Hey, hey, hey!

The sudden urge to post the first chapter became too much for me to bear! So I decided to grace you all with a little present...Test of Time: Separate Ways is now posted! Just the first chapter, however, and I probably won't get to the other chapters until December but I wanted to give you all a little taste of what is to come.

Below is the full summary of the next installment. So take a look here and then go back to my profile and find the new story!

Against her wishes, Evelyn was dropped back in 2011, mysteriously along with Finnick, a man whom she thought she hated but has grown quite close to over the past year. For a while Evi couldn't get her mind of one Peter Pevensie, wrought with guilt over how she betrayed and lied to him, but after a while Finnick began to replace him, even if it was just superficially...but then one day, she remembers. She remembers everything she had with Peter and flies to England to see an elderly Peter and apologize for everything. The only problem is, she doesn't find him there...and what she does find is enough to make her sick.

Back in the 1940's, Peter is not the same and it quite troubled. The other Pevensies had adapted to life back in England, but not Peter. He's struggling to move on without Evi, even after all the pain she caused him. He's angry, conflicted, and depressed, often taking all of this out on his siblings and other children at school.

Against all odds, Evi and the Pevensies are called back to Narnia where Evi and Peter must now face their problems head on. There's much to sort out between the two, all while another war is brewing between the Telmarines and the Narnians.

And what of the White Witch and her master plan?

Something is in motion that not even Arma or Aslan can comprehend...and it may be the end of both world's as they know it.