disbelieving Dragon Rider.

Wait! Eragon interjected. You have a DRAGON?

Yes, Christopher smirked. And she should show up sometime soon. Went off hunting in these halls. Poor thing can only catch rats and mice. Not too much prey around here, you see.

Are you serious? Eragon demanded. How can you say you have a dragon when they were all whipped out a hundred years ago?

There's no time to explain! Christopher snapped, as another boom echoed throughout the cavern system. The Warlocks are closing in on you and I am your only hope. If you die then there will be no one to rid Alagaësia of its tyranny, do you understand?

Fine, Eragon grumbled. But we shall have a long talk about this later.

Agreed, Christopher sighed. Right, then. Get into position and inform your companion, Arya, about our plan. Be ready at a moment's notice.

How do you know about her? Eragon panicked.

Christopher just smirked gleefully as he withdrew from the astonished Dragon Rider's mind, revelling in his leadership abilities. But another boom brought him back to reality and he quickly sobered. Taking another deep breath, he closed his eyes again and searched the cavern system for Saphira the First.

He had not seen her when he came round, nor had Tenga spoken of her arrival. Surely that would be one of the first things he'd talk about, then again one could never make rhyme or reason from the old man.

Saphira? Christopher asked, feeling a twinge of fear at no response.

Just when he was about to give up, he felt her familiar presence in his head.

Yes? She asked simply, as if totally unconcerned about their present danger.

Where the devil are you? Christopher snapped, feeling quite stressed out over the whole incident.

Not too nice to curse your dragon, Author, Saphira chided, amusement evident in her voice.

Christopher scowled.

Do you know of my plan? He asked, knowing from experience that the she-dragon was far more knowledgeable than she let on.

Of course, Saphira replied nonchalantly.

Christopher took a deep breath to calm himself. Why did his characters have to be so arrogant? Oh, well. They had more important things to attend to!

Where are you? Christopher asked.

I am on my way to meet you, Saphira the First answered. But be prepared as I am much larger than before and dark silver in colour. It was necessary to change my appearance to fool Eragon and Saphira the Second.

Indeed, Christopher agreed dryly. Okay, do you know of a way out of this place then?

Aye, Saphira the First answered confidently. Tenga informed me.

What? Christopher exclaimed. How could he have when he never spoke of you before?

That was because you never asked, Saphira chuckled.

Christopher just sighed. To hell with it all! Duty comes first, which is why I am stuck in this hellhole after all.

Opening his eyes, he glimpsed a flash of silver in the darkness and gasped as Saphira reared in the air spreading her wings and arching them before landing.

Letting loose a torrent of flames above him, so that he wouldn't catch fire but for a dramatic effect, she landed on her hind legs kneeling down for him to climb upon her. Christopher marvelled at her knew look and noticed that she was already saddled.

You might want to change your own appearance, Saphira suggested, eyeing Christopher in amusement.

Yeah, yeah, whatever! Christopher retorted. I'll do you next so be ready, and follow my lead.

I shall, Saphira said, and that settled it.

Taking one last looks at the shook-up library, Christopher felt a rush of excitement send chills down his spine as he used his Author Powers to cast the temporary spell, and the first step of their plan of attack.

Grinning like a fool, he clambered onto Saphira and held on for dear life as she took off into the large cavern flying through the various tunnels and towards their destiny.





Those were the three laws that any Warlock had to follow, regardless of his intent. Otherwise, they were banished from the society. The Chief Warlock himself knew this best.

He wore an almost feral grin and folded his arms proudly across his chest as he took in the scene before him. They had finally chased the Dragon, Rider, and their elf friend to a dead end.

They had arrived at some random mountain in the Spine where a smooth stone door was cut into the mountainside. It was gigantic but looked like a wall. It could not be opened no matter how hard that stupid she-dragon pushed against it.

Finally, the dragon gave up and a long silence followed. Due to his enhanced eyesight, the Chief Warlock could tell that the Dragon Rider was communicating with someone – most likely his elf friend.

Being adept magicians themselves, the elves were a thorn in the Warlocks' sides for months until the Warlock Society attacked Du Weldenvarden whilst the elves attacked the City of Beletona. Naturally, this caused an outrage amongst the elves sowing seeds of chaos and division amongst the ranks. The war against the Empire was quickly forgotten as the Warlocks ploughed their way through Alagaësia leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake.

They were the most powerful beings in the world, even more so than that son of a bitch who 'ruled' them – Galbatorix. He was an arrogant fool who believed that he had all the power of the world in the palm of his hands.

But he was wrong.

The Warlocks did, nay. The Chief Warlock did and now he was on the verge of destroying the only hope a broken land had for freedom – Eragon Shadeslayer. Feeling powerful beyond measure, the Chief Warlock basked in his sure triumph as looks of surprise and then hope flitted across the Dragon Rider's face.

Finally, the conversation ended and the Rider took on his normal face. The Chief Warlock barked out orders to his troops and they took up positions, readying themselves for battle.

The Dragon Rider was whispering to the elf friend who looked surprised then impassive and nodded her agreement. The elf surprised the Rider by squeezing his hand gently with a look of happiness. The Chief Warlock smirked.

Ah, young love! He thought gleefully.

It would be so sweet to shatter it. He now knew who to target first – that elf wench. Once he killed her, the Rider would be destroyed, utterly destroyed. The battle would be over sooner than he thought.

But just as he was about to unleash a massive fireball upon the elf, the Dragon Rider – upon his dragon – approached him. The Chief Warlock paused, frowning in contemplation. What was he doing?

"Chief Warlock!" He said in a calm loud voice, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword "My name is Eragon Shadeslayer and I challenge you to a duel."

"No!" A new voice boomed. "I am Eragon Shadeslayer. And I challenge you to a duel!"

The Chief Warlock's gaze flung to the right in surprise and his face paled. The voice, he realised, sounded surprisingly like the Dragon Rider's and he stared in shock and horror to see that the newcomer was right. Whether or not he was the same person, the newcomer road an azure she-dragon and was a splitting image of Eragon Shadeslayer.

What in damnation was going on here?

To Be Continued...

A/N: Dun-dun-dun! And so it begins. Now, I would have written the battle in this chapter but I thought it was a cool cliff-hanger, and a decent place to end it anyways. So, what do you think? Is the twist at the end too dorky? Or is it okay? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Leave a comment and let me know of your opinion on this story, so that I can make it better yet!

~ Elf Knight ~