A/N: Hey guys, so this is my first X-Men fanfiction... I'm kinda excited about it, and I'd LOVE to hear your feedback on how it starts. I've already got some of it written, so hopefully, updates will be in the near future! Reviews are greatly appreciated!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but Aislynn and the plot. All the other X-Men belong to Marvel.
I had not always been beautiful. In fact, there was a time when I had been ugly. So ugly. My pale skin had been scarred from chicken pox and I was never without some kind of bruise. I'd pick at my nails until my fingers were a disgusting bloody mess and my hair was frizzy and bushy. I was hunched and short and chubby and hairy and repulsive.
My mother hated looking at me.
But Diana was a completely different story. She was beautiful. My older sister of two years, her skin was always tanned and her strawberry brown hair was always so soft and straight. She never had any zits, her lips were plump and full, and she had a body to die for. Her eyes were a rich chocolate brown color… A stark contrast to my abnormal violet colored irises.
Everybody had always wondered how such an ugly thing could come out of two beautiful people. Especially since those two such people had previously created such a gorgeous daughter. According to the rest of them it didn't make sense. According to the rest of them I had to be adopted.
Sometimes I wished I was. I prayed for that, some nights. I figured that if I was adopted, then maybe my parents wouldn't look at me like I was an abomination… Because if I was adopted, that would mean they wanted me, right?
Even though I was an eyesore, an atrocity. A mutant.
But I didn't know that then. In fact, I didn't know that until he had told me. Until he had showed me. He had told me it was a good thing. A gift. Something to be cherished.
He lied.
Because now I was running. Running for my freedom, my life. From him and everything that came with him- the lies, the deception, the illusions, the binds, the sex. Gone. All gone. I was out. Escaped. He said I'd never want to leave him. He said we'd be happy together. He called it Home. Home. HOME. HOME. I shut my eyes tightly and ran blindly. MAKE IT STOP.
My bare feet pounded against the wet concrete as I ran, the smell and image of the dank room still fresh in my mind and on my clothes and skin as I raced down the street, torrential ran blinding against the streetlights. Where are you where are you where are you. HELP.
I was going to vomit. I was going to die. I was going to collapse before I got there and he was gong to find me again. And he was going to punish me. Fuck me. Sell me. He was going fucking kill me. Oh please dear God help me get away!
I wanted to kill me.
I couldn't stop. I wanted to scream, the fact that my hands were bound and mouth was sewn shut only adding to my panic. Help me help me help me. Get it off get away from me help me.
And then I saw the gates.
Help me help me help me.
I threw myself up on the metal structure, hoping that I'd cause enough commotion for someone to open the damned things, but upon the first push, quickly learned that they were open. I landed on the driveway with a sickening crunching sound, little bits of gravel bit into my skin as I thrashed on the ground, stumbling to my feet as I continued to race forward. HelpmehelpmehelpmeHELP!
I bolted up the stairs, throwing myself at the large wooden door again and again and again in the hopes of creating enough noise so late at night. Help me help me help me.
And then a scream. A scream that was not mine. More running and racing. Stares.
The world went dark.
Because I was exhausted.
Because I had a healing factor that was practically depleted due to malnourishment and the fact that I had run myself into the ground.
Because my mouth was literally sewn shut so I couldn't speak and my hands were bound tightly behind my back.
Because he had lied to me when he told me he'd keep me safe. He really just wanted to profit from me. From my voice. From my looks.
…Because I was beautiful now.
Because I was Aislynn Roche.