Exploring Attributes

Chapter: 1

First Day...

hello everyone this type time its checked. hope you guys will like it

Beta-ing done by Sailor Peach

Chapter One: First Day...

Misaki's POV

So my mother decided to move to Tokyo, so we, my mom Minako, my sister Suzuna, and I, could settle down.

I always wondered why my father left us in the first place. I guess he couldn't think about his children enough to stay. Maybe he didn't ever love us at all.

The sun is shining above my head as I head towards my new two story house. The front gate has a small opening, and you can see a big sakura flowered tree in the front yard. The first floor has the main opening door and a few windows that reveal the dining room and kitchen. The second story has a small balcony, and the Sakura tree hides half of it.

"Oni-chan, are you going to come inside?" Suzuna called out.

"Honey, come on in! We have a lot of work to do!" my mother chimed in. So I went inside to help them out before bed.

Early the next morning, I was up early ready to attend my new school, Miyabigaoka Academy High School. I was happy and grateful to be able to study in such an expensive and highly ranked school. And it's all thanks to my mother, who supports me and encourages me, to get good grades and do well in my academics. She always said that if I studied hard enough and did well, I could easily get a scholarship to study in a good school, without it being a financial burden on our family.

When I was accepted, I was so happy I wouldn't be being a burden on my family, and I could get a very good education.

I arrived at the gigantic mansion school, and walked the long entrance path to the front doors. 'Here I go..' I thought.

I was walking down the corridors, looking for my homeroom when a cheerfuk girl approached me.

"Ohayo! I'm Sakura. You must be the new transfer student, I heard was coming from Hokkaido, right?" she said bubbly.

"Ah, yes, Ohayo, I am the new student from Hokkaido." I answered, a bit confused and surprised by the cheerful greeting.

"So, what's your name miss?" she politely asked.

"My name is Ayuzawa Misaki, it's nice to meet you... Ahh sorry what was your name again?" I asked her.

"Wow, that's such a cute name! My names Sakura! Sorry! I must have been talking too fast! Can I call you Misaki? You are such a cute girl! Let's be friends!" she sputtered.

Sakura gave me a huge smile, and I returned it.

"Hey Sakura, can you help me find my homeroom?"

"Oh of course! Since your the only new student this year in our grade, I know exactly where to go! We are even in the same class!" she said excitedly and linked her arm on mine.

"Thank you..." I said, and well that's all I could say. I followed her down a hallway as she guided us towards the classroom.

I noticed that almost everyone in the whole school was staring at us, well me, as we passed. I could tell they all already knew I was coming. It felt a little uncomfortable; It felt like that I belonged on some other planet, the way they brazenly stared and whispered. So I just smiled at them, then at myself of the silly thought of being an alien.

I kind of feel nervous, because I know most students in Miyabigaoka belonged to rich and powerful families. They were the children that were the successors of their family businesses or they were already the heirs of their family fortunes.

Just as we were about to enter our classroom, a guy with blonde hair approached us. The first thought that struck me as I gazed up at him was 'Is he the devil?' He grinned devilishly at me as he came closer.

"Well Ohayo Miss Sakura, how are you today?" he asked still eying me up. It was a bit annoying the way he was staring, more intensely then the others.

Suddenly, The whole atmosphere changed, and I could here whispers of excitement around me, mostly from all of the girls.

" Oh my gosh, Mako! Look Igarashi-kun, he is just so handsome!" said one girl, almost screaming.

"I know! I see him! I think I'm gonna faint! He is just so dreamy!" said another girl.

"I wonder who will ask him to prom this year?" said yet another girl. I felt really kind of disgusted. I mean how can girls can be so whiny and flirty. Fan girls make me sick.

"Ohayo Igarashi-san, how are you today?" she greeted him in a formal but very friendly way, like they were very close friends.

"Oh, I am fine Sakura, So, is this the new girl everyone at school has been talking about?" he asked as he continued to stare and now gesture towards me.

"Yup, she is the one. And guess what? She's even in our class!" Sakura beamed.

'OUR?' What does that mean? Oh no. I will be studying in the same class as him! He looks like a perverted devil! And then he comes with all those fan girls? 'Sigh.'

As all of this was hitting me, He suddenly takes my hand and kisses it softly.

"Ohayo, miss. I am Igarashi Tora, president of this school. I am extremely pleased to meet you at last. May You please tell me your name, miss?" he said in 'his' most suave voice.

I could feel all the students, especially the girls, staring at me, well really glaring at me with animal like fury. I was astonished by this sudden occurrence, by his mannerisms and gaze, so all I could do was blush.

"I... I am Ayuzawa Misaki. Ohayo, Pleased to make your acquaintance." And then I pulled my hand back from him.

" Oh, Misaki! Tora is one of my closest friends! If you ever have any problems with anything and I'm not here to help you, He's always here! I'm sure you two will hit it off and become good friends soon!" Sakura told me pulling me into the classroom as the bell rang.

"Of course, Misaki, I will always be at your service if you need it.." He smiled a wicked smile.

And I even smiled back at him as we took our seats. Sakura sat beside me and Igarashi took the seat behind her.

A minute or two went by and class didn't start yet so everyone was chatting. I settled in my desk while I listened to my two new 'friends' talking discreetly with each other, they only used signs in their silent conversation.

"Tora, why isn't he here yet?" she finally whispered to him.

"Ha," he snorted, " he probably won't even show up..."

"Won't that be a problem?" she asked.

"Who knows?"

"But again?" she asked?

"Yeah..." he said.

The late bell rang and class had officially started and everyone was present, except for one, who I suspected was to sit behind me, in the last empty desk. I figured he is the one Sakura and Igarashi were talking about.

The day passed by rather happily. We three had lunch together and another student named Shizuka joined us. She belonged to another class. I found out she was also Sakura's friend. And so when school was over I returned home, exhausted from the days events.

"Tadaima, okaa-san, Oni-chan." I said as I saw my mother and sister sitting in the kitchen when as walked in. I so tired, i skipped dinner and went right to bed.

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