Soooo...I want to give Cheeky Brunette credit for this. Cuz if you look on her profile, she has this challenge set up to describe herself as if she's describing a character, and I got the idea from her to write this about Carlos. So, here ya go.

Ugh. So I typed this all up already, but my labtop broke and the document was saved on my labtop. So I had to rewrite it. Its not as good as the original, but hope you still like it.

I dont own BTR.

He has the mind of ten year old; trapped in a sixteen year old's body.

^Thats the excuse for him. Thats what they all say when he does something goofy, something maybe not so age appropriate. Thats what they all say when he doesnt understand something that an average sixteen year old should be capable of grasping. Thats the excuse for him.

He's naive. Thats the explanation for his actions, his behaivor, for his way of speaking, for him. He acts young and silly. He is known to goof off. His actions are better recognized as those of a fifth grader; not the grown up sixteen year old he is. His wild behaivor, his love for toys and corn dogs- the excuse for all this is that he's naive.

He's the class clown. Thats the explanation for his silly actions and shannanigans. Thats the excuse for when he pulls another nearly fatal stunt, for when he breaks/knocks over something, thats the excuse for him. He's supposed to be funny, hes supposed to there to make someone laugh when they're feeling down. Thats the excuse for him when he does something childish, or stupid. He's the "funny" one.

He has the mind of a ten year old; trapped in a sixteen year old's body. Thats the excuse for him. Thats how everyone sees him. Childish, goofy, naive, dumb.

But thats not who he is.

He's actually very sophisticated. He's unique; he has a mind of his own. He is down to earth. He doesnt let himself slip through the cracks like most teenagers do. He stays down to earth. He stays himself. He stays young, and fun. No matter how old he gets. He likes to live. He likes to just be silly. He likes to be fun. Its not that he's naive, or dumb. Hes himself. Hes unique. And hes down to earth.

Thats how he sees himself -thats who he is. But thats not how others see him. And never will anyone see him for who he truly is. They will continue to make these excuses for him. They will continue to see him as the childish, goofy, naive, and dumb sixteen year old he is, with the mind of a four year old.

Thats their excuse for him. But thats not who he is. He is himself. He is fun. He is free-living. He is spontaneous. He is unique.

He is Carlos Garcia.

And there you have it. Review?