Gilbert had lead Mattie to the car, smiling the entire time.
"So, drive you to school Monday?" he asked as he let the smaller Canadian out of the car at the boy's house.
Matthew nodded, smiling.
"I'd love a ride," he admitted, smiling back.
With that, Matthew walked up to his house. Gilbert stayed in the driveway till the other was inside the house before driving home to his own house. He wasn't surprised to see Leon driving to his own house not an hour later. He had gone out on a date with Feliciano, after all.
'Poor Feli," Gilbert thought, absentmindedly shuddering at the thought of how the younger must be yelled at by his twin for dating a 'stupid potato bastard.'
At the house next to the albino's though, the two brothers were having a conversation.
"He's dating Matthew?" Ludwig asked, astonished.
Leon nodded, hanging up the jacket he had been wearing and walking in the living room, his younger brother following him.
"Ja. And…Alfred, was it? He seemed quite upset about it," Leon said, sighing as he sat down. "He's an odd one," he mumbled under his breath as an after-thought. "Kept mistaking me for you."
Ludwig just followed, frowning heavily.
"You alright?" Leon asked, tossing a look over his shoulder as he sat down.
Ludwig nodded, frowning as he grumpily sat next to him.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"…well, we're not great friends with Alfred, but he und Matthew did just break up. He doesn't even remember half the things in his life. And knowing Gilbert, he's just using him," Ludwig said.
Leon nodded after a moment.
"You know, if I wasn't your bruder I might believe you weren't lying," he said, smiling a bit.
Ludwig huffed, looking away. A soft red color was tinting his cheeks.
"Just go talk to him," Leon advised.
"About what?"
"What do you mean? What's there to talk about? He's with Matthew."
"And you don't think that he'll want to be with you?"
"He's an asshole who only cares about himself."
"…the real meaning?"
"Aw! You're shy!" Leon said.
He usually wasn't this…energetic when talking to his brother, but he wasn't as serious as his brother either. He was a sort of medium. He didn't have to work early like Ludwig did living with their mom, so he was much more laid back, but he also wasn't totally relaxed, still needed to be responsible with their father out on business so often.
Ludwig sighed, hitting his brother on the head before going over to the door, grumbling.
"Who is it~?" Gilbert called from his room when he heard a knock on the door. He was currently kicking ass at this game, and honestly didn't wanna get up to get the door.
"Gilbert, open the door!" a heavy accented voice yelled.
"What'd I do this time?" Gilbert asked, getting up and opened the door to a very angry Ludwig.
"Ve, fratello~ Guess what~?" Feliciano said, dancing into the house they shared.
Their grandpa was currently outside.
"What?" Romano asked irritably.
"Leon asked me to the dance after Antonio took you home and Alfred had left~" the slightly small brother cheered happily, doing a small spin as he entered the kitchen, grabbing some things out to cook with.
"Great," Lovino mumbled irritably before looking down. "But if the potato bastard does anything to you…damn, it was hard enough with two of them…"
A/N: Wanna know why Lovino is sad and upset in that last little scene, but not yelling at Feliciano? Wanna know what happens when Ludwig talks to Gilbert? Wanna know why this chapter took so long to get up yet it so short? Wanna know why I fail as a writer?
To answer the first question, read 'There in the End'. It's Lovino and Antonio's perspective of this story.
The second question can be answered in the next chapter :) (same chapter Ivan makes another appearance! :O)
And the last two problems can be solved by you reviewing. :) Please and thank you~