Amanda sat at home, 4 days since her last encounter with Michael. Since then she had tried to sort herself out again, spending the past days looking for a new job. It was a strange feeling, knowing she was so close to Michael yet not quite close enough to be able to see him. Amanda knew she had to be more than just careful, she knew that the cops were keeping a close eye on her. She couldn't just go down to the house whenever she pleased, although she wished that she could.
Amanda stood up and walked to the mantel piece staring at the picture of the two of them; she smiled and pressed her fingers against the frame. She reached underneath the back of the frame and pulled out a piece of paper, the piece of paper Michael had given her those 17 years ago, she looked at it for several seconds before running her fingers across the fold. She had kept it this long because she had promised.
"Until you need it most."
There had been many times when she had been so desperate to look at what was inside but she hadn't. What would she do then once she had looked? There would be nothing else to hold onto. but it was different now. She needed it, whatever it was. There was nothing else left to wait or hope for.
Amanda put her nail under the fold to open it; there was a sudden knocking at the door that made her jump. Amanda stood up with a sigh and shoved the note into her pocket and answered the door. Her stomached dropped when she was greeted with who was outside. Immediately she wanted to panic but forced herself to remain cool and distant.
"Doctor Loomis what a surprise. What is it this time? Got more accusations to throw at me? I'm afraid I don't have time for that right now I was just about to-
"Miss Sanders." Loomis interrupted, "Miss Sanders, something very serious has happened. Would it be okay if I could come in? I need to speak to you." Amanda silently panicked but sighed and held the door open for him. He walked in past her and stood in the hallway, she shut the door and beckoned him to follow her through the hall and into the lounge.
"You might want to sit down Miss Sanders." Loomis said quietly. Amanda shook her head, irritated but sat down on the arm chair anyway. "Miss Sanders, I have some upsetting news."Loomis continued. Amanda's face fell, her heartbeat picking up in anticipation. "W-what is it?" Her mind was already imaging the worse. What if Michael had been killed? No, it was too awful to even consider. "We didn't see it fit to tell you before, as it may have brought about- may have upset you. But seeing the recurring circumstances we felt that keeping it from you would no longer be acceptable."
"Doctor, what has happened?" Amanda asked gravely. She balled her hands up into fits, her nails cutting into the palms of her hands. "Over the past week or so we've been discovering victims' bodies, they appear to have all been murdered in the same way- "And you're assuming Michael is responsible for this?" Amanda cut in, voice sharp. She couldn't breathe out, not yet.
"Miss Sanders, we have sufficient evidence to prove that Michael was at the scene of the crime. You have to understand Miss-
"I don't want to hear this Doctor." Amanda said, shaking her head. Loomis's eyes flickered briefly to the picture on the mantle then back to hers.
She had to get out, out of the house and as far away from Loomis as possible. It was a constant battle to act, to pretend she wasn't who she was. That she wasn't doing what she was doing, it didn't make her a bad person did it? Amanda accepted long ago that no-one was going to understand her and her feelings for Michael. There was a time when she though Loomis might have, but not anymore. She was on her own- just her and Michael, she'd be lying if she said it wasn't what she wanted all along.
"Amanda- Loomis begun.
"Doctor, I don't want to hear this. I don't understand why you have to keep telling me all these things either. I had a life before you knocked on my door last month," Amanda was nearly crying. "It wasn't a great life but I got by and now I feel like I'm falling apart. I've lost my job and every minute of the day I have you keep coming around here digging up the past." Amanda took a deep breath, she wasn't going to cry now- not here.
"I'm sorry Amanda." Loomis whispered, looking apologetic.
"Please Doctor Loomis, I don't want to have to go through this all again."
"Okay Amanda, okay I understand." Loomis said, giving her hand a squeeze. "I'm sorry that I burdened you, I'll see myself out. Take care Amanda."
She watched him go and only when she heard the door shut did she burst into tears.
"Well?" the officer asked Loomis once the door had shut.
Loomis nodded slowly, "You were right, she's lying."
After about 20 minutes Amanda managed to compose herself, she took a deep breath before grabbing her keys from the table and putting on her trench coat. Amanda knew that it was now or never, she had watched from the window as Loomis talked to the other officer. It didn't take a genius to work out that they still didn't trust her. She had to get to Michael before it was too late.
