Welcome to Hogwarts. Here, you will be judged on whether you wear a diaper, whether you eat like a deranged hog, whether you don't comb your hair and you read books 24/ 7, or if you're Harry effin Potter, and everyone thinks you're totally awesome. Nah, you're loved no matter who you are. Because Fanfiction is for unique individuals.

I do not own anything. Nothing, I don't even own Brian, effin, Rosenthal. But, how totally awesome would it be? Wow, I sound like a crazed fan girl, but I'm writing Fanfiction, I am a crazed Fan girl. Durh, durh, durh, that's the Umbridge way.

Hope you enjoy chapter 2. God I really hope you enjoy it...

"Attention all Hogwarts chillies, Hogwarts is now going under an extreme budget, meaning we cut back in text books, potions, feathers, and underwear all for your hormones to race at the annul Yule Ball. Bring a date, or you'll be the laughing stock for the rest of your miserable lives. That is all." Dumbledore explains, his wand on his throat making it clear for all of Hogwarts to hear.

Harry turned to Ron, "What- what the hell is a Yule Ball? Is it like a cat toy, or-" He stopped, honestly he didn't know where to go with it. He looked to Hermione who always had the answer, but for the first time in her life- she didn't.

She shrugged, "I don't know, maybe we can ask-"

"Snape!" Ron called, as the trio passed his presence in the halls. Snape stopped, and turned towards them, not before hugging Ron and slapping the back of Harry's head.

"Yeeees?" He asked, stretching out the question, looking over Ron, Hermione and Harry, who was rubbing the back of his head soothingly.

"Well..." Ron began, playing with the string on his rob, avoiding his eye contact. "I- well Harry really wanted to know- you know what, I just..." He stammers.

"Out with it Weasly." He orders.

"Hermione wanted to ask you to the Yule Ball!" He shouted, high-fiving Harry, as the two laughed. "Gotcha Herman!" They both shrieked, laughing.

Hermione was perplexed. "Wha-?" She started but was cut off by Snape.

"Why that's absurdddddd! A student asking a teacher? I'm sure that's not legal, but..." Hermione's heart stopped, and for a minute she thought he was going to say yes.

Ron and Harry, who were now laughing at Hermione, stopped to stare at Snape, who was actually thinking her suggestion through. "Alright Miss Granger, I'll report to the Ball with you- but don't think it'll give me back those points to your house! I don't fly that way," he soon strolled off, leaving three starstruck 11 year old kids.

Hermione turned to Ron and Harry, who were now clutching their sides with laughter. "It's not funny!" She snapped, stomping her foot and clutching her books close to her chest.

"Oh, It's pretty funny- YOU'RE GOING TO THE YULE BALL WITH SNAPE!" Harry shouted, pointing at her, laughing even harder. The students in the hall stopped and laughed.

"Oi! Herman's goin' to eh dance with Profesa' Snape!" Semus shouted pointing at Hermione's flushed face.

"Got over ya crush on Umbridge huh, Herman?" Dean asked, high -fiving Semus as they mocked her.

"I don't find this surprising at all!" Cedric commented.

She looked around feeling heartbroken; Her so called friends pulled this on her. She felt a salty tear fall down her cheek, a feeling she felt quite too often. She hugged her books closer to her chest, wishing that maybe the books would absorb the pain she had, but that wasn't possible. She ran from the scene, making the laughter continue.

Running towards the bathroom, she sat on a toilet, bringing her knees to her chest as she cried into them. She knew this place too well. She looked to her right and observed the stall with the blue paint chippings. She brought her finger to it and pealed. The feelings she knew too well, the way the dried paint would dig in her fingernail and fall to the tiled floor.

She sniffed, wiping the tears with the back of her hand. "Granger?" A familiar voice echoed in her ears, and she flinched at the voice. It was the voice you grew to hate more, and more every time you heard it. She looked up at the source, and there stood Draco Malfoyd. He seemed to be standing on the toilet seat because he was about 5'3; He wasn't a very tall boy.

But why? Why is he in the girls restroom? Why is he standing on the toilet seat and talking to her? "Draco?" She asked, shocked. She brought her feet down, and looking up at him to get a better view.

"Why are you in the boys restroom you mud blood?" He asked, his face in disgust. "Is it your first time using the potty too?" He asked, his face lighting a bit.

She sniffed, "No," she said flatly, "Draco, this is the girls restroom."

