Hey this is my first fanfic Please be nice. *nervous laughter*


Green Arrow entered Mount Justice to start his training with Artemis. He actually looked forward to his training session with the young archer, she was a very skilled archer and she always seemed to impress him in some way. He was also beginning to have a strong connection with the girl; things had been hard for him since Roy had left and decided to go solo. Roy was like a son to him, and it hurt him so much that he no longer wanted to work with him or the team, he knew it would happen some day the boy has always been a stubborn hardhead but it still came as a shock to him when Roy told him he was going to start fighting crime on his own, and even though he had left he was still proud of him and the way he had rescued Dr. Roquette form the League Of Shadows. But right now Artemis was the closest thing he had to family.

He had learned a lot about the girl in the last few months she seemed to confide in him for some unknown reason. She told him about her mother and her accident, she told him about school and her dreams and she told him about her father and how she hated him so much and how she never wants to be like him. She told him everything and he felt happy that she could trust and tell him all theses things. They got along and sometimes he went to Gotham to see her and her mother and drop off some food and give them some money for the month Artemis always refused to take it, even though she needed it, she had a single mother who was crippled and they didn't always have a steady income, she much like Roy was stubborn and proud and always refused help for anybody else but he always convinced her to take it.

He walked down the hallway to the rec room to find Artemis; the rec room was where most of the young heroes hung out. As he entered the room he spotted Robin on the couch typing vigorously on his laptop, he also saw the young martian girl watching some reality TV show on the large screen TV with Superboy who looked rather confused as he stared blankly and the screen.

"Hey Rob have seen Artemis? We're supposed to be training." Green arrow asks.

"Hey GA! Well it's almost four so she should be finishing school anytime now." Robin sates looking at his watch.

"Oh that's right it's a Wednesday, I always forget she has school, speaking of which…" Green arrow paused as he looks at the boy "How come you're not in school?"

"I had a mission with Batman." Robin shrugs looking back at his laptop.

"Okay, well when she gets here tell her I'm waiting for her in the training room."

"No problem GA." Robin answers.

Artemis sighs as she open the doors of the transporter. She had, had a bad day at school and was only to glad that she was training with GA today so she didn't have to think about it. She was sick and tired of the annoying snobs that looked down at her because she wasn't rich and because she was only at the academy because of the Wayne scholarship. It's not like she even wanted to go but her mother said it would a great opportunity for her and that it would make her so happy if she went, so of course she couldn't say no… some of the people were nice, there was Dick Grayson who had helped her find her way to her science class when she got lost one day he was two years younger than her but he acted much older and she felt like she knew him form somewhere, they became good friends after that. But he wasn't at school today so she had to eat lunch outside on her own and that's when the trouble started. Some girls in her year saw her and come over to her and started making fun of her because she was on her own and then they asked her where her 'boyfriend Dick' was and how sad it was that only a thirteen year old would be interested in her. If she wanted to, Artemis could fly kick those girls in the face and tell them where to shove their crap, but of course she couldn't do that because they where civilians and not evil villains(even if she thought differently) so instead she just ignored them and went on eating her lunch until they went away. She couldn't wait until school was over so that she could talk to Green Arrow about her problems at school. She walked into the rec room and dumped her black bag on the floor.

"Hey guys" She muttered as she sat on the couch next to Robin.

"Hello Artemis! How have you been today?" Megan asks the archer excitedly turning to face the archer from the sofa in front of the TV.

"I've been better" Artemis mumbles.

"Oh you had a bad day?" Megan replies sympathetically.

"Kinda." Artemis shrugs. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Is it something that happened at school?" Robin asks causally, no one on the team (except for Wally) knew he was really Dick Grayson.

"Yeah. I'm going to get some food." Artemis says standing up and changing the subject "Hey where is Kid Mouth and Kaldur?" she asks as she starts leaving the room.

"Kaldur is in Atlantics with Aquaman and Wally is in the kitchen." Megan answers.

"Oh and GA said that you should meet him in the training room!" Robin says before she leaves.

Artemis turns around to face Robin.

"Okay if he comes back tell him I went to get a snack and that I'm going to get changed out of my uniform before we start." She says pointing down at herself.

"Sheesh what am I a butler? Now I know how Alfred feels" Robin says under his breath.

"What was that?" Artemis asks.

"Oh nothing! I just said I would pass the message on." Robin says quickly.

"Okay thanks Rob." Artemis says as she leaves the room. She heads towards the kitchen to grab a snack.

Cookies. So many beautiful cookies! Wally thought to himself as he shoves another treat in his mouth. When school was over he zipped over to Mount Justice only to find that the lovely Megan had made cookies for everyone, when everyone had taken one Wally took the rest of the plate and sat at the table shoving whole cookies in his mouth. His day had certainly been made. That was until Artemis walked in. He puts an arm around the plate of cookies protectively whilst he glares daggers at the blonde archer.

"Don't worry loser, I'm not going to eat your precious cookies." Artemis says annoyed.

