Authors Note: Hello! Welcome to my lovely Ninja Storm story! :3 You may call me Kari. It is my summer break So I have decided to rewrite my Lost Tunder Ninja story. Please don't be to harsh on the criticizing. Also just a warning now to all the grammar and spelling nazi's out there, I am not the best speller or always grammaticly correct all the time. So please excuse all the errors. Enough of me blabbering and on to the story! :3
Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers or anything related to it. Even though I wish I do.
Rebecca Andrews groaned as she heard her alarm clock beep. She slamed her hand on the alarm clock, and slowly imerged from her bed. It has been a week since Rebecca and her parents moved to their new home in Blue Bay harbor, and it has been the worst week of her life. She never wanted to leave her home in D.C., but since her father got laid off from his job as a FBI agent, they moved out here so her dad could become the new Chief of Police.
She decided to explore the town today and maybe even hit the beach. That was probably the only plus side to this move. It would be a nice break from all the unpacking, so Rebecca put on a gold bikini and a gold spaghetti strap tanktop and a pair of blue jean short shorts on top. She went to the bathroom and brushed her long jet-black hair into a pony tail. She ran down the stairs and kissed her parents good bye. Rebecca got into her gold Ford F150 and drove off around town for a few minutes and saw a sports shop called "Storm Charges."
Tori sat behind the counter of Storm Charges, letting out a sigh. The water ninja was extremely bored. Why did today have to be so boring? No attacks from Lothur, no customers, nothing. She could be out surfing, or spending time with a certain Thunder ranger, but no she was here.
She pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her blue eyes, letting out another sigh. Where were the guys anyways? Probably at the skate park or motocross track. Either way, they weren't here.
"Ugh, please tell me it's almost time for our shift to end!" she asked her friend and fellow ranger, Dustin.
"Almost Tori, almost," Dustin said, who also looked equally as bored. The earth ranger's mind was on dirtbikes, not the boring, deserted store. He ran a hand through his curly brown hair, sighing. "It's days like this when l think the store should just stay closed," he joked.
At that moment, a girl walked into the store. "Great, we cursed ourselves Tor. Totally cursed ourselves," Dustin sighed.
"Welcome to Storm Charges!" Tori called out to the girl. She gave Dustin a puzzled glance. "Who is this girl? I've never seen her before," she whispered.
Dustin shrugged. "I dont know who she is," he said. Well, this boring day just got interesting.
Rebecca Smiled at the girl behind the counter as she walked around the store. She smiled when she found new gold motocross gloves. She had been needing to get new ones since she trashed her old ones in the last race. She was walking to the counter to check out when two guys walk in. Blake smiled "Hey Tor, Dustin." He called as he and Shane walked over to them. Blake sat on the counter next to her and smiled.
"Why hello there pretty lady!" Shane smiled and said to the new girl who came up to check out.
"You must be new in town, because I would remember such a pretty face like yours." Shane said to the new girl. Rebecca raised one eye brow at the guy and shook her head.
"First of all my name is not 'Pretty lady' It's Rebecca. An it just so happen that I am new in town." She said to him. Blake chuckled at Shane.
"Dude you just got shot down!" He whispered to him. Blake stared at the girl for a minute he seemed so familar to him and the name rang a bell but he couldn't put his finger on it where he had seen her before.
Dustin had to laugh at that. "Let's face it Shane, the only way you're going to get a girlfriend is if you go gay," he joked, amusement in his brown eyes. He looked over at Rebecca. "Shane is right about you being pretty though. I'm Dustin," he introduced, waving at her. A new girl in town. Awesome! "Oh and this is Blake, Shane, and Tori," he added, gesturing towards each one.
"Nice to meet you," Tori greeted. She liked this girl already. She had nailed Shane good. "Oh be nice you two," she said to Dustin and Blake who were giving Shane crap. "Shane isn't gay and he doesn't need to go gay," she said, laughing.
Just then, Hunter came into the store. "Hey guys," he greeted. He came up to the counter and was avout to ask Dustin something when he noticed the girl. "Who's this?" he asked. He felt like he knew her. Weird.
Rebecca smiled and gave everyone a small wave. "Hey," She said. Becca could not get over the fact that she thought she had seen Blake some were. She turned around and looked over at the new guy who walked in.
"Bro, this is Rebecca. She's new in town. Rebecca this is my brother Hunter." He said smiling at shane. Shane frowned and playfully Blake in the shoulder.