"That's..." he shook his head, "That's quite silly, Granger but no. You're mistaken, this is indeed, the boys restroom. She stood, unlocking the stall door and stepping out. She faced her reflection staring back at her.

Her eyes were red and puffy, signs of obvious crying and weeping. Her noose was runny, and her hair was sticking to her sweaty face. It was not a sight to see. Draco soon jumped down from the potty, and all Hermione herd was a 'plop' from the toilet water, and a flush. Soon several other movements were heard.

Such as unwrapping, and soon enough the stall door opened, and Draco stepped out. "I quite like that poopy contraption. It's very helpful." He grinned.

She rolled her eyes, "Draco, what are you doing in the girls restroom?"

Draco sighed, and began to wash his hands, "I don't know if you noticed this Hermione but..." he sighed, "but, my father never taught me to use the potty. He was never there for me- ever. Probably not even when I was born. I don't remember. But, throughout my life I used a diaper to empty my waste- but trust me, it isn't as silly as it sounds."

"What? An eleven year old boy wearing a diaper?"

Draco gasped, turning the water off and turning to face her. He brought his wet hands up, and extended his finger, making the water particles fly onto her face. "Might I add I'm eleven and a half?" He says, putting his wet hands on his hips.

She raises a brow, but doesn't say anymore. "Anyway," he turned back to the sink, staring at his reflection. "As the first time I visited the potty in the men's room, I noticed, there isn't a diaper changer. So I went to the gals and well, there it was! The cute picture of a Koala bear and that cute slogan, 'Koala Kare.' Turns out, they actually care!" He grinned. "I'm found of this room."

She nodded, and wiped her nose with a paper towel, trowing it away. Draco wince. "What's got you to the potty room, Granger?" He asked, watching as she wiped her nose again. Again he grimace as she blew her nose, and threw away her waste.

She sniffed, "It's Ron-"

"Isn't it always?" He interrupted, "That filthy ginger is always making a mess of everything. He was in the way of my friendship with Harry Potter. We were going to fly to PigFarts in my green rocket ship and live happily every after with Rumbelroar, the headmaster lion," he turned to face her, "-who can talk, and that ginger would be friends with his rat and his poo..."

"Well, it was Ron and Harry. Usually I'd ignore their stupidity and those horrid jokes and pranks they pull on me, but-" she stopped.

He shrugged, "But they finally got to ya, eh?" She nodded, trying to keep the tears inside. "Hermione- what did they possible do that'll make it worse than the other times?"


He laughed, making her stop her talking, "Like-" he stopped to laugh, "Like that time we were in Transfiguration class, and Harry put a spell on you that made your teeth grow five times bigger? -Or, or maybe the time when we sang Hermione can't draw?- Because really you draw like a two year old giving birth- It was like, Hermione can't draw- then," he paused to let his laughter escape, "Then Lupin came and we- were all, Lupin can't sing, then we went back to you oh! Good times!"

She rolled her eyes, "Yes Draco, it was wonderful times that I was being made fun of all these years and my so called friends don't have any respect for me... But no, actually- they, they set me up on a date with... Snape. To," she huffed, "to the Yule Ball."

"Aha!" He laughed, leaning over to control his laughter, but no such luck. "Oh I do not envy you!" He pointed at her and continued to laugh.

"And the worse part is... he said yes-"

"AHAA! You're going to the Yule Ball with Snape! That's a shame, I heard he dances like a snake! Get it, cus' snakes can't dance they just slide around like a tool! Aha!"

"Whatever Draco. I shouldn't know you weren't going to be supportive. You're the worst..." she paused, her face brightened. "And I thought we were really becoming good friends..."

Draco stopped his laughter, and pushed his way towards Hermione. "Friends you say? Well, I can't argue with that statement." He stuck his hand out for her to take, "Hold on, friend. We're about to go back into time to stop that humiliation disaster. I hope you wore your diaper, because you're about to-"

"To shit my pants I know- I know Draco, let's just go."

"Very well..."

End, chap. Thanks to my three lovely reviewers: Chasing Aspirations, Lovemuffins, gypsy rosalie. So sorry it took me long to update. Usually I update quite often, like twice a day if I'm lucky, but my whole Mormon family is here (My dad's side. I'm at my dad's house, yes, my parents are split up) and I keep getting interrupted from this story. I probably re-read the same thing 5 times already.

But, if you clicked that review button right there, it'll make me the Coolest girl in the whole wide World.