Hey everyone! This is Mysterious Panther coming to you via Fanfiction to give you a story. It's a OC submission academy story with your OCs attending The Solstice School of the Remarkably Advanced in Castelia city in Unova. So go ahead! Read. Get ready to smell the coffee. Writer of the Void and I came up with this idea recently and thought 'What the hell. Let's do it.' Check out the Form on the bottom of the page and remember! Submit your OC via PM! Reviews could get this story taken down and 'sides PMs do not limit themselves to one per chapter

Quick Note:

A major part of this story will be a competition between school factions in several different tournaments in a point based system. The students will be put into groups that will be decided later. The number is currently unknown right now because we need to see how many good heavily detailed characters we receive and how many we can put in evenly balanced teams.

The tournament will start in the first semester with the winning faction from last semester in control. Then second semester will then be ruled by the first semester tournament winners and so on. Those who defy the rules set by the faction will be prosecuted by the faction's members. Let's just say you better hope the Head Master finds you first.

Edit: The P.O.V has been switched to 3rd person!

Josh was sitting on his bed attempting to calm himself down and thought 'I can do this, I have to do this.' The thought of being around them again is horrifying but he has to; it's this or he'll have to go back to another foster home and get taught there since Sarah won't allow him to stay away from his educational growth. Josh's guardian can be such a frightening persuader, personally he thinks it partially has to do with being a lawyer.

Quickly going towards his bedroom door Josh gave himself a glance in the mirror and sighed. He find himself automatically trying to push the few strands of his raven hair to the side of his face and readjusting the school's required necktie back into a presentable state. Gulping at what his rushed morning resulted to as he look at himself up and down, Josh turn the rest of his body towards the full length mirror and with a pale hand he set to fix his sloppy attire; starting with his gleaming silver tie which with a swift tug brought itself to a formal state while choking him. Josh abruptly adjusted it and approved it with a single motion before checking the rest of his outfit to find little devils of fluff gathering.

With nimble hands Josh quickly push off small pieces of lint that seemed hell-bent on sticking to his golden school-issued blazer and loose black shirt where most of them have gathered. The angry lint spirits quickly sprang back to life by clinging to his new black slacks as they spiraled downward making him seemingly even more in a hurry as Josh swatted at the little devils to fall off.

Giving him another look over and deeming himself moderately clean, Josh glided out the door giving his new charcoal leather shoes a test run.

Josh flew down the hall briefly touching his silver chain necklace while uttering a small prayer to the almighty poke lord, praying for him to cause some object to change Josh's guardian's mind of sending to such a prestigious school with so many people.

Josh thought about his new school the 'Solstice School of the Remarkably Advanced'. The school itself has a pretty snooty ring to it. Only a few months ago, if someone had said that him, Joshua Michaels, would be attending such an elite and rich school, he would probably have found that person insane, scampering away from humanly contact. But then again, when your guardian is a very successful lawyer, he guessed signing your newly-adopted son up for school is practically nothing.

As Josh finally power walked out of the hallway towards the kitchen, he heard a familiar voice calling out from the said room. "Josh! You need to get going! You're going to be late! Oh! By the way dear, I'll be home at seven, hopefully," her voice growing softer as he appear in the door frame begrudging to go but cooperative. She gives him a warm smile from across the room but a puzzled look is soon thrown as she stares at his disheveled apparel.

He grabs his standard school-issued black leather satchel and hangs it over his shoulder as he slows his pace as the final steps of the house slowly crept up upon him.

'Seems like Arceus is too busy today to help me' Josh thought to himself, checking his satchel for all his needed supplies.

School Books? Check.

PokeGear? Check.

Novels? Wouldn't leave home without them.

Sketch book and art supplies? Of course.

Glacia's and Venom's Pokeballs? Uhmm.

Josh hurriedly patted his blazer's pockets. Finding the usually comforting bulge of the spheres missing, Josh quickly rummage again through the stiff black satchel only to receive the same result. The black-haired boy swiftly turn heel back to the kitchen to find his guardian already walking towards him.

Josh instinctively shrank back against the white colored wall as the slightly taller woman pitter pattered quietly against the dark brown wooden floors. He watched as Sarah hesitantly stopped a few feet away from him and opened her clasped hands to reveal his missing friends. Her sweet honey colored eyes shifted from her hands to his own grass green eyes. Uncomfortable with the her stare, Josh shifted in place and drew his eyes to the pokeballs in her hands.

