** A note from HazelMist: It's FEBRUARY 7th 2003! Holy cow! I did not
expect this. I should have had this chapter out a few weeks ago. I decided
to split chapter 11 into two chapters. The beginning is extremely boring, I
know you don't have to tell me. I wrote the beginning description part way
back in September and I haven't had the heart or the energy to change it.
School has been a large problem for me. And I am very frustrated with this
story and my others. My writing is disappointing me and I have to have
things perfect. I know that's not really an excuse. I finally gave up and
surrendered to imperfection today. Perhaps in a few more years I will be
satisfied with my writing but for now, I'm a struggling fan fiction writer.
The next chapter will be better!
Another wow, I have 100! I nearly fell off my chair the other day after reading some of the reviews. I forgot how much I loved writing this story. The reviews helped remind me and encourage me to return. Thefly, archforge, BoOkWoRm, SleepieCareBear, E. C. R. Potter, HarryNZ, Jenny PK, Ashley, Koley Kat, Blue Lady, Louisa Potter, fawkes, Potteranne, Nutmeg, M. Michelle, Macen, & choco1207. I'm very surprised since I'm realizing that the amount of reviews is dwindling due to the fact that there's tons of stories now. I still cannot believe that people are still reading this! 17, 17 REVIEWERS! THANK YOU!
Chapter 11: The Following Morning
The night had ended.
A cheery glow appeared in the once dark sky. Already the black darkness was fading into gray. The sky grew lighter as shades of pink, purple, blue, and gray painted the once black sky. A transition between night and day was taking place.
The sun began to peek over the horizon. The colors blended and mixed with the returning star approaching rapidly. The colorful rainbow of colors was at its height. For a few precious moments a priceless scene lay before the lucky viewer who didn't even have to pay a knut.
Hermione Granger crept over to the window. She flung it open shivering delightfully as a rush of freezing cold air flooded the room. For a second she stood there breathing in the fresh air. Then she sat down in the window shutting it so that only a crack remained open. It wouldn't do her any good to catch a cold.
Smiling she tugged the blanket closer to her body. She leaned her face against the cold pane remembering fondly the many times she and her mother had shared a view of the sunrise and a blanket. That had been years ago. But sunrises never ceased to draw out the memories of a mother lovingly stroking her daughter's hair and holding her close.
One time Hermione had woke to find someone else sharing a blanket and sunrise with her mother. Her father and mother had been sitting peacefully holding each other close. Hermione had watched as the two shared a kiss and then returned to the view, all the while holding each other tight. It was the perfect picture of love.
Shivering once more Hermione wondered if one day she and Harry would share a blanket and a view of the sunrise.
Would it be a perfect picture of love?
Perhaps one day far into the future, perhaps.
Hermione was unaware of it but Harry was sharing the view.
Harry Potter stood at the window staring out at the sky. He leaned his elbows against the sill, sticking his head out into the winter air. The window had been opened some time during the night. The room was freezing. It would be useless to close it now.
He gazed upward watching an owl soar lazily through the open sky. Another sat perched upon a higher ledge. Its head was turning; watching the other owl's every move. Suddenly it took flight, spreading its wings and joining the other in its trek across the horizon. They flew together. They were two small shadows against the now bright sky.
Was it only a few weeks ago when he had been flying solo? It was hard to believe that it had been a month since he and Hermione had discovered that they loved each other. He could still remember it like it was yesterday and yet it seemed like forever. It was difficult to explain. But Harry knew that his life had changed for the better after that first kiss.
Harry watched the owls swooping across the sunrise together and smiled. She had given him something that was worth everything. He was not going to let that go any time soon.
Both Harry and Hermione were moved by the sunrise but there were two others that were enjoying the view as well.
Ron stomped down the hall blindly. He was in a part of the castle that he didn't recognize and now after several hours he stopped realizing that a long time had passed since all hell had broke loose. Immobile, he remembered all of the events of the previous hours in a moment's time. Ron got a brief flash of each part of the long journey. Now Ron stood in the middle of a hallway stock-still. Was this the end of the journey?