Walking out of the door and into the evening sky, the street lamps gave the pathways with some illumination. Amanda sped up her pace walking down the road towards the Myers house, it didn't matter if she was seen anymore- she was pretty sure they already knew. Amanda walked faster, feeling the drop in temperature. It was now mid November and the winter weather was approaching fast. She shivered and put her hands in the pockets pulling her coat over her more. Amanda reached the house and without hesitation walked up towards the door. Last time she left she had boarded it up again so as not to draw attention but it looked like someone had torn that all down.
Stepping inside the deserted hallway she began to mount the stairs, making her way to Michael's room. Her heartbeat began to race again and Amanda prayed to whoever was listening that Michael would be behind that door.
"Mikey?" Amanda whispered into the darkness, her voice full of hope. She walked forwards on shaking legs, there was just enough light coming in from the window to make out the shape of the room. There was silence for several moments; Amanda was beginning to be filled with doubt. Just as she thought to turn on her heel and leave an arm shot out of the darkness grabbing her wrist. Amanda stepped forward into the room facing Michael, the street lamp from outside shone light in through the window, reflecting of Michael's mask.
"Hey Mikey, I've missed you." she whispered, her voice shaking as much as she was. Once again there was no reply. Amanda stood looking at him for a long while before Michael lifted an arm towards her, his fingers tracing lightly over her cheek, travelling down her neck and resting against her clavicle. Amanda shivered from the coldness of his fingers. "Oh Michael, I'm so cold." Amanda whispered so quietly she thought he might not had heard her but then he brought his arms around her shoulders pulling her against his chest. He was so much taller than herself that she felt brittle against his strong embrace but never the less it felt so right she wouldn't dare move. His arms crushed her and he buried his head into the crook of her neck and in her hair. Amanda smiled lightly wound her arms around Michael's neck. She would have loved to freeze the moment right there, stay like that forever. Eventually she managed to pull back a little to look at Michael, his dark eyes searched hers.
"Michael, the police just came to my house. They told me that you had been linked with all the murders." Amanda whispered, her heartbeat becoming erratic. There was silence for several moments then Michael pulled her tighter against his grasp, pressing his chin against her head. She sighed into his chest and tired not to cry again. "Mikey, what should I do? I can't keep lying; they're bound to find to out. I couldn't bear not to see you again." Amanda whispered. Michael's vice like grip tightened almost as if he could stop her talking by holding her close. She let him for several more moments; she didn't know when she'd get the chance to be with him again properly. She felt him move a little.
"Michael, what- What is it?" she asked. But then she heard it too, voices from outside. She pulled out of Michael's grasp and bolted to the window. She could just make out on the front pathway Loomis and several other police officers. She almost threw up.
"Oh my god. What are we gonna do? They can't catch you Mikey- they can't catch you." Amanda gabbled, shaking on the spot. This was her worst nightmare. There was no way out this time. Michael reached over and grabbed her wrist.
"Oh Mikey."
Michael put a palm to her cheek and looked at her, eyes full of sadness. It made her feel worse. But then he pulled away and reached into his pocket. Amanda's eyes followed his actions, he pulled out a piece of paper and Amanda was reminded of the night when they had been reunited again. It seemed months and months ago not a few weeks. She took the paper curiously and read through Michael's messy handwriting. She smiled.
"You've got a plan."
Michael nodded and pointed to ammunition pile in the corner of the room. Amanda took a deep breath. This was it, from this point on there could be no turning back. She met Michael's stare and smiled.
"I can do it. For you Mikey, always."
He reached out to touch her cheek again before turning and opening the window. She watched him climb out and onto the roof. She slammed the window down just as Loomis and 5 other police officers entered the room.
Amanda stood still, rooted to the spot.
"Doctor Loomis." Amanda said quietly. Her whole body shook with nerves but she wasn't going to give in, not this time.
"Where is he Amanda?" Loomis asked, his voice cold and distant. The fake politeness he had put on for her sake disappeared.
"He's not here."
"Amanda." Loomis said sharply, causing her to jump slightly. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."
"I told you he's not here." Amanda shot back.
