hey guys sorry for the very long wait sooooo update- I WON DA COMPETITION! WHOOP! *fireworks* and I am also now the u16 outdoors champion so YEAH! *more fireworks* and talking about competition's I forgot to put one in the last chapter ^^; but someone got the answer anyway but what was the question you ask?

Question- from what movie was the banter between Tigress and Kai sourced from?

Answer- Treasure Planet!

And it was BluePrince who got it! thanks for reminding me XD lol virtual cookies! OOOOOOOOOO (yes those are virtual cookies)

anyway enjoy I own nothing apart from the OC btw I drew a pic of Kai so here it is so you know exactly what she looks like :) http:/ kristinydnul444. deviantart .com /gallery/#/d3lfged (remember to remove the gaps XD)


I was startled awake from my dreamless sleep as loud booming rang through the corridors of the palace. That must be the morning gong Master Viper told me about. Jumping out of my bed I pulled on my usual green vest and burgundy trousers. As I walked over to my door I heard soft shuffling coming from the rooms around me. There was sudden silence which I could only guess was the Kung fu master's pausing before their doors.


That was the last gong so as Master Viper had explaned last night I opened my door and hopped out, arms behind my back and greeted Master Shifu along with the kung fu warriors.

"Good morning Master Shifu."

Master Shifu lifted a thin eyebrow at me as he spotted me from his position at the end of the hall. I inclinded my head towards him in respect as he reposition his staff in his hand.

"Good morning students, it seems our newest addition has shown herself to be ready for her first day of training." Master Shifu looked around at us his face hardening. "And as usual Po has decided he is not, Tigress if you will."

Master Shifu gestered towards the only closed door in the hallway. Master Tigress nodded and entered the room when not two seconds later a large black and white furry mase flew from the room and onto the floor before Master Shifu. Po sat up and rubbed his abused belly as he glared at a smirking Tigress.

"Not cool Tigress, not cool at all."

I bit my tongue as a laugh worked it's way up my throat, muffling it to some quite snickering as I watched a livid looking Shifu glare at the idiotic panda.

Shifu whacked Po on the head bringing the panda's attention to him. "What the...? MASTER SHIFU!" The panda jumped to his feet and gave a clumsy bow. "I'm so sorry Master."

I red panda kept his glare locked on Po as he placed the end of his staff behind the panda's legs. "You were late panda," He swept Po off his feet, the floor shaking as the sudden weight crashed against it. "Again."

Po groaned and rolled onto his front, pushing himself up and onto his feet. "Not cool Master Shifu, not cool at all."

Master Shifu shot Po with another glare. "In line Panda. Now."

Po gave a glare but obeyed.

Master Shifu cleared his throat."Well, training will commence as usual but first we will be introducing our new student to kung fu, dismissed."

Master Shifu gave me a pointed look before walking away. Once Master Shifu had left all the masters glanced between themselves except Tigress who kept staring at me, an almost evil look in her eye.

Oh Gods I'm sooooo dead.


I felt the air rush from my body as I was, once again, knocked off my feet by Tigress.

"You stance is sloppy, your balance is horrible and your reflexes are non-existance, how I'm going to turn a disgrces like you into a kung fu warrior I will never know."

I picked myself up off the floor and sent her a threating glare, growling low in my throat. "Well if you stopped knocking me off my feet every couple of seconds I might accutually learn something!"

The older tiger gave a snarl and stood over me using her slightly greater height to her advantage. "Well you had any appart skill you wouldn't be knocked over all the time now would you? But I guess it's to be expected from a idiotic brat such as yourself."

I gave a loud hiss and almost felt like spitting in the tiger master's smug face as I stared up at her. "Well if you weren't so arrogant and "high and mighty" you could "enlighten" me, but I guess that is to be expected from such a self-centered, souless witch such as yourself."

Tigress gave a loud, challenging growl and slid into her ready position. "Bring it on Cub."

I snarled and also slid into my ready position. "Gladly Master."

What happened next was a complete blur as we fought, hurling our fists at each other, kicking, clawing and biting as we took every ounce of anger out on each other. All I felt was red-hot fury as I literally threw myself at Tigress aiming to do as much damage as I possibly could. I could see the same thoughts fly through my opponants crimson irises.

Suddenly I felt somone pull us appart. I gasped for breath as I seethed, glaring furiously at Tigress.

"Stop, you are both acting like children."

I glanced at Shifu and took in a deep breath, wiping a small trickle of blood from my chin. I pushed Shifu's staff away from my face and gave a small bow. "Of course Grandmaster Shifu."

Tigress also bowed. "Yes Master."

Shifu glanced between us a stern look on his face. "From now on Kai will train with the reat of the furious five until I deem you both ready to train togather is that understood?"

I gave a pointed glare in Tigress' direction but nodded. "Yes Grandmaster."

Tigress simply nodded and turned to walk away exiting the training hall without another word. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Po quietly exit after her, obviously worried. Shifu shook his head and took a few steps away.

He turned towards me and gave me a pointed look, obviously not impressed. "You are dismissed, get those wounds seen to."

And with that he walked away. I felt my bloody paws clench as I watched him leave, leaving me to the concerned gazes of the rest of the furious five.

I looked around at them a furstrated growl sounding from my throat. "WHAT?"

The five looked shocked and glanced at each other before turning back to their training equiptment. I snarled and dashed from the room clutching one of my many wounds.

This really sucks...

A/N- I started school recently so you all know how little

R&R and all that good stuff.