Last night Ron had left the infirmary. He had gone back to the dormitory, tried to sleep with no success and then paced around the room for an hour. He even tried Snape's potion essay to keep his mind off of things. Nothing had helped. Everything was still fresh in his mind. He wasn't waking up from the nightmare. Only the halls had served as a brief refuge from his raging mind. Again Ron pinched himself to make sure it wasn't just a nightmare. It wasn't. This was reality, hitting Ron Weasley right in the face.
Suddenly a glimpse of light caught Ron's eye. He headed towards it wondering what it could be. He was surprised to find that it was only an open window. But when he raised his eyes to look outdoors the shock returned.
A dazzling sunrise lay before his very eyes. The light nearly blinded him and the beauty of it surprised him. Ron wondered why he was so shocked and suddenly realized that he hadn't seen the sun rise in several months. He hadn't actually taken the time to see what was really there all along. He had been so caught up in life and its problems that he hadn't noticed what he was missing. Now he did.
His heart gave a lurch. Lavender had been there all along. Standing in front of him she had been waiting there patiently just like the day in Potions class. Pretty as the sunrise she had gone unnoticed. It dawned on him then that maybe Hermione wasn't for him. But instead, perhaps, there was someone else...
Lavender sat up in her hospital bed watching the sunrise steadily higher into the sky. To her there was nothing more beautiful. After being unconscious for several days Lavender was very glad to be awake and alive. She breathed deeply feeling the air rush into her lungs. She was still awake. So it hadn't been a dream after all.
Last night she had dreamed that she had woke to find Ron at her bedside expressing wishes that he hoped she didn't die. She had smiled at his words and had scared him with the sound of her voice. The dream had gone on as she and Ron had talked. And then suddenly it had happened. They had kissed. What a kiss it had been. Lavender touched her lips remembering the feeling of his lips upon hers. But it had ended all too soon. Her heart had been broken in two. It was all because of Hermione.
Lavender shook her head. It was wrong to blame Hermione. Harry and Hermione had just happened to fall in love at the wrong time. Lavender herself had fallen in love at a bad time. Though she still tried to insist that she wasn't in love, the kiss had revealed her true feelings.
It was her fault. She shouldn't have kissed him. She should've backed away and just stayed friends. She knew he loved Hermione. Then why oh why did she do something that stupid and get herself a broken heart?
A new day was dawning, thought Lavender as she lifted her eyes to the sky. The thoughts of the past could be hidden and pushed behind her just as the night had been chased away. A new day was beginning.
Lavender rolled onto her side. A last tear streaked down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away and struggling drifted off into the mists of sleep.
The sun had already started to pour through into the Dormitory and it was nearly half past seven. The Girls dormitory was quiet except for the muffled snores of Hermione's roommate. Though Parvati slept soundly Hermione was wide-awake and dressed for the day.
Hermione tiptoed across the room. She had no desire to wake Parvati at this hour of the morning. The girl had been unusually moody since Lavender had gone into the infirmary. Hermione assumed that this was a sign that she missed her best friend.
In the dim light she found the mirror. Hastily she brushed her hair so that the snarls disappeared and her hair became relatively neat. Touching a wavy strand of her brown hair she smiled. It was the best she could do and yet Harry Potter still loved her for it. Immediately her hand went to her neck where the delicate gold chain was and the tiny golden heart. Even after last night's trauma she couldn't help but think of how happy she was to be with Harry. She had made the right decision.
If only Ron could understand that.
She sighed and stared at her hands for a moment.
How was she going to face him again? No doubt that he was going to be mad. He was always jealous of Harry. Just like the last time her two best friends had gotten into a fight it was all over jealousy. She hadn't told Ron about her relationship with Harry for that reason. Another fight was the last thing she had wanted. And look what she had caused! Here they were stuck in another battle and this time it had started because of her.
Hermione groaned and sitting down she dropped her head into her hands.
What was she going to do now?
The answer came sooner then she thought.
A door creaked open and quiet footsteps were heard entering the room. Hermione was too engrossed in her search for a possible solution to realize that someone else had entered the room unnoticed. The footsteps drew nearer and Hermione began muttering to herself about hearing things and problems with boys. She only subconsciously heard someone stop right behind her.
