The 7 person group sat in the round corner booth in the Denny's across the street from Wal*Mart. Jay sat at one end of the booth, Lindsey
beside him, then Sarah, Jessica, Beyonce, Jessi, Heather, then Silent Bob across from Jay.
"So why you on this fucked up road trip?" Jay asked as they waited for the food to come.
"To figure out who we actually are," Heather explained, pulling a roll apart.
"Who you are why the shit didn't you just look on your driver's license?"
He exchanged confused looks with Silent Bob.
Lindsey was also sure she was getting a look from Jessi.
"Not like that, Smart One, figure out who we are without the restrictions of parental figures," Lindsey explained quickly to the smart mouthed guy
next to her.
"Why don't we get to know each other with out the restrictions of clothes," he said.
Lindsey smacked the back of his head, but laughed quietly to herself. She was also sure she heard Jessi mumble Jeff-hot.
"Yo fucker stop lookin' at me like that, I don't do that shit," Jay snapped quickly at Beyonce.
"You may as well, you act like you got something up your ass anyway."
Jay jumped up began to lunge across the table, Lindsey grabbed the back of his coat, and said the all to familiar, "Beyonce! Leave the crazy
fucker alone," then she added, "Jay, sit down, he's always like that."
Jay sat down grumily, and tossed his arm around her shoulder and muttered, "Mother fucker," under his voice. Lindsey leaned a little closer to
him and whispered, "More like Father fucker."
She grinned at the wiry smile that crossed Jay's face.
The pudgy old waitress came up to them in the green company sanctioned uniform. Lindsey noticed she smelled like a mix of flowers, menthol,
smoke, and bacon. Her cheesy smile revealed two gold teeth, a black one, and wires around her dentures.
"Ok, chocolate chip pancakes," she asked, and Heather quickly accepted them. She passed out all the orders, and Lindsey felt her face surge
with anger as the woman leaned across Jay, who's arm remained on her shoulder, and practically shoved his head between her limp breasts,
and winked when she pulled back. Lindsey barely kept her mouth shut before Jay loudly announced, "Bitch I ain't into old bush."
The woman looked hurt, before pulling back and slapping Jay hard across the face. Sarah pushed down Lindsey mid-jump.
"How 'bout you just give her breakfast, and walk away," Sarah said calmly. The woman glared and tossed the plate across the table, spilling
eggs into her lap, before walking away.
"BITCH!" she yelled, jumping up, the eggs falling to the floor, leaving a greasy spot on her baggy lounge pants.
"Don't talk to your elders like that, young lady."
"Don't dump eggs in your customer's laps, I could get you fuckin' fired," she got up in the short woman's face.
"Oh what counts?"
"One shoving your flimsy little paper towel breasts in my friends face, sexual harassment, slapping him, assault, and dumping food in my lap,
you'd be lucky if they let you stay in this city."
The woman turned and stormed angrily away.
Lindsey laughed slightly sadistically, and returned to the table. She slid in the booth next to Sarah, and Jay slid back in next to her, "Whore," she
muttered, digging into the first real breakfast she'd eaten in a long while. She stopped, but leaned close over her food, as if afraid someone
would take it.
"Heather, get sugar."
She nodded, and Jay watched curiously, as Heather smoothly called a rather cute waiter over (cute to Heather, not Jay).
"Hey, our waitress was a totally bitch to us, and she stormed off before I could get any powered sugar from her, could you get me some?" she
quietly, and quickly said.
"Sure thing, little lady," he winked and walked off, returning minutes later with a bowl full of powered sugar. She watched Lindsey lean across the
Jay, and whisper something in his ear, then he took her hand. She leaned over and whispered something similar in Silent Bob's ear, then felt him
take her hand as well.
"Great can you give us the check now, I think we're done."
The guy nodded, and didn't notice Lindsey grab the sugar from across the table of nearly spotless plates.
