Author's Notes:

Title: Doppelgänger

Rating: T

Story Premise: What if G Callen's nightmarish dream about chasing the elusive man in Human Traffic, Season 2-Episode 1 has nothing to do with his identity? What if that man actually exists and is alive and well and living in Los Angeles? AU at times.

Doppelgänger takes place during Season 2 and before the last episode called Familia. I got my story idea from two episodes, Season 1 Episode 23, Burned, in which G Callen's identity is burned by Eugene Keelson. Mr. Keelson's actions compromise all of NCIS. The other episode is Season 2 Episode 1, Human Traffic, in which G Callen has another of his recurring nightmares about chasing this elusive man. It is a story which is about G Callen and his unknown family.

Category: An angst/hurt/comfort/mystery/drama/family story.

Slash Warning: None

Darkfic: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

AU/AR Warning: AU at times.

Warning: Major G Callen whump ahead.

Disclaimer: NCIS: Los Angeles and its characters are owned by CBS and the producers of it. I do not own anything, but if I did I would torture G Callen more and make him cry a lot. I am grateful to CBS and the producers of NCIS: LA for their contribution to the world of entertainment.

My stories are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This is a work intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by CBS and the producers of NCIS:LA. I gain no profit from the creation and publication of this story. I love to play in the sandbox with the characters and their lives. I especially love to torture G Callen. It is fun!

Reviews appreciated and welcomed.


Chapter 1

On Monday morning, the team gathered in the bullpen, waiting for Eric's famous whistle.

Callen hadn't heard from Sam all weekend. As they left for work on Friday night, his partner didn't even ask him out to dinner. While it annoyed Callen, he'd never tell him. Yet, it was Sam's turn to treat.

"Either of you seen Sam?" Callen leaned on the front of his desk, arms crossed.

"No." Kensi sat in her chair.

"Not I," Deeks said.

"Strange, he's usually here on time."

"Didn't he ride in with you this morning?" Kensi asked.

"Never called me to arrange a ride."

Callen strode over to Hetty's desk. "You seen Sam?" he asked.


"Maybe he slept in."

"He's on an undercover ops since early Saturday morning," Hetty said.

"Why am I the last to hear about this?" Callen crossed his arms.

"Need to know basis."

He left her desk in a huff.

"Mr. Callen!"

He faced her.

"Don't turn your back on me when I'm talking to you."

Callen crossed his arms again, sighing loud.

"He needed to investigate something on his own and I allowed him to do it."

"Talk about being a team."

"Mr. Callen!"

"I'm sorry, Hetty, but how am I supposed to watch his back if he's off investigating something on his own."

"This isn't a dangerous ops."

It may not have been a dangerous ops, but Callen had a bad feeling about it. "Anyway to contact him?"

"Not at this time."

"Sucks." He plodded back to the bullpen and slumped down in his chair.

"Where's Sam?" Kensi asked.

"No idea," he said, a look of concern furrowed his brow. Sam could be anywhere and without backup. As much as Sam hated it when Callen went off on his own, Callen hated it more when Sam disappeared. What if something happened to him? His friendship and backup on undercover ops missions would be history. Callen relied on his partner's physical strength and prowess more than he cared to admit to anyone on the team. He shivered, pushing unpleasant thoughts and fears from his mind.

The loud shrill of Eric's whistle startled Callen. With a sudden adrenalin rush, he leaped off his chair and climbed the stairs to the OPS Center. Kensi and Deeks followed him. The team faced the huge video screen.

"What do you have for us, Eric?" Callen asked.

"Hetty's on her way to OPS."

"What?" Callen shot him a look.

"She told me to wait."

A few minutes later, Hetty entered the OPS Center. "We have a problem. Eric." She motioned to him.

When the video came up on screen, Callen's jaw dropped. An early morning shoot-out on N. Hope Street across from the Department of Water and Power Los Angeles's building filled the screen. He watched Sam shooting and dodging bullets and vehicles as he fled on foot to shelter himself in the shadow of the DWPLA building. Sam shooting at the police? What had he gotten himself into? Callen flipped on his heels and faced Hetty.