"Why does this have to be so difficult!" Hermione exclaimed raising her head suddenly.
Silence enveloped the room.
Hermione heard her own voice echoing in her head. She rubbed her eyes wearily. She hated not knowing the answer to her problems. But if there was one thing she hadn't counted on, it was definitely this. Who would've thought that she would be caught in a love triangle between her two best friends? Hermione sighed, thinking amusedly of what a great story it would make. Hermione Granger the bookworm and bossy prefect becomes the love interest of not one but two of the greatest guys she had ever known. Who happen to be her two best friends, she added.
"I can't deal with this." Hermione said laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
"Frustrated?" Asked a voice.
Hermione whirled around just to find no one there. Her heart caught in her mouth. First it's her friends and now she heard voices. This was just great. Could matters get any worse?
"Hello?" Hermione called cautiously.
Then suddenly a grin spread across her face. She really must have been preoccupied if she missed that one.
"Harry! Take the cloak off now! You nearly scared me half to death!" She said laughing.
A floorboard creaked and Hermione remained perfectly still. She was timing the nearly silent steps that could only just be heard. Then suddenly she pounced grabbing at the air to her left. The cloak slipped to the ground as its wearer tried unsuccessfully to avoid her outstretched hand. The familiar face of Harry Potter was revealed.
"Hermione you ruin everything." Harry said folding up the cloak.
"It's your own fault for coming in here like a heavy footed elephant." Hermione said grinning.
"Hey I had you there for a minute." Harry pointed out.
"I was preoccupied." Hermione protested.
"Excuses, excuses. Ms. Granger haven't you learned anything?" Harry joked.
"No I actually really was preoccupied with my thoughts." Hermione said honestly.
"Thoughts of me?" Harry asked grinning.
"Well not exactly." Hermione trailed off.
"I'm hurt Hermione." Harry said faking disappointment.
"No it's just that."
"Thoughts of Ron?" Harry asked on a more serious note.
"Yeah you're getting closer to the subject." Hermione said.
"I see where this is going." Harry said quietly.
Hermione dropped back into the chair.
"Well I'm glad someone does." She said softly.
Harry glanced around and noticed that Parvati Patil was still in the room, though she didn't look like she would hear them but all the same, they should leave. He was after in the Girls Dormitory.
"Hermione maybe we should go." Harry said quietly resting a hand gently on her shoulder.
"Go. oh right. Let's go to the common room." Hermione said.
She turned to leave the room but instead grabbed her wand off of the table, just in case. She shoved it into the pocket of her robe and followed Harry out of the Girl's Dormitory and onto the staircase that lead into the common room.
The common room was thankfully empty, except for a group of giggling second years they had it all to their selves. Hermione was glad for this and she dropped down on the sofa patting the seat beside her. Harry came and took the seat at her side.
"Sorry it's just that Parvati was in there and I didn't want her finding me in there." Harry said with a sigh.
"Point taken, but what were you doing in there in the first place." A smile spread across her face as Harry struggled to answer that question.
"Well I just wanted to see you, you know surprise you. Is there something wrong with me wanting to see my girlfriend?" Harry asked her.
"Oh I'm your girlfriend now." Hermione joked raising an eyebrow.
"You always have been." Harry said smiling.
"Okay you win." Hermione took a quick glance at the giggling second years absorbed by their magazine and then pulled him toward her for a short good morning kiss. It went on much longer then they had hoped and when Hermione drew back she noticed that the giggling had stopped.
"Oh no." Hermione murmured.
Four twelve-year old girls were staring at her all with a matching look of horror complete with wide eyes and dropping jaws. Apparently Ginny wasn't the only one who had a notable crush on Harry Potter. These girls looked ready to kill. The magazine dropped from the blonde's hands and fell to the floor as shock began to turn to anger.
Hermione bit her lip.
Having the famous Harry Potter as a boyfriend had more disadvantages then she thought.
"Er. hello." Hermione said waving to them.
Harry turned around and saw the four girls staring at him. Instantly four bright smiles appeared like magic.
"Oh um hi." Harry said.
The four girls were speechless, just beaming innocently up at him.
