A/N & Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, Gibbs, Abby or The Hangover, this is the third chapter to The Hangover NCIs fic, I'm gonna hopefully write this one a little umm, different? Better? With more action, perhaps being a little bit longer, and maybe they're gonna get out of the hotel room now, eh?
The Hangover
Chapter Three
Abby Sciuto now sat kneeled inside the bed with her arms and the bed sheets tightly around her. The continuous sound of running water was the only other sound in the room, along with the constant whirr of the fan above her. It took Abigail longer than what was expected for her to get her head around the situation which Gibbs was oddly calm with. Like Gibbs, she had expressed her uncertainty and upheaval by talking to the one person that could sort out this mess, not by bottling it up like some scared little girl whom couldn't handle the situation. Hell no, she was Abigail Sciuto, daughter, colleague, Goth, friend, scientist. If there was one thing Abby was positive she could do. It was solving and figuring out puzzles.
Thirty minutes ago
"Neither am I Abbs..." Gibbs whispered to her.
Abby Sciuto shifted away from him once again.
"So you mean you're, umm... clothed?" Abby questioned bringing her arms across her chest to in front of herself.
Gibbs took his lips away from her forehead as well as the contact with her hand.
"Yeah, Abbs, I am, just barely though." Gibbs flashed a toothy grin, that signature Leroy Jethro Gibbs smile that Abby most always received when he was proud with her and with her work. Which she would never take for granted. She always welcomed his smile, his kiss on her cheek, when he gave her a CafPOW! to ensure he'll receive needed answers for a case and for his scientist to be happy and not sleeping on the job.
Abby's lips formed a cheeky smile which reached her emerald green eyes, Gibbs noticed the smile playing on her lips as he looked at her, wondering what her expression was for.
"Boxers? Trunks? Bikinis?" Abby Sciuto asked. Immediately Gibbs' mind flashed back to the scene in Abby's lab when they were investigating the case with the buried marine in the coffin. Abby had just given him some information on the case and ended with a playful and somewhat unneeded attempt on fining what type of underwear he wears. Abby never ceased to amaze him.
Her voice was considerably hammed up as with a fun twang in her voice which broke up the seriousness of the situation.
"You're still fishing, Abbs!" Gibbs spoke, the grin still lingering on his lips and in his soft and warm voice which whenever graced her elfin ears always made her metaphorically melt.
Abby Scuito broke into a laughing fit, she threw her head back on the pillow and covered her mouth with the back of her hand, even though Abby was trying her best to hide the fact, which she was doing quite poorly of, that she was laughing, Gibbs couldn't help but let her have a moment of calm before the endless of hours to find out what happened the night before.
Abby, who lowered her hand so she could look at Gibbs had stopped laughing and was staring at him.
Gibbs was sat bolt upright in the bed with his head in his hands. Jethro sighed and ran his hand down his weathered face, blinking a few times when doing so. Quickly he clocked on the Abby was looking at him with a quizzical look on his face.
"Abbs, I'm gonna get a shower then go to the bullpen, trawl through reels of CCTV footage to see if I can find anything that will help us know what happened last night." Gibbs spoke, his voice full of order and charge which Abby has heard him use many times in his lab when talking, or more likely yelling at McGee or Tony for doing something wrong. Sometimes in the bullpen which whenever she went up to give Gibbs some important information that she could only give him face to face. But right now, he was using the hidden anger, hard tone of voice on her. On Abby Scuito, and she immediately knew he meant business.
Abby sat up and met his eye line, her messy pigtails falling and dangling down her back. "When Leroy Jethro Gibbs makes up his mind. His mind's made up." Abby smiled a quick neutral smile which was gone as soon as Gibbs realised she was in a positive demeanour.
Gibbs raised himself to his feet, his feet met the soft navy blue carpet, he curled his toes into it before stepping towards the window, feeling the sun beat it's warm orange rays onto his skin, Gibbs then picked up his scattered clothes which were considerably hard to find and quietly padded into the bathroom, which Gibbs didn't even know was there until he looked at Abby and saw the sun reflecting off the metallic knob on the door. It was an easy escape from Abby's confused and scared looks and her questions which he'd be more than happy to answer. He would always look out for her and reassure her on any problems she's going through. But when he's going through one with her, it was a hard task and a hard task on a hangover – suffering head was not the best way to reassure his friend and colleague.
Abby was left in the room. In the quite, white room. The slow steady whirr of the fan, the odd car outside and Gibbs in the shower was the only sounds that greeted her ears.
It was torture, a slow and silent torture; she wanted to find out what happened the night before just as much as he didn't she? This strange and severe event had happened to both of them after all.
Abby had had enough.
Abby Scuito swung her legs out of the bed, she immediately felt like she was made out of lead. Her body pulled her back down to the plump mattress and pillow which she would've reluctantly listened to and obeyed had the situation not been in play.
Abby's feet touched down on the navy blue carpet, her black painted toes pressed down into the short fibres of the carpet, her toes curled into the carpet, it was soft and forgiving for her feet which she had only realised were hurting.
She recognised the pain immediately. It felt like that time she wore stilettos when that bastard had enforced the dress code on her and told her she was in violation.
That's one piece of the thousand piece puzzle that was now solved.
She had most probably worn stilettos the night before, but where, why and who was still quite unclear. It was a start for her; it was a start for Abby's memory as it gradually built up its memories on the night before.
A/N: Not too happy with this chapter. I may carry on writing short chapters, I was gonna break that habit this chapter, but I wanted reviews and ideas, thoughts etc on the story, which I desperately need I'll have you know! I just wanted a bit more of the story up. Please R&R. Hope you enjoyed...