Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling

A/N: This is just a part of what I have written so far, I haven't forgotten ya'know ;)



It is planned speeches that contains lies or dissimulations, not what you blurt out so spontaneously in one instant. ~ Tennessee Williams

Chapter 8: Some Revelations – Excerpt

Those brown eyes would have made Naruto feel uncomfortable if they had been directed at him while they were surveying the room as a whole, something about them was wrong. However when those eyes landed on him, the surprise and interest that flickered in his eyes had Naruto tensing – something didn't feel right about those emotions. He could have sworn that the old man's expression changed for a half of half of a half a second. Perhaps it was the creepy interrogations lights and the shadows it was creating that was getting to him. The old man smiled in an almost creepy manner before finally answering the question, "My brother of course!"

"Brother?" He echoed aloud earning a stinging glare from Tsunade, he was supposed to stay quite during these times – something about keeping a strong front – and if he was going to say something it should be of importance not just repeating things like an idiot or saying rhetorical statements.

"Yes child, brother. Such a strange odd boy, he was." The old man gave him an eye crinkling smile, Naruto bristled at being referred to as a child in such a way. He bit down on his tongue to keep himself telling the old man to shove that 'Yes child' right up his a—"his sociopathic tendencies never truly rang home until it slapped in the face and even then, I…well…I saw the logic as immoral and inhumane as it was but there comes at time when it becomes too much and I," the old man licked his dry lips, "could no longer stand idle."

Did he miss something? What the hell was the old man rambling about? Naruto recalled everything that old man was saying before. Okay so he's talking about his crazy weirdo brother…right? Dammit, he needed to pay more attention here.

"What were you're brother's plans?" Ibiki questioned with an unreadable look on his scarred face.

"His plans, hmm I don't think I ever understood them. The wars and famine within our village had always led him into seeing only the pessimistic side of things. He had a dream but not of peace…he wanted something else. He wanted everything under his command, every land, every city and every kage. He was so sure that everything would be seen his way when he would rule. The era of the shinobi as lead power would fall, only to be replaced by something even grander. An era where he ruled all with his new soldiers that all which possessed the kekkei genkai. How he would do it, I didn't know."

Was it just him or was that old man just blabbering about nothing, either way that did not sound good at all, what the hell did that had to do with all those people down there? All those people were just civilians, in fact the only one there that had a kekkei genkai was Hinata and she was the only kunoichi there! Unless…

"Those civilians possessed kekkei genkai," Tsunade stated like she had known that but she had then how come she never mentioned anything to him?

"What makes you think that? Did one of them tell you so," the old man gave her a constipated look. "If I remember correctly one is in a permanent catatonic state, another is a crazy psychopath, an empty shell, and a broken little girl. So tell me who was it?"

"And how do you know I just didn't figure it out myself?" She replied neutrally.

"Because this story needs a trail of breadcrumbs to put things together and those subjects in your hospital aren't too willing to speak of their humility and inhumanity of their experiences in hell."

"There weren't any breadcrumbs; the evidence was all in plain sight Doctor."

"Really, I believe there was a little bird that came and whispered in your ear." The old man said in a knowing way, Naruto saw a vein in Tsunade's temple jump. He could almost see the imaginary fist fly to the old man's face. I remember some seven years ago a little girl really being dragged to that place. Young blood, perhaps it will be a break through, my brother had said. I remember her always claiming she will never give up and that she will get out. Pity, that's what I felt for her. Pity."

Naruto clenched his hands into fists, Hinata. She never gave up on them, she remained in strong in that place. He begged that he was right for once and that she never gave up, he couldn't be wrong. She has never given in not ever since the chunin exams even when thing seemed hopeless. You didn't give up… right Hinata?

The old man reached out and grabbed the katana and laid it flat in his hands in a non-threatening way. It became so tense in that very second that the tense couldn't be cut with even the sharpest of blades. "Such a shame it was, a tragedy to see that little girl with such a strong sense of perseverance to become so broken. She kept running away, and every time she beaten down and horribly humiliated beyond measure, the psychological trauma instilled on her… the atrocities she unwillingly never meant to commit. It is a wonder that she took so long to break. In fact she was so dead inside my brother let his guard down, that's when I took advantage of that single moment. I brought her to my office, perhaps it was all an act to make her final escape…I will never know. She, after realizing what was going on, whispered to a little bird of her situation."

The old man placed the katana back down on the table, and picked up the craved stick, the more curious part (the one that wasn't feeling guilty about what happened to Hinata) of Naruto wonder what the hell was special about those sticks. They must have meant something judging by that creepy look in the old man's eyes. Deep inside Naruto, a creature that has been sleeping for such a long time cracked open a single red slitted eye and gave a low inaudible growl causing the hairs in back of his neck to stand. Naruto remained oblivious of what had happened in that second. "Do you know what this is?" He didn't ask not Tsunade but Naruto, his brown eyes looking at with hidden glee.


"Such a shame," the old man said shaking his head sadly, just at that second Shizune came in looking more frazzled then ever.

A tanned hand wrapped its fingers on the opening of the window and wrenched it open all the way. He grinned at the sound of a nurse squawking at him to get back into bed and the gorgeous angry red head looking ready to beat him bloody with the flowers she was holding.

"…you doing?"

Eyes bruised and sunken from exhaustion widened in a paranoid manner, blue dilated irises contracted quickly at the invading blinding light. Minato shut his eyes closed as his hand gripping the windowsill tightened too painfully for his weakened body to handle. How did he get here? He turned around to face the person who turned on the blinding lights.

"Tsunade-sama," he nodded to her in greeting although his face remained impassive, something felt different about this room.

Everything looked exactly the same though down to the tree next the window in fact he almost felt some sense of familiarity in this specific room, which was such an alien feeling to him. He's only felt familiarity one time in his life and that was when he was experiencing the pregnancy of Yuu with that prostitute. Although now that he thought about he remembered something about that woman that pulled him to her, it was never his inexperience to try something new that made him sleep with her. No – she had a beauty in her that called to him, that helped fill a void he never knew he had and he hated her because of that. He hated that she filled the void that was not supposed to be replaced like some out-of-date piece of trash. Minato hated that she seduced him so easily, but yet she had a fire in her like no other and when she died leaving him, nearly fourteen, with a newborn infant without so much as point in the right direction he began to resent her. He had never admitted to himself or anyone for that matter that at one point if he had been older, wiser and more experience with his emotions he probably would have loved her.

"…ed you what you were doing?" Tsunade said with an irritated look in her face, he took note of the muscles of her crossed arms tighten softly in her frustration.

"You had my room switched," Minato stated softly, his grip on the windowsill slacked. He felt his hand tingle as the blood rushed back down restoring the much needed oxygen to the deprived cells.

"You didn't answer my question." She shot back.

"Good point," he grinned good-heartedly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Yuu slightly observed the slight change in her expression when Minato had done that, Yuu mentally narrowed his eyes to slits. The hell was going on here? "I actually have no idea I was kinda zoned out there."

Tsunade made a non-committable 'hmm' as her calculating gaze remained unwavering on him and every movement; he hated being stared like that. He gave her an uneasy smile in return to her staring. Slowly she pulled something from her sleeve; his grin was wiped off his face at what she pulled out. That's Granger…shit!

"So you know what this is, don't you?"