"Well we'll be going now, won't we Harry." Hermione said taking him forcefully by the arm.
"Oh yeah, of course." Harry stood up and the two of them walked out of the room and through the portrait.
Hermione caught a last glimpse of four whispering second years sending her death glares, before the portrait closed behind them.
"That was interesting." Harry joked.
"I'm sure it was for you." Hermione said glaring.
"Don't worry I'm not going to go run off with some twelve year old." Harry assured her.
"I wasn't worried about that, but now that you mention it, maybe I should."
"They are no competition to you." He said smiling and touching a strand of her hair.
"Well except for that last blonde, I'm only kidding, only kidding!" Hermione hit him anyway.
"What I was about to say before you started raving about the blonde, was that the whole school will know about our relationship in approximately." She grabbed his wrist glancing at his watch. "Three hours." She finished.
"I didn't even think of that." Harry said suddenly.
Hermione nodded as it dawned on him.
"Our secret's out." Harry said taking her hand.
"I guess so." Hermione didn't know what else to say.
It was going to happen some day. But she hadn't expected it to happen now, on top of everything else.
"So what do we do now?" Harry asked.
"I thought you would know that answer." Hermione whispered.
Harry sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. As he moved his bangs unintentionally away from his forehead she once again caught sight of the familiar scar, a true reminder of who Harry Potter really was. He was the boy who lived and she was Hermione Granger, the nobody. She stared at the floor and that question that seemed to keep coming up once again entered her mind. How did she end up with the Boy who lived? She had fallen in love with her best friend, Harry Potter, not a celebrity.
"You know what." Hermione glanced up at him wondering what he had to say.
"I think we shouldn't keep it a secret." Harry said smiling.
"I mean we don't have to tell everyone, but we don't have to be secretive. You're my girlfriend. I'm not single. And I don't want another guy thinking that no one cares about a beautiful girl like you." He continued now stumbling over his words trying to explain what he meant.
Hermione grinned, as Harry grew even more nervous.
"Am I making any sense?" He asked her.
"Perfect." She said, then she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.
Harry returned the grin. Hermione felt him reach over and take her hand. She couldn't be happier. Smiling the two of them started down the hall, off to a new beginning of their relationship, ready to face the world.
THANK YOU! As I said before the next chapter will be better. *crosses fingers * Please tell me what you think of it. SORRY IT WAS SO LATE!
Hazel apologizes over and over again for this untimely delay of hers and begs for forgiveness.
Another wow, I have 100! I nearly fell off my chair the other day after reading some of the reviews. I forgot how much I loved writing this story. The reviews helped remind me and encourage me to return. Thefly, archforge, BoOkWoRm, SleepieCareBear, E. C. R. Potter, HarryNZ, Jenny PK, Ashley, Koley Kat, Blue Lady, Louisa Potter, fawkes, Potteranne, Nutmeg, M. Michelle, Macen, & choco1207. I'm very surprised since I'm realizing that the amount of reviews is dwindling due to the fact that there's tons of stories now. I still cannot believe that people are still reading this! 17, 17 REVIEWERS! THANK YOU!
Chapter 11: The Following Morning
The night had ended.
A cheery glow appeared in the once dark sky. Already the black darkness was fading into gray. The sky grew lighter as shades of pink, purple, blue, and gray painted the once black sky. A transition between night and day was taking place.
The sun began to peek over the horizon. The colors blended and mixed with the returning star approaching rapidly. The colorful rainbow of colors was at its height. For a few precious moments a priceless scene lay before the lucky viewer who didn't even have to pay a knut.
Hermione Granger crept over to the window. She flung it open shivering delightfully as a rush of freezing cold air flooded the room. For a second she stood there breathing in the fresh air. Then she sat down in the window shutting it so that only a crack remained open. It wouldn't do her any good to catch a cold.
Smiling she tugged the blanket closer to her body. She leaned her face against the cold pane remembering fondly the many times she and her mother had shared a view of the sunrise and a blanket. That had been years ago. But sunrises never ceased to draw out the memories of a mother lovingly stroking her daughter's hair and holding her close.
