Locked Up in Hell

Part 5

Locked Up in Hell


Cat was trying to release herself as Diamond Dog, Seke's pal, was pulling at her blouse.

-Hey man leave her alone! - Andre yelled at him.

-ENOUGH. Look Candy Babe, the deal was ONE of you stays and the rest go home. -He said playing with the gun.

-Look man, just let us go home, we helped you escape, come on - Beck pleaded

-I made a deal with your friend here. I could have simply told on you, and we wouldn't be here.

-I'M STAYING! LET CAT GO! - Trina insisted

Seke chuckled.

-You really don't get it, right Candy Babe? Here's the thing, you're used goods... while kitty cat here... well... we could get good money out of her... -he said passing his hand on Cat's leg

-NO! Look, I'll stay... I'll... I'll work and get you money... I

-TRINA! - Tori yelled

-SHUT UP TORI! Let Cat go please...

Cat began to sob silently. Seke slammed the gun on the table.

-You have exactly two minutes to leave or someone will get shot. NOW GO!

-NO! Please... I... I'm your candy babe... you... you... you said... you said you loved me... come on... I'll stay... I'll do what you ask... please...

Seke got up and stood before Trina, he glared at her for a few seconds and proceeded to kiss her at the same second as his gun went off, Trina's eyes opened wide as an eerie silence filled the room, as he separated from her Trina looked down at her belly, specifically at the growing red stain in her t-shirt.

-NO! NO! TRINA! - Tori ran to her and held her elder sister as she fell down.

-Guess what candy babe... I don't love you anymore - he said looking at her.

-WHY! WHY! Trina hold on, we'll help you... Trina please... - Tori said crying

What happened next was hard to believe, enraged, Cat stomped on Diamond Dog's foot forcing him to release her and jumped on Seke's back, who, surprised by the strength and rage of the red haired girl, dropped his gun.

-GET OFF FROM ME! - he yelled


Then, in a swift movement, Seke held Cat's hair and slammed her against the table breaking it in the process, as he turned around, he found himself face to face with the canon of his own gun.

-Come on boy, give me that gun -he said menacingly


Then, a gunshot and the man fell back with a bullet in his heart, seeing his partner down Diamond Dog decided to escape. Beck walked carefully taking the smoking gun from Robbie's hands, tears ran down the boy's face.

-I loved Trina... I loved her with all my heart...

Beck held him as he sobbed.

-I know men... I know...

Meanwhile Andre checked on Cat, the red haired girl was sobbing silently among the debris of the table, as he moved her, she screamed in agony and pain.

-My arm hurts! -she said sobbing

-It's probably broken... hold on, I'll move you carefully.

Tori on the other hand was holding Trina.

-It's going to be OK... you'll be OK...

Jade came back running with some cotton and aspirins she had found on an old first aid kit, but as they tried to make Trina swallow them, she spit them back along with some blood.

-She needs a hospital, we need to leave! -Jade said

Trina held Tori's hand and made an effort to swallow.

-Go home.. I'll be fine...

-No Trina, I'm not leaving you..

-I'll... I'll be fine... it's beautiful here... shiny...

-Trina... you're coming back with us... you'll be... Tr... Trina? Trina talk to me... TRINA! TRINA!

Jade sat in the floor, tears running down her face as the only audible soon was Tori's sobbing as she hugged her elder sister's body.

-There's a car in the back, we can take Cat and T...

Andre, who had ran to the garage glared at Tori and then at Beck, there were no words, only a head shake. Jade placed her hand in Tori's shoulder, and with the softest voice she could use she spoke.

-we must go Tori...

-I don't want to leave her... she did this for all of us...

Beck knelt beside her.

-We won't leave her.

Two hours later, in a beautiful and silent cliff right in front of the ocean, the group laid rest to their friend. With her arm in an arm sling Andre made out of a shirt, Cat was hugging Tori.

-I'll never forget you Trina... you're were the best sister I could ask for.

A month later...

Jade laid in her bed, she was trying to leave behind all that they had to endure, it wasn't easy, specially for Tori, she was lost in thought when her phone rang, the caller ID showed it was Cat.

-Hi Cat.

-Jade I'm worried about Tori.

-We all are, but she's on therapy now. -the goth girl replied

-But she's not eating as she should.

-OK, if it makes you feel better I'll talk to her tomorrow.

-Thank you Jade.

And Cat was right to worry, Tori was terribly depressed, that very next day, the brunette girl walked like a zombie into Hollywood Arts, everything there reminded her of Trina, every sound, every word. As lunch hour arrived she sat idly alongside her friends. Jade noticed she wasn't eating.

-You better eat something. -she told her

-I'm not hungry. - Tori replied coldly

-But you'll get sick - Cat added

Upset Tori got up and walked from the table, wishing for loneliness she went to the auditorium, feeling tired she laid on the stage, then a voice, a very familiar voice woke her up, her surprise knew no limits when she saw Trina, in a beautiful white dress performing her one woman show "Chicago"


Crying she hugged her.

-OK OK, I'm glad to see you too.

-But you... you...

-Look, all I want is for you to stop being so sad. You're awesome. And there's no reason to be sad. See? I'm fine.

-But I miss you.

-I will always be around you. You're my little sister. I will always protect you... OK Tori? Tori?

But the voice was no longer Trina's, now it was Cat's

-Tori wake up, Beck she...

-Trina... - she weakly said

-Tori it's me Cat... you fainted the second you got up from the table.

-Here, have some juice - Jade said handling her a box

Tori glared around and saw the worried faces of her friends. But she got the message. Trina wasn't gone. And she had to honor her sacrifice shining like she had never shine before. Finally she was no longer locked up in hell... because she was determined not to.

The End.