Wally just scoffs and goes back to eating his cookies he couldn't be bothered to argue with her today. But just before he puts another cookie in his mouth he notices something. She was wearing the Gotham Academy uniform. Since when did she go to robin's school? He thought to himself .And why the hell didn't Robin tell me about this! He looks at Artemis in her uniform he notices that her hair has been left down for once and sees a navy headband hold it back so it doesn't fall in her face he tries not to stare at the way her long blonde hair falls over her shoulder like a golden waterfall or the way it shines in the kitchen light, he looks and her face as she is looking for a glass in the kitchen cabinet over her head, her eyes are a light ocean blue, her brow was slightly creased as she tiptoed to reach the glass in the cabinet . Who knew she had such a pretty face… and have her eyes always been blue? Wally thought to himself then he realized that he'd never really looked at the archer before. He gulped. He then tried to turn his attention back to the cookies in fort of him, but then he suddenly realized that he wasn't feeling hungry anymore. Wallace West had actually lost his appetite. He gulped again. It seems like the blonde archer had left him in a state of utter confusion and nervousness. He looked up at her again and watched her has she placed square ice cubes in her glass. Her head was tilted to one side and Wally couldn't stop staring at her face, his eyes trailed down to the navy sweater that hugged her chest and waist so nicely. His eyes linger on her chest. Since when did Artemis have boobs? He asks himself, he clearly hadn't realized that she was a girl; to him she was just the stupid person that took Red Arrow's place. His eyes go back to her face only to find that she's looking right at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Um why are you looking at me like that?" She asks in a bitter tone. She had never heard him stay so quite for so long.

Wally feels his face starting to heat up.

"PFFFT I'm not looking at you! I was just; um" he pauses to think of an excuse "I was just thinking about how bad you look in that stupid uniform." He says quickly.

Artemis sighs and gives Wally a very dirty look.

"So you were looking at me then" she says raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow, this boy really is an idiot she thought "I know I look bad in it but I don't have a choice, I have to wear it idiot." She says as she makes her way to the fridge.

She turns away form him and now she has her back is to him she suddenly leans forward as she looks in the fridge. Wally feel a fluttering feeling in the bottom of his stomach as he looks down at the archer's short, pleated navy blue skirt. Wow. She has nice legs Wally thinks to himself as he looks and her legs, the white knee length socks make them look even longer.

"Why is this stupid fridge so big anyway, I can't find anything in here. Wally do you know where the orange juice is?" She asks the speedster without taking her head out of the fridge.

And before he thinks about what his doing he says "Um yeah it's at the bottom, right at the back." he shouts over to her. This means she has to bend down even further into the fridge giving Wally a sight that dazzles him. He pushes the plate of long forgotten cookies that are in front of him to the side and puts his forearms on the kitchen table so that he can lean forward and get a better look.

"Are you sure it's down here? I can't see it" she says has she rustles through the fridge.

"Uh-uh it should be down there some where." Wally responds slowly. He bites down on his bottom lip. Wow. Nice legs and a very nice as-

"Ahem." A noise form the other side of the kitchen interrupts Wally thoughts, startling him as he snaps his head to the direction of the noise. He sees Green Arrow standing by the door with his arms crossed around his chest. Frowning as he sends a death glare in Wally's direction.

"Green Arrow!" Wally practically screams as he blots up for his seat. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Robin told me that Artemis was here." He says in a clipped voice.

"Oh, hey GA." Artemis says with a wave, standing up from her pervious position.

"Hey Arty." He says his eyes still glaring at Wally, whose eyes were now firmly on the ground.

"I'm just gonna grab a doughnut and some orange juice if I can find it." She says as she takes the doughnut out of the fridge and puts it on a plate. Green Arrow walks over to the fridge looks in it for 5 seconds and pulls out the carton of orange juice. "It was behind the milk carton." He says as he passes it Artemis.

"Oh thanks. Wally you idiot it wasn't at the bottom."

"Oh." Wally says laughing nervously "My bad! I think I'm gonna go now."

"Not so fast Kid flash." Green Arrow says before Wally can super speed out of the kitchen "Mind if I have a word with you out side?"

"Um…" Wally says as he tries to find an excuse, but the look on Green Arrow's face tells him that, that might not be the best idea. Artemis gives them a puzzled look.

"Sure." Wally says, as he follows him out of the kitchen.

Once they're outside Wally looks up a Green Arrow and gulps.

"So what's up GA?" Wally asks nervously.

"Care to explain what just happened in the kitchen before I walked in?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Wally says scratching the back of his head.

"Don't pull that with me, I was a teenage boy once. I saw the way you were looking at her" The older archer says in a menacing voice.

"Who!Artemis!" pretending he didn't know what he was talking about. "I wasn't looking at her in anyway; please she's not even hot!" He then suddenly remembered who he was talking to. "That not what I meant! She's hot! In fact she's beautiful! I mean look at her! She has the body of a..." Wally quickly stopped his rambling, he really wasn't helping himself.

"Look West, if I ever catch you looking at her in that way again or if I hear that you're trying anything with her, I will use you as my target practice." Green Arrow says in a low and deadly voice. "You got that?"

"Yes sir." Wally squeaks.

"Now get out of my sight, before I punch you in the face."

Wally West has never run away as fast as he did then.

Review? I would really appreciate it xx

And I am sorry for any spelling mistakes