Author's Note: This is a what-if story. What if Rick had a daughter from a previous relationship? She shows up at his house two years before The Mummy Returns. Remember the mention of that bank job? She is the result of Rick and the belly dancer girl. I only own the character of Emily. The plot line and other characters do not belong to me.

Chapter 1: Introduction of Emily O'Connell

Before I tell you about my recent adventure with my family, let me give you a little background to my appearance. My name is Emily O'Connell and I am the sixteen-year-old daughter of the adventurer Rick O'Connell. You might be doing the math in your head and yes I was born before he stepped foot in Hamunaptra the first time with the French Foreign Legion. For the first fourteen years of my life, my father was not aware of my existence. That all changed during one very cold winter.

When I was little, my mother would tell me a story about this strong, handsome traveller that swept her off of her feet. She told me about this great adventure she had with him. Robbing a bank and flagging down a passing airplane. I would always listen with an eager ear, but there came a day when I stopped believing in the story. I had no idea that I would ever meet this strong and handsome traveller.

The winter of 1930-31 was a very dreadful one. My mother came down with a terrible case of pneumonia. Despite the doctor's best effort she never recovered. Before she died she handed me a scrapbook. We looked through it together. Inside were newspaper clippings about the great archaeologists and adventurers Rick and Evelyn O'Connell. My mother went on to tell me that this man was my father. She was against sending me to an orphanage and sent me to my father with a letter that explained everything. That is how I ended up on the front steps of a very large house with a suitcase and a letter…


I shivered as the winter air rushed against my exposed neck. The taxi had just dropped me off in front of a very beautiful and large house. I hesitantly walked up to the door. In my hands were my only possessions. A suitcase filled with my clothes in one hand and a letter from my mother clutched in the other.

"What if he doesn't like me? He already has a family. Will his wife accept me?" These questions raced through my mind as I reached to knock on the door with my hand. Pushing these thoughts aside I finally knocked forcefully on the door hoping someone would hear. No less than a minute later and the door is opened to reveal a very beautiful woman staring at me curiously.

"What are you doing out alone at this time of night?" she asked giving me a good looking over.

"I am looking for Rick O'Connell," I say not sure of what to expect of her reaction.

"May I ask who you are," she said in reply.

"My name is Emily and I have a letter that explains why I am here. If I could see him everything will make sense."

She gave me another quick glance. Her eyes lingered on the old suitcase sitting at my feet. She then ushered me inside.

"Rick," she calls out, "someone at the door is calling for you." She turned to me and said, "My name is Evelyn and Rick is my husband," she explains.

"I know who you are," I reply rather quickly. She eyes me suspiciously before I continue. "My mother showed me newspaper clippings of you and Rick with some of the artifacts you have recovered during your travels."

Before she could ask further questions, Rick came down the stairs. He took one look at me and froze halfway down the staircase. I could tell by the expression on his face that he knew exactly who I was. Our eyes met and the world seemed to stop. Evelyn noticed what was occurring and turned to address her husband.

"Rick, this is Emily. She has a letter that explains why she is here with a suitcase." Her emphasis on suitcase lets me know she is wary about my being here.

He walks the rest of the way down the stairs and stops in front of me. I hold out the letter and he takes it from me. He quickly reads over the letter. As he reads, I notice he is heading for a chair in the sitting room. He plops himself down and reads over the letter a few times before looking up at me. I can see in eyes that he believes what is written in the letter. In his eyes I see hurt, betrayal, and sadness. Evelyn notices as well because she rushes over and takes the letter from him. While she is reading, my father's eyes never leave mine. Our stare down is interrupted when Evelyn lets out a small gasp. We both turn and look at her. With tears in her eyes Evelyn quickly walks up to me and wraps me in a motherly embrace.

"You poor dear, I am so sorry about your mother." I pull away and look her in the eye as she gives me a sad smile. Turning to Rick she says, "We must have her stay here. We are her family and it is the right thing to do." My father, too shocked to speak, simply shakes his head yes.

"Thank you, Evelyn, for being so kind and understanding," I say trying to choke back the tears threatening to fall. This is so much more than I could have imagined.

"It's Evy and it's no trouble at all."

Finally, my father recovers himself and walks over to me once again. He kneels down so he can look me in the eye. He quickly pulls me into his arms. I revel in the strength and love of the hug. I bury my face into his shoulder and take in his smell. This is my father. I have finally found him. Before I can stop myself, the tears are pouring out. I can also fill him shaking and I know he is crying right along with me. After a few moments, we compose ourselves and we pull apart. He finally speaks to me.

"Emily, I am so sorry about your mother. She was a great woman. I am also sorry that you had to go fourteen years not knowing me. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you." He says this sincerely and I know it is true.

"It is not your fault. My mother had her reasons for not seeking you out when she first found out. She knew you were not ready to yet be a father. She never resented you and neither do I."

I can see the relief wash over his face. For the first time since walking through the door, I feel like I am home. Evy reaches for my suitcase and beckons me to follow her up the staircase. We pass a closed bedroom door. She pauses and looks back at me.

"This is your brother's room. His name is Alex and he is six-years-old. I am sure he will be very excited to get to know you," she says before giving me a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder. She had noticed the shocked look on my face. I had not even considered that they would have children.

"I never thought about you having other children," I say rather sheepishly.

She gives me a reassuring look before answering, "You weren't to know. You never mentioned a last name. Might I ask what it is?"

"My last name is Watson. My full name is Emily Marie Watson. Marie was my grandmother's name. I don't remember her but my mother would tell me stories about her all the time." I can't help the tear that rolls down my cheek. It is still hard to think about my mother. Evy notices and quickly reaches up and wipes it away. We continue down the hall in silence until we reach another door. Evy quietly pushes the door open to reveal a room much larger than my old room.

"This will be your room. It has a private washroom, so you don't have to worry about privacy. If you need anything, Rick and I's room is at the end of the hall. Please do not be afraid to knock."

I say a quick thank you and we say our goodnights. I take in my surroundings. There is a large four poster bed and a beautiful dresser and bedside table set in the room. I slowly empty the contents of my suitcase placing my clothes and accessories in the dresser. I then walk to the bedside table and set up the picture of me and my mother together the previous summer. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about how much my life has changed in the past few weeks. Little did I know that in a couple years, I would be thrust into this terrifying adventure with my new family…?