Ami calmly closed her book that she was studying from and looked up at the other four girls scattered around the table.
"I'm sorry guys. I need to step outside for a minute. The smoke from the fire is starting to irritate my eyes."
Everyone except for Usagi, who had her nose stuck into a manga, watched as Ami got up and walked outside, a few tears in her eyes that were unseen by anyone.
Rei's brow rose, "The smoke has never bothered her before…"
Mako put down her pencil and looked at Rei. "You know… you're right. I think I'll go check on her." She got up and went outside to sit next to Ami who had her feet dangling off of the porch. Rei and Minako went back to their various degrees of studying while Usagi giggled at her manga.
As Mako sat down beside Ami, she wrapped her arm around Ami's shoulders. "Ami-chan, sweetie, are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. The smoke was irritating me, just as I said." Mako didn't notice the tear run down Ami's face.
"But it's never bothered you before."
Ami brushed Mako's arm off of her shoulders and buried her face in her hands, letting the tears fall at their own will.
"Ami-chan…" Mako comfortingly put her hand on Ami's thigh, "Ami-chan, please tell me what's wrong."
Minako could hear the sobs from the table and looked out to see Ami with her head in her hands and Mako trying to calm her down, both silhouetted by the full moon. She poked at Rei, "Rei-chan…" after getting her attention, she pointed out at the two of them, "What do you think is wrong?"
Rei looked out at the and a worried expression became plastered on her face. "I don't know." They both got caught up in trying to figure out what was going on, but Usagi had yet to look up from her manga.
Usagi burst into laughter and turned to Rei. "Hey, Rei-chan… read this part, it's hilarious." She finally came out of her world and realized that they were looking at something outside. "What are you guys lo-," She leaned over and saw Ami crying. "Guys… what's happening?"
Minako shushed her slightly then Rei turned and whispered to her. "We don't know… just stay quiet for right now."
They watched as Mako tried to coax an answer out of Ami. After a few minutes, Ami stood up and ran toward the front step of the temple, still in tears.
Mako jumped up and started to follow her, then stopped, sighed, hung her head and walked back into the room. She got to where she had been sitting and slumped back to the floor, her head falling to rest on the table.
Minako looked worriedly at Mako. "Mako-chan, what's wrong with her?"
"I don't know." She didn't move her head from the table. "She just broke down into tears and then wouldn't say anything to me after."
Usagi sat looking at Ami's Calculus book that she had closed just before walking outside. "Ami left her stuff… who's going to take it to her?"
Mako raised her head and looked at Ami's stuff. "I guess I can… I live closest to her."