One time Hermione had woke to find someone else sharing a blanket and sunrise with her mother. Her father and mother had been sitting peacefully holding each other close. Hermione had watched as the two shared a kiss and then returned to the view, all the while holding each other tight. It was the perfect picture of love.
Shivering once more Hermione wondered if one day she and Harry would share a blanket and a view of the sunrise.
Would it be a perfect picture of love?
Perhaps one day far into the future, perhaps.
Hermione was unaware of it but Harry was sharing the view.
Harry Potter stood at the window staring out at the sky. He leaned his elbows against the sill, sticking his head out into the winter air. The window had been opened some time during the night. The room was freezing. It would be useless to close it now.
He gazed upward watching an owl soar lazily through the open sky. Another sat perched upon a higher ledge. Its head was turning; watching the other owl's every move. Suddenly it took flight, spreading its wings and joining the other in its trek across the horizon. They flew together. They were two small shadows against the now bright sky.
Was it only a few weeks ago when he had been flying solo? It was hard to believe that it had been a month since he and Hermione had discovered that they loved each other. He could still remember it like it was yesterday and yet it seemed like forever. It was difficult to explain. But Harry knew that his life had changed for the better after that first kiss.
Harry watched the owls swooping across the sunrise together and smiled. She had given him something that was worth everything. He was not going to let that go any time soon.
Both Harry and Hermione were moved by the sunrise but there were two others that were enjoying the view as well.
Ron stomped down the hall blindly. He was in a part of the castle that he didn't recognize and now after several hours he stopped realizing that a long time had passed since all hell had broke loose. Immobile, he remembered all of the events of the previous hours in a moment's time. Ron got a brief flash of each part of the long journey. Now Ron stood in the middle of a hallway stock-still. Was this the end of the journey?
Last night Ron had left the infirmary. He had gone back to the dormitory, tried to sleep with no success and then paced around the room for an hour. He even tried Snape's potion essay to keep his mind off of things. Nothing had helped. Everything was still fresh in his mind. He wasn't waking up from the nightmare. Only the halls had served as a brief refuge from his raging mind. Again Ron pinched himself to make sure it wasn't just a nightmare. It wasn't. This was reality, hitting Ron Weasley right in the face.
Suddenly a glimpse of light caught Ron's eye. He headed towards it wondering what it could be. He was surprised to find that it was only an open window. But when he raised his eyes to look outdoors the shock returned.
A dazzling sunrise lay before his very eyes. The light nearly blinded him and the beauty of it surprised him. Ron wondered why he was so shocked and suddenly realized that he hadn't seen the sun rise in several months. He hadn't actually taken the time to see what was really there all along. He had been so caught up in life and its problems that he hadn't noticed what he was missing. Now he did.
His heart gave a lurch. Lavender had been there all along. Standing in front of him she had been waiting there patiently just like the day in Potions class. Pretty as the sunrise she had gone unnoticed. It dawned on him then that maybe Hermione wasn't for him. But instead, perhaps, there was someone else...
Lavender sat up in her hospital bed watching the sunrise steadily higher into the sky. To her there was nothing more beautiful. After being unconscious for several days Lavender was very glad to be awake and alive. She breathed deeply feeling the air rush into her lungs. She was still awake. So it hadn't been a dream after all.
Last night she had dreamed that she had woke to find Ron at her bedside expressing wishes that he hoped she didn't die. She had smiled at his words and had scared him with the sound of her voice. The dream had gone on as she and Ron had talked. And then suddenly it had happened. They had kissed. What a kiss it had been. Lavender touched her lips remembering the feeling of his lips upon hers. But it had ended all too soon. Her heart had been broken in two. It was all because of Hermione.
Lavender shook her head. It was wrong to blame Hermione. Harry and Hermione had just happened to fall in love at the wrong time. Lavender herself had fallen in love at a bad time. Though she still tried to insist that she wasn't in love, the kiss had revealed her true feelings.
It was her fault. She shouldn't have kissed him. She should've backed away and just stayed friends. She knew he loved Hermione. Then why oh why did she do something that stupid and get herself a broken heart?
A new day was dawning, thought Lavender as she lifted her eyes to the sky. The thoughts of the past could be hidden and pushed behind her just as the night had been chased away. A new day was beginning.
