4 years later, aged 20

L was back at the orphanage he had spent so long trying to forget. Although the place held good memories for him, they always seemed to be tainted by the bad so that they seemed twisted in his mind. He entered the orphanage and went directly to wait in the office that had formerly belonged to Watari until he and L had left many years ago.

As he crouched in the chair, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about the meeting which was about to take place. Watari had been the one that had suggested he meet his successors, and he had agreed reluctantly. Two boys had been selected to meet him. Two boys who were at the top of their classes, and who would become the next L, the next him, if the situation should arise.

He bit down on his thumb in an agitated way and then froze at the sound of the door opening behind him. There was movement, a closing of the door again and finally Watari's voice sounded out.

"L, these are your two successors. This is Mello and Near."

L jumped up from his seat and turned slowly to bring his judgemental gaze upon the two young boys before him. All of a sudden, he froze, wide eyes staring at one of the boys in particular. He stood in plain white pyjamas which matched the curling white hair set over large grey eyes.

"Tabula Rasa." L muttered under his breath, unable to contain the memories of her as they came spilling out into his mind. The white curls, the pale blue, almost grey eyes. He felt his heart expand and turned away from the young boy stood before him, scared that his face would betray him and expose his emotions.

"L, is everything alright?" Watari's concerned voice came from behind him and L forced himself to regain his composure. He gave a brief nod and then turned once more to his successors. He looked over the second boy, a skinny little thing with straight blonde hair falling around a serious face. His eyes were alight with emotion in a way that made L think that if they were combined with the appearance of the first boy, together they would make a copy of Rasa.

He quickly shook away the thought and the memory of her smiling face. He turned the chair around to face the quiet boys and crouched upon it.

"It is nice to finally meet you Near and Mello. I expect great things from the both of you." He said and stared at them each in turn. They were symbols of a new beginning. Together, they were his blank slate.

It's done everyone! Thanks to everyone who has read or reviewed this story, it means a lot to me :')

Please review this chapter and I will love you forever. Might start a new story soon :D

Lots of love,
