The Drunken Mistake
Welcome all, to the new story. Depending on how everything goes, this could be one chapter, or 2, or 3.
Disclaimer- my heart breaks a little more everytime I'm reminded I don't own any part of SVU. This, right here, ISN'T HELPING!
WARNING- THIS FIC INCLUDES SWEARING! Elliot will say some things that might even make a sailor blush. But only in chapter 2.
Summary- Olivia never thought he would hurt her... even if he was drunk. E/O EVENTUALLY!
These are Olivias thoughts.
These are text messages/ phone calls.
It had been a long week at the precinct. They had just solved an extremly difficult case, and everyone was frazzled.
"Three dead bodies, two of them being kids, and seven other rape victims. Seriously how can this scumbag live with himself?" Fin questioned aloud.
"I dunno, but at least now he can think about the limited possibilities while he's sitting in a jail cell." Munch replied.
"Alright guys, you did well this week. I know it's been rough. So tomorrow I want everyone in at 11. That means you better not get here before that time." He looked at Olivia and smiled slightly. "Go home get some rest."
"Yes!" Munch said aloud.
Elliot and Olivia both yawned and stretched almost simultaneously. Elliot was running on two days of no sleep. On top of that, Kathy had just left him, and he was due in divorce court that weekend for the custody decision. Olivia hadn't slept in three days, and she knew Elliot was a mess. She wanted to help, but didn't know how. The only thing she could tell him was to call her if he ever needed anything, even if it's 5 am. She had promised herself that no matter what, she would be there for him.
That's a promise Olivia knows she'll keep.
"You guys up for drinks tonight?" Munch asked everyone in the squadroom while they were beginning to pack up.
"Sure." Fin replied.
Elliot jumped at the opportunity to drown his sorrows in beer. "Hell yes!"
Olivia, still packing and not really paying attention, realized everyone was looking at her for her answer.
"Oh, uh, nah I think I'll skip tonight."
"You feel okay?" Fin asked with concern.
"Yeah just tired."
"Well no duh Liv you haven't slept in what- three days?" Munch commented.
"Three days? Liv how are you still functioning?" Elliot sarcastically said with a laugh. She flashed a smile so he would laugh a little longer.
Olivia didn't really care if he was making fun of her. It was making him laugh, and that's all that mattered.
"Oh the wonderful effects of coffee." She replied as if she was in a dream state and lifting up her coffee cup.
All four of them laughed as they walked out of the squadroom. Once they all got down to the first floor, they said their goodbyes to Olivia, and were on their way. Elliot loved how she was always there for him, but felt bad that he hadn't done much to repay her. He kept looking back until Olivia was out of site. All three guys took their cars to the bar, and Olivia walked home. She got to her apartment, and unlocked the door. She took the bag off that was barely hanging on her shoulder and threw it on the kitchen countertop, while yawning.
Looks like I'll be home alone...not that that's new. Hmm what to do what to do. Olivia was a little hungry, so she ordered a pizza and waited for the guy to get there. After he delivered the pizza she went and laid down on the couch, turning on the television and plugging in her phone into the charger nearby. She slipped her gun underneath the couch to the perfect position where if she needed it, she could get it, but whoever the intruder was couldn't see it, just in case. Olivia had taken one bite of her pizza before she pulled the sheet that was previously lieing on the couch, up to her chin, and letting sleep takeover.
Chapter One: The Rest of the Night
Olivia woke up to her phone going off. She ripped it off the charger and sat up, glancing down at the screen before answering.
Fin the screen flashed at her.
She flipped it open and tried to clear her dream wrapped voice.
"Fin?" Olivia's voice was still raspy, so she cleared it again.
"Hey Livv..." His voice was slightly slurred, which meant he was still at the bar. She glanced over at the clock 11:24 P.M. the black letters read. What's wrong, they're never at the bar this late. Knowing this immediately woke her up.
"Fin what's going on?" She worriedly asked while beginning to put her sneakers.
"Hey can you comme pick Els up he's a little overly drunk. Like dangerously drunk."
"I'll be there in five." Elliot only needed two beers to get him the slightest bit zonked. I wonder how many he's had. God, please don't let him do anything stupid while he is there.
Olivia grabbed her keys, phone, gun, and ran out the door not even worrying about grabbing a jacket. All she knew was she had to get Elliot out of there before he did anything dumb enough to get himself fired. She ran all the way to the bar, in hopes that someone was still there keeping an eye on him. She ripped open the door, and ran inside.
There, Elliot was standing in the middle of the room, while Fin and Munch tried to convince him to sit down and wait for Olivia. He was beginning to get mad at them, so she decided it was time to intervene. So, she calmly walked up to the trio.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" Not really aimed at all three of them, just Elliot.
As soon as she spoke Elliot stopped yelling at Fin to get off his back and looked straight at Olivia.
"Oh my godsh Livias here!" Elliot said in extremely slurred words. She had never seen him more drunk in her whole life. "Guysh look how pwetty you are oh Livia!" He stumbled over and gave her a hug.
She could smell the aroma of alcohol wafting off of him. "Yes El honey I'm here to take you home." Olivia gently said trying to keep him calm while returning the hug. "Are you ready to go?"
"Oh yesh Livia! Where do you wanna go?" He said while simultaneously stumbling over to the barstool to get his coat and drop a 10 on the bar.
As they waited for him to return, John leaned over and asked Olivia, "How'd you do that? We've been trying for an hour to get him to go with one of us." At least Munch wasn't drinking. The thought made her smile. Elliot returned and walked out the door, Olivia holding his body steady as he limped out the door, bidding a very slurred "Byez guy!" farewell to the two others.
Olivia knew she was going to be driving, so while walking to the car she pig pocketed Elliot for the keys to the van. She clicked the unlock button, and pulled open the passenger door. She carefully dropped him onto the seat, buckled his seat belt, and shut the door behind her. Running over to her side, she slid the car in the ignition and started it up, gracefully pulling out of the parking lot in record time. She proceeded to take out her phone and call Maureen, thinking at least she would be up. The conversation was quick, and according to Maureen all of the kids, with the exception of Eli, were awake and awaiting their father's return.
The drive to his house was actually very amusing for Olivia. Every tree Elliot saw every bird that he could catch a glimpse of in the darkness of midnight excited him. She took the long way to his house,
"Oh my goshes Livs where wez goin?" Elliot slowly slurred.
"El, I'm going to take you home and you're going to sleep. Does that sound fun?"
"Aw," he said his voice filled with disappointment.
"What El? What's wrong?"
"Youz shaid take me homez wish means you're gonna leave!" He replied trying not to pout.
"Well yeah Elliot, I need to get back to my house." Olivia explained.
"Ugh! Pwease stay the nights with me Livvy! Pwease don leave me! I'z tired of being alone!"
Olivia knew this wasn't the side of Elliot she was supposed to see. He's wanted me to stay the night with him? No, it must be some other side of him that isn't true, just the alcohol talking.
"Okay El, I'll stay." She replied trying to keep him happy. Little did she know; the happiness wouldn't last long.
A/N: Dear all, sorry this chapter didn't have much action. There will be better stuff in the second chapter, I PROMISE, and that is if you want me to continue. I really just wanted to upload this to show you the plot line and things. Sorry also for making an author's note at the end of the story, I hate when I have to do it because it just makes the story look junky.