Lavender rolled onto her side. A last tear streaked down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away and struggling drifted off into the mists of sleep.
The sun had already started to pour through into the Dormitory and it was nearly half past seven. The Girls dormitory was quiet except for the muffled snores of Hermione's roommate. Though Parvati slept soundly Hermione was wide-awake and dressed for the day.
Hermione tiptoed across the room. She had no desire to wake Parvati at this hour of the morning. The girl had been unusually moody since Lavender had gone into the infirmary. Hermione assumed that this was a sign that she missed her best friend.
In the dim light she found the mirror. Hastily she brushed her hair so that the snarls disappeared and her hair became relatively neat. Touching a wavy strand of her brown hair she smiled. It was the best she could do and yet Harry Potter still loved her for it. Immediately her hand went to her neck where the delicate gold chain was and the tiny golden heart. Even after last night's trauma she couldn't help but think of how happy she was to be with Harry. She had made the right decision.
If only Ron could understand that.
She sighed and stared at her hands for a moment.
How was she going to face him again? No doubt that he was going to be mad. He was always jealous of Harry. Just like the last time her two best friends had gotten into a fight it was all over jealousy. She hadn't told Ron about her relationship with Harry for that reason. Another fight was the last thing she had wanted. And look what she had caused! Here they were stuck in another battle and this time it had started because of her.
Hermione groaned and sitting down she dropped her head into her hands.
What was she going to do now?
The answer came sooner then she thought.
A door creaked open and quiet footsteps were heard entering the room. Hermione was too engrossed in her search for a possible solution to realize that someone else had entered the room unnoticed. The footsteps drew nearer and Hermione began muttering to herself about hearing things and problems with boys. She only subconsciously heard someone stop right behind her.
"Why does this have to be so difficult!" Hermione exclaimed raising her head suddenly.
Silence enveloped the room.
Hermione heard her own voice echoing in her head. She rubbed her eyes wearily. She hated not knowing the answer to her problems. But if there was one thing she hadn't counted on, it was definitely this. Who would've thought that she would be caught in a love triangle between her two best friends? Hermione sighed, thinking amusedly of what a great story it would make. Hermione Granger the bookworm and bossy prefect becomes the love interest of not one but two of the greatest guys she had ever known. Who happen to be her two best friends, she added.
"I can't deal with this." Hermione said laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
"Frustrated?" Asked a voice.
Hermione whirled around just to find no one there. Her heart caught in her mouth. First it's her friends and now she heard voices. This was just great. Could matters get any worse?
"Hello?" Hermione called cautiously.
Then suddenly a grin spread across her face. She really must have been preoccupied if she missed that one.
"Harry! Take the cloak off now! You nearly scared me half to death!" She said laughing.
A floorboard creaked and Hermione remained perfectly still. She was timing the nearly silent steps that could only just be heard. Then suddenly she pounced grabbing at the air to her left. The cloak slipped to the ground as its wearer tried unsuccessfully to avoid her outstretched hand. The familiar face of Harry Potter was revealed.
"Hermione you ruin everything." Harry said folding up the cloak.
"It's your own fault for coming in here like a heavy footed elephant." Hermione said grinning.
"Hey I had you there for a minute." Harry pointed out.
"I was preoccupied." Hermione protested.
"Excuses, excuses. Ms. Granger haven't you learned anything?" Harry joked.
"No I actually really was preoccupied with my thoughts." Hermione said honestly.
"Thoughts of me?" Harry asked grinning.
"Well not exactly." Hermione trailed off.
"I'm hurt Hermione." Harry said faking disappointment.
"No it's just that."
"Thoughts of Ron?" Harry asked on a more serious note.
"Yeah you're getting closer to the subject." Hermione said.
"I see where this is going." Harry said quietly.
Hermione dropped back into the chair.
"Well I'm glad someone does." She said softly.
Harry glanced around and noticed that Parvati Patil was still in the room, though she didn't look like she would hear them but all the same, they should leave. He was after in the Girls Dormitory.
"Hermione maybe we should go." Harry said quietly resting a hand gently on her shoulder.
"Go. oh right. Let's go to the common room." Hermione said.