Sensing his discomfort, Sarah tossed the two pokeballs to Josh and with absolute grace turned her suit covered body to the counter where she reached for a steaming pot of Joe. Her mud-brown ponytail swung in the air as he caught his partners with little effort.

With a slight wave of the hand Josh left the small ground leveled apartment and with whatever courage he had left, Josh sauntered towards the alley ways which would soon lead him to his worst fear.

Twenty minutes later outside of Josh's new school, he approached the weather-worn metal entrance gates of the SSRA finding the castle-turned-school lived up to it's reputation of being worth the large budget. The gardens in front of the relic stood out proudly with various bright colors instead of the gray stones that the castle was made from. Leaning to the right of the gates and standing on the tips of his toes, Josh could see that behind the extravagant castle was a large auditorium which he could only assume is where they held the battles or something relatively worse.

After fidgeting with the rusted handle for well over ten minutes, Josh manage to open the screeching gates that seemed to beg for a oiling. He frantically searched the area for someone that might have came to investigate the loud noise but was relived when not a soul made their presence known.

Glancing around a final time he walked up to the looming cedar door that held the key to his fate. Beyond that door was Josh's future as a Solstice Academy student. 'Arceus! This would be the perfect time to intervene.' He mused to himself. Finding no giant togepi or a deranged hobo to kidnap him from this fate, Josh grabbed the mildly cool jeweled doorknob and gave it a slight twist.

"Took you long enough." A voice called out from beside the youth.

Josh swiftly turned to his left, backing up, as he found a much older girl smirking at him as she coolly leaned against the castle's wall. The world seemed to tilt as he fell backwards scrambling to get away from this odd stranger.

"W-who are y-y-you?" He question out loud, keeping his eyes on her.

"I'm just a simple nobody, as long as no one introduces themselves first." The onyx-hair stranger answered as she readjusted her also black bomber jacket over her silver vest.

Finding his legs uncooperative, Josh used what little arm strength he had left and pulled himself up with a nearby stone ledge.

She looks at him, skeptical as he uneasily stood up. The anxiety filling his every muscle continued to quiver as he placed his hands behind him using the ledge as an support.

"J-Joshua M-M-Michaels." He answered meekly as she turned herself completely towards him now. Josh quickly recognized her outfit being that of the school's uniform.

The girl gave a nod as if she knew his name all along and quickly leaned forward. By reflex Josh scrunched tighter against the wall as her blue-gray eyes inspected dangerously close to his face before abruptly pulling back and walking away from him.

"Hey! W-who are you? Why a-a-aren't you in class?" Josh asked her as the hairs on the back of his neck began to raise.

The teenager paused for a moment before glancing back in his direction.

"Call me Hawke and I could ask you the same question. Why aren't you in class, Mister Scaredy Skitty?" She called back before continuing on her walk on the well groom lawn.

Josh quickly brushed off the remark and found the strength to stand normally gradually returning. He slowly reach for the door knob again when it dawns on him. Arceus came through!

Though the girl herself is slightly weird a single person is better than a room full of strangers...to him at least.

After a pregnant pause Josh gather what wits he had about him and stalked after Hawke who strolled leisurely around the castle grounds.

"Welcome back, Mister Skitty. I assure you. Your choice was chosen wisely." Hawke greeted him with a sly grin as she turned around to face Josh.

Josh nervously concentrated on her combat shoes, which he noticed didn't match her uniform attire as she wandered closely by him before letting out a harsh whistle.

Suddenly plagued by the thought this was an ambush, Josh broke his concentration and gave his surroundings another look over only to find a coy smile on Hawke's face as she looked beyond him. Confused, Josh looked behind himself again to discover a looming black hound with giant horns staring fiendishly at him.

Josh must admit; he have never ran faster in his life than today when he saw that houndoom gazing at him like Josh was his next meal. It was when Josh turned my head to see how much distance the boy had on him, did he see Hawke and the houndoom locked in a brief tussle.

Hawke had him locked in position; her hands gripping his horns keeping him from biting and in place.

