Please review! This is the last chapter! :'( But I hope you enjoy this chapter!

sorry for the mix up with the chapters! thanks to ekatia217 for pointing it out!

Hermione's POV

I stared around the platform. I hadn't been here in 11 years. Now I was here with David as he annoyed Scorpius.

"I'm going and you're not!" he taunted.

"Muuuuummmmm! Tell David to leave me alone!"

"David leave your brother alone."

I looked at Draco. He was smiling at us.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said looking away. He helped David lift his trunk onto the train. When he returned I noticed a small family looking at us.

Ron and Lavender were holding hands with their twin daughters.

We walked up to them.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi." They replied in sync. We all laughed.

"So this is Amelia and Madeleine. You're so grown up." I said. They weren't paying attention. They were looking at David. Well they were going to have a fun year.

We were chatting when Harry and Luna walked up.

"HI guys." Said Harry.

"Hi." We all replied. With them were Lily, James and Albus. James was the only one starting though.

Before we could say anything Ginny walked up with Blaise. With them were Hugo and Rose. We were talking idly when the whistle was blown and we had to usher them quickly onto the train.

"I'm glad we got back together." Said Draco beside me.

"Me too." I replied. "Me too."

And there you have it! I hope it is good enough! Please review and tell me!