"But You can call me Becca." Becca said looking back at Hunter. She really felt like she knows these two, and now that blake said their brothers it really felt like she knew them. Just then Shane's mopher beeped. "Uhh sorry, but we got to go." He said to Becca. "No problem I got get going anway." She put the money on the counter and Left.
"See ya!" Dustin called as she left. "Not every day a pretty new girl moves to town Eh?" he asked, grinning. She seemed pretty cool and judging by her purchase, she raced. Awesome! Of course Shanes morpher just had to beep so he didn't get to ask her about it. Surely he'd see he again though.
Hunter watched Rebecca leave, a thoughtful look on his face. "I swear I've met that girl before," he said. He looked at Blake. "Didnt she seem familiar to you bro?" the Thunder Ranger questioned. He couldn't get over the feeling that he knew her. Weird.
"You think you know her?" Dustin asked. "It looks like she races. There aren't that many girl racers, especially ones who are that hot. Maybe you raced against her before?" he suggested. He knew he wouldn't forget if he had met her before. How could you forget?
Tori cleared her throat. "Well this is great and all that theres a new girl in town that races and you can faun over, but in case you had forgotten...we have to go," she said, her stormy blue eyes narrowing skighly. Clearly she wasn't pleased with all the attention this girl was getting. Especially from Blake.
"Yeah we gotta go." Shane said. "Go for Shane." He said into his morpher. "Zurgane and a new monster are attacking the Downtown Area. I'll meet you down there." Cam said. Blake jumped down from the counter and looked at his brother.
"Yeah, just probably a rider from somewhere." He muttered. And with that Shane and Blake ninja streeked out of the store.
Becca was driving back to her house threw the downtown area when she notice everyone was screaming anf running away. She quickly got out of her car and saw weird monsters. "What the hell are those things?" She said out load. Then Kelzacks came up to and started to grab her. Thank god her parents made her take Karate for five years. Rebecca quickly faught back but flew back and hit a car because Zurgane laser hit her.
Tori, Dustin, and Hunter all followed after Shane and Blake. They reached downtown to find Zurgane and some Kalzacks. The three began fighting them. It wasn't that difficult, they had fought these goons many times before. But where was this new monster? That was what they needed to worry about.
"Why is this just too easy at the moment?" Tori asked. She had expected these guys to totally be waiting for them. "Beats me," Dustin said. "Let's go find them!" Hunter said as they took down the last guy.
Becca groaned and slowly got back up and back in her fighting stance. "Persistent, you are." Zurgane said shooting another laser at her. Becca dodge by the skin on her teeth.
Shane took out the last of the Kelzacks. "I thinks it's time to take it up a notch." He said getting in his morphing stance. "Ninja Storm! Ranger Form!" He yelled. "Power Of Air!" Blake nodded and Morphed as well. "Thunder Storm! Ranger Form!" He yelled. "Power Of Thunder!"
Just then Cam arrived already Morphed. "Hey! You Guys didn't think to start the party without me did you?" Cam Joked. "Wouldn't dream of it!" Blake answered.
Tori, Dustin, and Hunter all morphed into their Ranger form. "Nice you could show up Cam!" Tori joked. "Now we can get this party started," Dustin added. "Sure you don't just want to run away now while you still can Zurgane?" Hunter asked, pulling out his thunder staff. They were ready for this guy and anything he could throw at them.
"Urgh! Rangers! I'll deal with you later girl!" Zurgane said to Becca. "I'll show you a party! Kelzacks! Show our guests a good time!" Zurgane shouted as more Kelzacks apperead and Zurgane disappered.
"Talk about a party crasher!" Shane said before fighting off some more Kelzacks. Blake noticed Becca was the one Zurgane was talking to and paying most attention to earlier. "I wonder What Zurgane and Lothor have up their sleeves." He thought. Then he went back to fighting.
"Whoa! Power Rangers!" Becca thought watching them fight. She saw the Navy colored Ranger stare at her for a moment. She smiled alittle and then decided she needed to get out of there.
Well what do you think? Why do Hunter, Blake and Rebecca think they know each other? Why is Zurgane so interested in Rebecca? What is Lothor planning? Find out in the next chapter! :)
Please Reveiw! Your reveiws get me motivated to write! :D Oh and if you guys like this story why don't you check out one of my friends Ninja Storm fics? Her name is xXxKaraBeckerCutterxXx. Go on check her out! :3