"Flora! Get up! Today is Red Fountain's 50th Anniversary since it's opening! " Sella yelled from the outside of Flora's room. It was a sunny Saturday and Flora just wanted to sleep and stay in at Alfea. Flora grumbled and put her pillow on top of her head to black the sound of Stella's yelling.

"Flora I want to see my honey bunny Brandon sometime today." Stella said in a calmer voice trying to try a different approach to waking up Flora. However, Flora realized that arguing with Stella was futile and decided to get up and get ready. Flora put on a ligh pink spring dress with white flats and headed out of her room.

"Ready." Flora said and the Winx girls were off to Red Fountain.

At Red Fountain, the guys were already standing at the gate and awaiting the Winx. Stella was in no wait to greet Brandon and ran right up to him to give him the biggest hug that she almost knocked him down. The girls then walked up to greet their respective boyfriends. Bloom went with Sky to the arena. Stella and Brandon went with them. Techna and Timmy went to sit on a bench to look at the latest software on their gadgets. Musa and Riven went away to start quarelling once again. That left Layla and Flora alone.

"Hey Flora, I think I may check out the new gym that Red Fountain has recently put in. I have been dying to see it." Layla said as she and Flora started heading into Red Fountain.

"Go ahead, I could use a walk anyways." Flora said.

"Alright, well be back here in time for the celebration to comence."

"I will, Layla."

And with that the girls went their separate ways. Flora walked to the back of Red Fountain to the outskirts of the forest that surronded the school. It was always so green and plentiful and that always Flora happy.

Flora continued walking further into the forest until she came upon a small, clear lake. It had wildflowers along it's banks and lilly pads in the crystal clear water. Flora felt as though she happened upon a secret world and a place undescovered because nothing was imperfect in the splendor that was before her eyes. She was in a dream. That was until she saw someone at the other side of th lake. Her dream world and secret magical place was gone.

Flora walked around the lake to the side with her intruder. She saw that it was a boy with midnight blue hair and eyes wearing loose jeans and a loose fitting shirt. She was not familiar with the boy and had never seen him at Red Fountain before. Curiosity overtook Flora as she sat down next to him.

"The grass is a little wet but refreshing none the less." Flora said trying to stike up conversation. She rarely ever did this but since it was just the two of them and the boy had not aknowledged Flora's presense, she made an exception.

"Yes, it is." the boy said as he grabbed a sketch pad and a small brush and started draw what appeared to be the lake in front of him. He lightly moved the brush making sure to get every single detail of the lake perfectly. After a few minutes of awkward silence between Flora and the boy, he had finished the painting.

"You really got the essence of the lake down to a tee and the way you captured the flowers swayin in the breeze is truely amazing." Flora said enthusiastically as she looked at the boys drawing. The boyy gave a quick smile and tore apart the painting.

"What did you do that for? The painting was amazing!" Flora exclaimed after the boy ripped up the painting.

"I have been working on the lake as my subject for a week now and no matter how hard I try or concentrate I can never get it's true beauty in my paintings." the boy said.

"Maybe you are just trying to hard? I'm no painter but I know when I just let things flow and just focus on the moment I accomplish things thought impossible." Flora said as she started picking up the pieces of the painting. "Never think things have to be absolutely perfect. The you will miss out on the imperfections that make this lake beautiful."

"What imperfection?" the boy asked.

"The lilly pad in the middle of the lake has been torn apart by the fish. The flowers on the left side of the bank, the stems are all crooked. The tree over there to the right has moss on it." Flora pointed out. The boy looked at Flora while she wasn't looking and saw the fire in her eyes when she talked about nature and the beauty of imperfections that never crossed his mind.

"Hold still." the boy said as he grabbed his brush and sketch pad and started to draw Flora. Flora was shocked as he started to draw her for she saw nothing of interest about her in comarison to the scenery. She held as still as a statue trying not to make too many moves to mess up the painting. The boy spent what felt like forever to Flora painting her portrait of her sitting down with her sitting criss cross leaning back against her arms basking in the son looking at the lake. Then the boy was done.

"You may move now." the boy said. He then tore the peice of paper and handed it to Flora. Flora was surprised at how fantastic the painting was.

"Thank you it is beautiful." Flora said staring deeply at the painting.

"I'm glad you like it." the boy said.

"I don't think I introduced myself. My name is Flora and I am a fairy of nature." Flora said.

"Flora. Well, I am Helia and I am not a fairy but I love art." the boy said.

"Oh no! Look at the time we better be getting back to Red Fountain." Flora exclaimed as she got off of the ground.

"Let me walk you back." Helia said as he got his art equipment. Then he and Flora walked backk together to Red Fountain.

"I have never seen you at Red Fountain before. Are you new?" Flora asked on the walk back to Red Fountain.

"Ah, no actually. I came here for my first year and then dropped out to go to art school but then my uncle persuaded me to come back to Red Fountain." Helia said looking down at the ground as he and Flora slowly walked back to Red Fountain.

"Your uncle must be pretty convincing to make you come back to Red Fountain after you left. Isn't art your passion? Why not stay in art school?" Flora asked once again.

"Haha, Uncle Saladin can be pretty convincing." Helia quietly laughed.

"Wait, Saladin is your uncle?" Flora was shocked. How could a relative of Saladin's not want to be at Red Fountain and be a top notch fighter like him? "You must be really good then?"

"Yeah, I was top of my class. However, I hate fighting. I am more of a lover than a fighter. I'm a person who lives by 'the pen is mightier than sword' type of ideals." Helia said.

Flora and Helia finally reached Red Fountain. Helia then stopped again at the outskirts of the forest.

"When will I see you again?" Helia asked.

"Um, how about where we met tonight during the dance?" Flora said.

"Tonight then. When the fifth song plays at the dance we will meet here." Helia said.

"See you then." Flora said. She and Helia then went their separate ways to the celebration.