As Josh surveyed the new territory he had ran into he could only see several fields filled with various sporting goods which would have been helpful to have closer to the castle in this situation. By the time Josh would have come back with teacher or a weapon the houndoom might have already finished off his new acquaintance.

Swallowing his rising anxiety attack, Josh spun back around ready to confront the hell-hound when Hawke does the unthinkable.

Alright. Cut! The OCs will be split into groups for the competition don't try to create the group right now wait until the next chapter. We'll need OCs for both students and teachers so send them in as well. Feel free to PM me if you have questions or ask the question in a review.

Name: (Preferably not Japanese)

Nickname: (Optional)


Age: (10 to 19 for students, for teachers they have to be at least 24 and can be anything above that as long as it isn't anything to extreme.)

Teacher, student, or Dean: (Which one are you?)

What they teach: (If they're a teacher.)

How long have they been in the school: (They can enter the school when they are a minimum age of ten years old or join at any age until they're over nineteen. Say how many years they have been at the school and if you're sending a teacher in it's how long the teacher has been teaching.)

Occupation: (Battler, coordinator, breeder, ranger, or something like a poke-stylists, poke-artists, dancers, poke Athletes, just bums or something else. Doesn't have to generic)

Hometown: (It can be anywhere as long as it's a real place in the games.)

Where they are staying: (Since Void's OC will be staying with his guardian in the city everyone either has the choice to live at the school, in a apartment alone [If legal], or with family in the city.)

Personality: (As detailed as possible. The longer the personality the better chance of your OC is being used. A Paragraph or less be ignored.)

Strengths: (Have a even number of strengths, weaknesses and fears so they'll balance out.)

Weaknesses: (No body is perfect there has to be some.)

Fears: (They can be anything.)

History: (As detailed as you possibly can.)

Family: (Import family members and any important info on them.)

Appearance: (Height, weight, skin color, build, hair color, length, and style, any distinct features, and anything else you feel like adding.)


-Uniform: They have to have the school colors, the school colors are gold, black, and silver grey can replace silver.

For Males: A dress shirt short or long sleeved, the choice to wear a blazer, sweater, or sweater vest with the school crest on the back, black dress pants or shorts, a tie or bow tie, socks, and dress shoes of there choice.

For Females: They have the same choices and same dress shirt, shoes, ties or bow ties and socks. They have the added choice to wear a skirt, they have to have there hair up in some way, and they have the choice to wear a dress of their choice as long as it has at least on of the school colors.

-Satchel: (Every student gets one when enrolling and any need books for the school, include anything else you want your OC to have. No guns or any weapons you think a school wouldn't know. If you're unsure then feel free to ask.) [Weapons will be given to a selected few OCs in due time, but that is our decision]

-Everyday: (What they wear during battles and everyday outside of school.)

-Swimwear: (For trips to the beach with or without the school having this happen and possible swim classes.)

-Winter wear: (The school can have field trips to colder areas)

-Nightwear: (Scenes in the night can happen.)

-Formal wear: (For special events and school dances.)

-For teacher what they wear when teaching: (Self explanatory.)

Love Interest: (If they want their OC in a romance and what they're looking for in a person whether it be looks, personality, and/or anything else.)

What do they think of Hawke: [Please for the love of the Maker. She is not going to be your best friend and will share her information with your character. She is going to cause bunch of mischief between factions and will hold your secrets till a high bidder finds her price. If you think you can handle being her friend. Good Luck! To people who find her a love interest; I salute you]

What do they think of Josh: [Yes. Josh is a coward, so he won't just instantly open up to your OC and be their best friend. He'll be more then likely run away than facing your lovesick OC. Hopefully you won't go insane filling this out like we did making it.]

Pokemon: (Lets trying to make the pokemon realistic meaning a ten year old won't have a Dragonite or something like that. No shiny pokemon, Pseudo legendary Pokemon, Legendary pokemon, or Lucarios. You can have a eevee-lution but they'll count as two pokemon. Lets also limit the number of your team per age group 10-13 two, 14-16 four, 17-19 all six.)



Nickname: (Optional)



Other: (Anything you want to add info wise, if they wear anything, is distinct features that make them unique. We do not allow any form of color alteration on pokemon. What we mean is your eevee can have a bow on its ear but cannot be purple.)

Alright! Tell us what you think~