He leaned over and Lindsey shoved to power into his eyes as he looked up. Jay and Bob pulled out of the booth quickly, pulling Lindsey and
Heather with them, Sarah Beyonce, and Jessi followed quickly, Jessi after she dumped her chocolate milk on the poor waiter's head to block his
eyes. Soon they were back across in the Wal-Mart parking lot making their way to the van.
"So why were you in Colorado?" Lindsey asked.
Jay shrugged and looked back at her, "Why are you here?"
"We're going home for Christmas, then onto New York."
"We're going home to, can you give us a ride?"
"Sorry, Jay, we're broke," She said simply as they arrived at her van.
Jay rolled his eyes, and looked around. He took her hand and pulled her around to the other side of the van.
"I don't wanna go," his whine reminded her strongly of a little boy being told he has to leave Chuck E. Cheese. She giggled, looked up at him, taking on of his hands.
"I don't want you to go, but…how could you stay, Beyonce would probably kill you, then straggle Silent Bob with your hair," she jested, picking up a small portion of his hair in her hand. She was sure she saw a small smile begin to creep over his lips.
"Shit, I got cash from those movie fuckers."
She smiled solemnly, then looked back up to Jay, "I'm sorry, I can't take your money, bye Jay," she leaned up, and caught his lips in a quick kiss. She giggled at the look of amazement on his face. She walked back around the van, and soon she saw Jay and Silent Bob making their way back to the Wal*Mart.
"I'm telling ya', the bitch kissed me," Jay said looking back over his shoulder at the group climbing into the van. He got a skeptical look from Bob.
"Dude this is fucked up, don't give me that Justice shit, she's probably fucking some chick in prison right now, not like she fucked me anyway." They contiuned walking the store, back past clothes, and neared Electronics.
"Jay!" he heard from somewhere behind him. He turned and saw Lindsey catch his eye right before going past a corner, behind which, they heard a large crash. Silent Bob led the way past the corner, and saw Lindsey laying in a display of fallen handbags, laughing her head off.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jay asked, and Bob held a similar expression.
"Oh, I figured out a way we you could come with us to Jersey."
"Ok," his eyes lit up, how many groups of four girls were just gonna let him live in there van, well actually in his experience…
"Our van broke down, you fix it, you can ride in it."
beside him, then Sarah, Jessica, Beyonce, Jessi, Heather, then Silent Bob across from Jay.
"So why you on this fucked up road trip?" Jay asked as they waited for the food to come.
"To figure out who we actually are," Heather explained, pulling a roll apart.
"Who you are why the shit didn't you just look on your driver's license?"
He exchanged confused looks with Silent Bob.
Lindsey was also sure she was getting a look from Jessi.
"Not like that, Smart One, figure out who we are without the restrictions of parental figures," Lindsey explained quickly to the smart mouthed guy
next to her.
"Why don't we get to know each other with out the restrictions of clothes," he said.
Lindsey smacked the back of his head, but laughed quietly to herself. She was also sure she heard Jessi mumble Jeff-hot.
"Yo fucker stop lookin' at me like that, I don't do that shit," Jay snapped quickly at Beyonce.
"You may as well, you act like you got something up your ass anyway."
Jay jumped up began to lunge across the table, Lindsey grabbed the back of his coat, and said the all to familiar, "Beyonce! Leave the crazy
fucker alone," then she added, "Jay, sit down, he's always like that."
Jay sat down grumily, and tossed his arm around her shoulder and muttered, "Mother fucker," under his voice. Lindsey leaned a little closer to
him and whispered, "More like Father fucker."
She grinned at the wiry smile that crossed Jay's face.
The pudgy old waitress came up to them in the green company sanctioned uniform. Lindsey noticed she smelled like a mix of flowers, menthol,
smoke, and bacon. Her cheesy smile revealed two gold teeth, a black one, and wires around her dentures.
"Ok, chocolate chip pancakes," she asked, and Heather quickly accepted them. She passed out all the orders, and Lindsey felt her face surge
with anger as the woman leaned across Jay, who's arm remained on her shoulder, and practically shoved his head between her limp breasts,
and winked when she pulled back. Lindsey barely kept her mouth shut before Jay loudly announced, "Bitch I ain't into old bush."
