When the elevator reached the top floor of the garage, Gilbert began to cry. "Where is it!" He held his head trying not to cry.

Natalia looked to him in dismay, "You said it should be here."

He looked to the Belorussian; truly frightened. "It should have been..." He cringed.

Natalia's eye twitched, she very much wanted to hit him. But he was her main lead on Ivan's scarf. "You are lucky." She muttered.

"What?" He was obviously confused. I swear this girl is unscrupulous when it comes to her freak brother... He shivered almost gagging at the mention of him.

Natalia wasn't amused, she walked to the stairwell and began sprinting down it. "Hurry."

Gilbert sighed, facepalming. "Ja, ja..." he followed, slowly.

Amelia walked out to the court yard, the other two following her; she hoped that by wandering the campus enough she'd find a directory. So far, no such luck.

"Crikey.." Jett pointed to the mass of unknown creatures running towards them. "What is that?" he asked, fascinated.

Before Amelia could say something, she was tackled by said mass. "MRFH!" She hit the ground.

"CATS!" Jett, in a very manly fashion, squealed. "I LOVE CATS!" He picked one of them up from off Amelia's head, handing it to Dour.

Dour backed away, "Keep that thing away from me!"

Jett's eyes watered, "Unc, don't you like cats?" He held the cat up to his face.

Dour sneered, "NO! I like snakes!"

Amelia sat up, very sorely confused, every inch of her covered with cats. "There aren't snakes in Ireland..."

"Damn Pat.." He muttered, slapping Jett up the side of the head. "Get that out of my face, lad."

Jett sulked; but did as told. "..."

Amelia successfully got up, slowly peeling the cats from off of her. "Where did these come from?" She wondered.

A worried man came running towards them, he seemed angry, but they couldn't tell. "My cats!" He cried.

Amelia peeled the last one from off her leg, holding it in her arms. "These are yours?"

The man nodded, "They all came to me last night, while I slept in a tree."

Jett had a look of disbelief, "Just because they came to you doesn't make them yours..." He put the cat on his head, lippy glared at it.

Dour sighed, "Give him his cats."

The man was preoccupied counting how many cats there were. "47, 48, 49..." He stopped; looking up. "The other one is missing..."

Amelia looked about, she turned eighty degrees and pointed at one rolling in the small patch of sunflowers. "There?" It was a fluffy white cat, you couldn't tell if it was fat or just furry.

Ivan sighed, and looked out his window. "Hm?" He took a double take, "Alaska!" He gasped, even though he felt barren without his scarf; he rushed out the door and down the stairs. Once he reached the bottom he went out to the field, he picked up the unsuspecting cat. "You bad kitty! You ran away from Mother!" He scolded.

Amelia stared at the odd sight of Ivan cuddling a cat. "...Is that your cat?" She asked, walking towards Ivan slowly.

He turned to see Amelia, he smiled. "Da, Alaska is a bad kitty." patting 'Alaska's' head, the kitten purred in contentment.

Amelia stared at Ivan blankly, "Alaska?" She set the cat down on the ground, "Isn't that a State?"

Jet stood behind Amelia, both the cat on his head and Lippy on his shoulder; glaring at the Russian. "'Melia, let's go." He set her hand on her shoulder; only to be ignored.

Ivan nodded, "Once Russian, this is the avatar of Alaska; a cat!" He giggled. "You could call him, my child."

"...You don't say?" Amelia looked to Jett. "Is it normal for Russians to be insane?"

He replied with a nod; disturbing the cat. "Ironically, he's not insane; at least today he isn't."

Ivan smiled, tilting his head. "Sunflower, have you seen my scarf?"

"Who's he talking to?" Amelia turned back to look to Dour, "Got any clue?"

Dour shrugged, "You're the only lass here." he chuckled and took a swig from his whiskey.

Amelia's eyes grew wide, she stumbled back. "Say what?"

Ivan looked at her rather quizzically. "What?"

"I don't know, that applies both to of your questions."

"That was unpleasant." Arthur scoffed, "To put it nicely." stretching out his arms.

"I found seeing Rome very nice, yes." He nodded, grinning. "What should we do now?"

He uttered one word, gingerly. "Records."

Alfred decided that he sitting around the room was boring. "ADVENTURE TIME!" He raced out the door, hoping to find something entertaining. He did, a girl with long silver hair raced past him while a man followed her. What's that all about? He was curious, so he started walking next to Gil. "Howdy."

Gil looked at him rather apathetically. "Ja? I'm kind of busy so..." He pointed to the glaring Belorussian.

"Don't let me keep you but...Can I follow you? I'm kinda bored.."

Gilbert shrugged.


"That was good." Nina sighed contently. "Not as good as Papi's though."

Lovina nodded in agreement, "Si, I have to admit that the tomato bastard does a good job sometimes."

Antonio smiled stupidly, following behind the two girls. Completely oblivious to the fact that he head just been insulted. "Let's eat churros now!" He smiled. "I'll make some fresh!"

A/N: OOC much? ...QAQ I'm such a bad author, I never update anymore...I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS STORY IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO. Anyways~ Christmas is coming up! I'm hoping to update for you guys before then! Oh~ Anybody have any video requests? I'm making AMVs for awesome people for Christmas! :3 So any of you awesome people want one?...

~ Gwyn signing off~