"He's on the roof sir." One of the officers said. Amanda cursed him and Michael for not getting away. One of them made a move towards the window but somehow Amanda was quicker. She lashed out and hit him clean in the face, he stumbled and she made a grab for the gun. The others all pointed their guns at her but Amanda aimed hers straight at Loomis. She steadied herself and took a deep breath. "You shoot I shoot." Amanda whispered darkly. The others remained motionless. "Amanda, come on." Doctor Loomis protested stepping forward to her.
"Stay back!" Amanda shouted, her hands were shaking so much she had to steady her grip. "Amanda, please just put the gun down. I don't want any of this; I don't want to hurt you. " Loomis whispered, coming closer again.
"I said, stay back!"
"Mandy please-
"DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" Amanda screamed. "You've got no right to call me that." She was hysterical now, halfway between having a breakdown and going insane with anger.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed one of the officers moved slightly towards the window, in a second he made a bold towards it but Amanda turned suddenly shooting at his leg. He screamed and dropped his gun, clutching at this thigh. Blood pumped out through his fingers, another officer stooped down to help him. Amanda pointed the gun back at Loomis who signalled to the others to lower their weapons. They did so, all be it reluctantly. Amanda took a deep breath.
"I warned you, don't fucking move." she said, turning her gaze back to Loomis. "You let him out of here or I'll blow this room to high heaven." Amanda breathed glancing down at the small pile of ammunition by the wall; panic then erupted from the officers in the room.
"He's gone Amanda, you got what you wanted now for god sake put the gun down."
Amanda shook her head. "You'll just follow him." She said with a shrug.
"What do you expect? He needs to be caught, he's dangerous." Loomis replied, he was trying to stay calm and authoritive though Amanda noticed he was shaking as much as she was. She didn't reply.
"Amanda please, I beg of you." Loomis whispered stepping forward once more, "You don't have to do this." "Promise me; promise me that he will be safe." Amanda spoke quietly and desperately, only loud enough that Loomis could hear her. "I can't do that." Loomis said sadly, knowing that there was no point in lying. Amanda sighed, "Then I can't promise all of you will make it out alive."
"Why are you doing this Amanda? Michael is a monster; he needs to be locked up where he can't hurt anymore people. You're a good person Amanda so why? Why do all this? " Loomis asked.
"I don't expect you to understand Doctor, no-one ever did. If I let you go your going to lock him up and I'll never see him again. Just like before, only this time I can do something about it."
"Look me in the eyes and promise me that I'll be able to see him." She begged, there were tears clouding her eyes she knew. Doctor Loomis wavered a little.
"You know that isn't allowed Amanda."
She let out a sob. "He only has me. I can't do this to him, I can't lose him again Doctor I won't." "I was Michael's psychologist for 15 years, I know him better than anyone. He doesn't love you Amanda, "he added softly. "He doesn't love anyone. He isn't capable of human emotions, he belongs behind bars where he can't hurt you or anyone else ever again."
"You may have worked with him for 15 years Doctor, but he has always been my best friend. I knew him better than anyone; I was the only one he ever trusted. I didn't have any other friends, I didn't have much of a family but you know it really didn't matter back then. Because Michael and I, we understood each other. He was everything to me and you took that away." Amanda whispered, she was suddenly overwhelmed with such burning hatred she didn't know what to do.
"He'll never love you Amanda, never. You're lying to yourself and you know it." Loomis replied spitefully.
"You're wrong. You always were wrong and there's no going back now." Amanda said, more to herself than Loomis.
"I can't let you do this." Loomis spoke stepping forward. Amanda pointed the gun to the ammunition and took a deep breath. "You'd better run Doctor." Amanda said, looking at him with warning eyes. It didn't take many seconds for them all to reach the door way. Amanda pressed the trigger; time seemed to past a lot slower than it should. Loomis and the officers dived out into the hallway way from the blast, the wall and glass and fire blasting through the air. As Amanda hurled herself through the glass window causing it to shatter, the force of the explosion made the bricks cave in, fire, glass and concrete hit her as she hurtled through the air, the heat from the fire smashing into her with force. She had several blissful moments of falling through cool air before she collided with the hard cold floor. Fragments of glass, dirt concrete wall, fire and flame surround her as she lay in the front pathway to the Myers house. The noise that had erupted when the bomb and gone off had subsided and it fell silent over Haddonfield.
To be continued.