The woman looked hurt, before pulling back and slapping Jay hard across the face. Sarah pushed down Lindsey mid-jump.
"How 'bout you just give her breakfast, and walk away," Sarah said calmly. The woman glared and tossed the plate across the table, spilling
eggs into her lap, before walking away.
"BITCH!" she yelled, jumping up, the eggs falling to the floor, leaving a greasy spot on her baggy lounge pants.
"Don't talk to your elders like that, young lady."
"Don't dump eggs in your customer's laps, I could get you fuckin' fired," she got up in the short woman's face.
"Oh what counts?"
"One shoving your flimsy little paper towel breasts in my friends face, sexual harassment, slapping him, assault, and dumping food in my lap,
you'd be lucky if they let you stay in this city."
The woman turned and stormed angrily away.
Lindsey laughed slightly sadistically, and returned to the table. She slid in the booth next to Sarah, and Jay slid back in next to her, "Whore," she
muttered, digging into the first real breakfast she'd eaten in a long while. She stopped, but leaned close over her food, as if afraid someone
would take it.
"Heather, get sugar."
She nodded, and Jay watched curiously, as Heather smoothly called a rather cute waiter over (cute to Heather, not Jay).
"Hey, our waitress was a totally bitch to us, and she stormed off before I could get any powered sugar from her, could you get me some?" she
quietly, and quickly said.
"Sure thing, little lady," he winked and walked off, returning minutes later with a bowl full of powered sugar. She watched Lindsey lean across the
Jay, and whisper something in his ear, then he took her hand. She leaned over and whispered something similar in Silent Bob's ear, then felt him
take her hand as well.
"Great can you give us the check now, I think we're done."
The guy nodded, and didn't notice Lindsey grab the sugar from across the table of nearly spotless plates.
He leaned over and Lindsey shoved to power into his eyes as he looked up. Jay and Bob pulled out of the booth quickly, pulling Lindsey and
Heather with them, Sarah Beyonce, and Jessi followed quickly, Jessi after she dumped her chocolate milk on the poor waiter's head to block his
eyes. Soon they were back across in the Wal-Mart parking lot making their way to the van.
"So why were you in Colorado?" Lindsey asked.
Jay shrugged and looked back at her, "Why are you here?"
"We're going home for Christmas, then onto New York."
"We're going home to, can you give us a ride?"
"Sorry, Jay, we're broke," She said simply as they arrived at her van.
Jay rolled his eyes, and looked around. He took her hand and pulled her around to the other side of the van.
"I don't wanna go," his whine reminded her strongly of a little boy being told he has to leave Chuck E. Cheese. She giggled, looked up at him, taking on of his hands.
"I don't want you to go, but…how could you stay, Beyonce would probably kill you, then straggle Silent Bob with your hair," she jested, picking up a small portion of his hair in her hand. She was sure she saw a small smile begin to creep over his lips.
"Shit, I got cash from those movie fuckers."
She smiled solemnly, then looked back up to Jay, "I'm sorry, I can't take your money, bye Jay," she leaned up, and caught his lips in a quick kiss. She giggled at the look of amazement on his face. She walked back around the van, and soon she saw Jay and Silent Bob making their way back to the Wal*Mart.
"I'm telling ya', the bitch kissed me," Jay said looking back over his shoulder at the group climbing into the van. He got a skeptical look from Bob.
"Dude this is fucked up, don't give me that Justice shit, she's probably fucking some chick in prison right now, not like she fucked me anyway." They contiuned walking the store, back past clothes, and neared Electronics.
"Jay!" he heard from somewhere behind him. He turned and saw Lindsey catch his eye right before going past a corner, behind which, they heard a large crash. Silent Bob led the way past the corner, and saw Lindsey laying in a display of fallen handbags, laughing her head off.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jay asked, and Bob held a similar expression.
"Oh, I figured out a way we you could come with us to Jersey."
"Ok," his eyes lit up, how many groups of four girls were just gonna let him live in there van, well actually in his experience…
"Our van broke down, you fix it, you can ride in it."