Part 1

Welcome to hell

Note from author: This story is based on the upcoming Victorious Episode "Locked up" and in Serene Cullen's "Locked Up" fanfic, she has been kind of allowing me to work her story, you can find hers here: .net/s/7122234/1/

Part 1 - Welcome to hell

"4 YEARS IN EURBIAN PRISON!" Those words hammered Tori's head over and over again... it had been her idea to get there, it had been her shoe who had hit the President in the face... she couldn't think anymore as they were pulled down from the police truck and were handed to the prison guards. The place was dirty, humid and cold, nothing out of normal considering that it was a very old castle. The guards removed the handcuffs and chains they had and led them to an office to register them.

-Katrina Rose Vega, Victoria Judith Vega, Jadeyn Marie West, Catalina Valentine, Andrew Harris, Robert Shappiro, Beck Oliver.

They all replied as their names were called.

-Welcome to your new home. You'll be shown your cells. - said the warden

-Wait, we can't be in the same place as them. - Jade protested

-She's right, you can't put them with us, they'll be in danger - Beck added

-Oh don't worry, you'll be there to protect her - the warden said sarcastically as the guards broke in laughter

As they walked Jade pushed Tori and the brunette crashed mercilessly to the floor. Without any care she pulled her up and slammed her against the wall, amid the rage Jade had in her eyes Tori could feel her hands were trembling.

-This is your fault Vega... whatever happens to any of us, be sure to remember it'll be thanks to you...

Tori remained silent as tears ran down her eyes, she sat in her bed, and remained silent just glaring at the stone cold walls. Beck got Andre a Robbie together.

-Look, I'll need your help guys, every minute we stay in this dump the girls will be in danger, so, I'll take care of Jade, Andre you look for Trina and Tori, Robbie, Cat is your responsibility.

They nodded, although Robbie was scared beyond belief. Suddenly Jade came in with fear all over her face.

-I can't find Cat.

Beck's face went pale.


-She was with Trina and then she just walked out and now we can find her!

-Andre, take Tori and Trina and look for her on the east side, I'll go with Robbie and Jade and look on the courtyard.

Unbeknown to them Cat had went to look for the bathroom, on her way she found a guy who glared at her.

-Do you know where the bathroom is? - Cat asked

-Sure sure, let me take you. -he offered

They walked for a while and he opened a door, Cat walked in and saw it was a somewhat small storage room.

-Hey this is not

Cat began to struggle as he started to kiss her and tug at her orange suit.


-Shut up or you'll not walk out from here -he said severely

-please... -Cat whimpered as she was pushed down on the cold floor.

-Don't worry, you'll like this.

Cat tried to struggle as he pulled the zipper of her uniform all the way down and began to touch her as he pleased. Suddenly she was able to kick him on the groin and as he fell to the side Cat got up and ran out, Andre, Tori and Trina were near and the latter saw her friend running and crying with her uniform torn.

-CAT! - Trina yelled.

-I want to go home... please... - she said crying and clinging to her for dear life.

As they returned to her cells Beck got together with the guys again.

-See? That's what I was talking about. They can't be alone. Ever. -he said

In their cell Jade was tending to Cat.

-What did he do to you? Did he... -fear was filling Jade's voice

-no... he wanted to hurt me... I'm scared...

Infuriated Jade pull Tori up from her bed and slammed her against the wall.


Slowly Tori raised her head, instead of seeing the defiant look she knew from the Latina girl, she got a lost look, and tears running down her face.

-I'm sorry...

That infuriated Jade even more.


Trina had enough and pushed Jade away from her little sister.



-Really? You're going to beat me up? Is that it? Will you cut it out with your stupid bully attitude for a minute and think? We need to protect ourselves here. Look at Cat, she was lucky THIS time. I know I'm not the most talented person around but I'm a little bit more street smart...

Jade glared at her, for the first time ever Trina had been right, there was no argument to her words, they had to look out for each other instead of trying to kill each other. Later that day the group went out to the courtyard. Cat was silent and absent while the boys looked the surroundings. There were several convicts there glaring at them. Jade could feel them undress her with their eyes, it was one thing to be a bully of sorts back in Hollywood arts where the oldest person she had to deal with was 16 years old like her, here there were men, men who wouldn't care less to hurt either her or Tori or Trina or Cat as long as they could get their way with them, for the first time ever in her life, she felt vulnerable.


-I'm... I'm scared...

Beck hugged her.

-I'll protect you... with my life if I have to.

Later that night, and while everyone slept, Trina got up, walked out slowly and headed for a cell that was at the end of a cold and dark hall. The door was opened and she walked in. As she was inside the door closed behind her, she closed her yes.

-I was told you wanted to see me. -A voice spoke

-I... they... said... you... you can protect my friends -she said with a trembling voice

The same voice chuckled

-Yes, I rule this prison, nothing is done here without my permission.

-So... you can protect them?

The man who owned the voice Trina was hearing got up and walked to her, Trina closed her eyes as he passed his hand on her face. She could notice that he was a man in his early forties, a scar in his face and a tattoo in his arm showed that he was a man who earned his respect.

-Of course you know that asking for something like that requires that you give us something in return. -he said standing in front of her.

As he spoke he pulled the zipper of Trina's uniform all the way down. Then slowly passed his hands on her shoulders to pull it down. Trina closed her eyes, she could feel the other three men in the cell looking at her, savoring what they knew they were going to get that evening. As she led and then pushed down in one of the beds, she begged one last time.

-Just promise... please... they you'll protect my friends... and I'll do whatever you want...

-Don't worry candy babe... they'll be just fine...

Trina closed her eyes as she saw him undress and then getting on top of her...

To be continued...