She turned to leave the room but instead grabbed her wand off of the table, just in case. She shoved it into the pocket of her robe and followed Harry out of the Girl's Dormitory and onto the staircase that lead into the common room.
The common room was thankfully empty, except for a group of giggling second years they had it all to their selves. Hermione was glad for this and she dropped down on the sofa patting the seat beside her. Harry came and took the seat at her side.
"Sorry it's just that Parvati was in there and I didn't want her finding me in there." Harry said with a sigh.
"Point taken, but what were you doing in there in the first place." A smile spread across her face as Harry struggled to answer that question.
"Well I just wanted to see you, you know surprise you. Is there something wrong with me wanting to see my girlfriend?" Harry asked her.
"Oh I'm your girlfriend now." Hermione joked raising an eyebrow.
"You always have been." Harry said smiling.
"Okay you win." Hermione took a quick glance at the giggling second years absorbed by their magazine and then pulled him toward her for a short good morning kiss. It went on much longer then they had hoped and when Hermione drew back she noticed that the giggling had stopped.
"Oh no." Hermione murmured.
Four twelve-year old girls were staring at her all with a matching look of horror complete with wide eyes and dropping jaws. Apparently Ginny wasn't the only one who had a notable crush on Harry Potter. These girls looked ready to kill. The magazine dropped from the blonde's hands and fell to the floor as shock began to turn to anger.
Hermione bit her lip.
Having the famous Harry Potter as a boyfriend had more disadvantages then she thought.
"Er. hello." Hermione said waving to them.
Harry turned around and saw the four girls staring at him. Instantly four bright smiles appeared like magic.
"Oh um hi." Harry said.
The four girls were speechless, just beaming innocently up at him.
"Well we'll be going now, won't we Harry." Hermione said taking him forcefully by the arm.
"Oh yeah, of course." Harry stood up and the two of them walked out of the room and through the portrait.
Hermione caught a last glimpse of four whispering second years sending her death glares, before the portrait closed behind them.
"That was interesting." Harry joked.
"I'm sure it was for you." Hermione said glaring.
"Don't worry I'm not going to go run off with some twelve year old." Harry assured her.
"I wasn't worried about that, but now that you mention it, maybe I should."
"They are no competition to you." He said smiling and touching a strand of her hair.
"Well except for that last blonde, I'm only kidding, only kidding!" Hermione hit him anyway.
"What I was about to say before you started raving about the blonde, was that the whole school will know about our relationship in approximately." She grabbed his wrist glancing at his watch. "Three hours." She finished.
"I didn't even think of that." Harry said suddenly.
Hermione nodded as it dawned on him.
"Our secret's out." Harry said taking her hand.
"I guess so." Hermione didn't know what else to say.
It was going to happen some day. But she hadn't expected it to happen now, on top of everything else.
"So what do we do now?" Harry asked.
"I thought you would know that answer." Hermione whispered.
Harry sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. As he moved his bangs unintentionally away from his forehead she once again caught sight of the familiar scar, a true reminder of who Harry Potter really was. He was the boy who lived and she was Hermione Granger, the nobody. She stared at the floor and that question that seemed to keep coming up once again entered her mind. How did she end up with the Boy who lived? She had fallen in love with her best friend, Harry Potter, not a celebrity.
"You know what." Hermione glanced up at him wondering what he had to say.
"I think we shouldn't keep it a secret." Harry said smiling.
"I mean we don't have to tell everyone, but we don't have to be secretive. You're my girlfriend. I'm not single. And I don't want another guy thinking that no one cares about a beautiful girl like you." He continued now stumbling over his words trying to explain what he meant.
Hermione grinned, as Harry grew even more nervous.
"Am I making any sense?" He asked her.
"Perfect." She said, then she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.
Harry returned the grin. Hermione felt him reach over and take her hand. She couldn't be happier. Smiling the two of them started down the hall, off to a new beginning of their relationship, ready to face the world.
THANK YOU! As I said before the next chapter will be better. *crosses fingers * Please tell me what you think of it. SORRY IT WAS SO LATE!
Hazel apologizes over and over again for this untimely delay of hers and begs for forgiveness.