Nina's POV

Today I have a beautiful baby girl. I named her Julie Ann Rutter. She looks just like Fabian. Fabian is on my right side looking down at Julie.

"She is beautiful." Fabian said.

"Yeah ,she is." I said letting Fabian hold her.

"I love you." Fabian said to me.

"I love you." I said to him.

I can't believe how much happened in so little time, ten months. Amber and Alfie are married and are here with me. They have always been here for me.

Mick and Mara broke up. That was a shocker. Mick is now flying solo and is doing fine. I think he will be the god-father since him and Fabian have been friends even before I came.

Mara is with Jerome ever since Jerome and Patricia broke up. Jerome and Mara look happy. Like me and Fabian are now.

Patricia is herself and did get over Jerome and still is single. She is here with me today. Everyone is.

"Nina, she is beautiful." Amber said while holding her.

"Just like her mother." Fabian said creasing my cheek.

"Mate, she looks just like you." Mick said.

"Yeah." Mara said.

"Guys, really?" I asked.

"What it is true. She looks like her father a lot." Jerome said.

Laughing and tears were shared today. There is one reason.

Three simple words. I love you.

Two perfect people made for each other. Me and Fabian.

With wings to fly and friends who are always there for us. Amber, Alfie, Mara, Mick, Patricia, and Jerome.

After today we all learned something from our experience. Three simple words can go a long way so chose wisely because you might lose the one you love.

That will always be in my heart, because I couldn't ask for anything better. I have everything I need right here with me. My friends, my family, and love.

Sorry it is so short but I am glad you liked the story. I would like to thank everyone who reviewed and wanted this story to go as far as I could. I hope this last chapter did not confuse you.
