A/N: This is my new Finchel story! I'm so excited about it! I am still doing He Love's Me, He Love's Me Not! So don't worry about that! PLEASE REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! MUCH LOVE,
Amanda :)

I can't believe today is the day I'm finally graduating from William McKinley High School. My life seems just about perfect. I graduated with a 4.7 gpa, was Valedictorian, got into my dream school (Julliard), I get my braces off in three weeks, and I have the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Now when I said just about everything here's what I meant… I'm in love with Finn Hudson. I know, I know, totally clique, but I just can't help it. We have been best friends since first grade when I punched that girl in the face for making fun of his pink shirt. I hate to admit it, but I was surprised he didn't dump me on my ass sophomore year when he got all popular. I mean I was totally bring down his rep, but he doesn't ever seem to care. He is the best guy. Most popular kids in school threw slushies at kids like me, but Finn, he refused and if anyone even thought about throwing one in my direction he went all Chris Brown on their asses! He was like my knight in shining armor. He even let me tag along with him and his date to prom, yeah it was pretty awkward. Anyways I know what your thinking, 'Why haven't you told him?', It's a bit more complicated than that. See Finn dated this girl Quinn Fabray off and on all through High School, so there never was a chance for me to tell him. If he wasn't sucking her face, he was moping because he wasn't sucking her face. Ughh boys, all they care about is looks. It's tragic really because the most beautiful girls are the ones that aren't covered in half a pound of make-up and whose legs don't operate like automatic sliding doors. Anyways, I've decided to tell him before I leave for New York. I think I'm going to play it off as a joke that way if he is creeped out that his loser best friend has secretly been crushing on him since forever, it won't be so awkward. He's having this huge blow out Graduation party tonight, well in about two hours actually, and I'm going to give him the letter I've been trying to write for the past eleven years.

I bought a brand new dress just for this occasion and I want it to be perfect. Getting ready, I actually spent the time on my hair and make-up. He's never saw me as attractive, but tonight I was going to change that. I was wearing this white dress that showed off my womanly features that I usually covered up with animal sweaters. I wasn't trying to look like a hooker, it was still my look just more mature. I straightened my hair like I usually do and I decided to keep the make-up natural and stay true to my self. I actually looked like I did in my everyday life, but I wanted him to like me for me not because I was wearing a bunch of make-up and he could see my cleavage.

I arrived at Finn's house and it was packed. High School graduates pouring out of every room. I walked inside instantly feeling like an outsider, which was expected. I just wanted to find Finn so I had someone to talk to. I start walking around getting bumped into and beer being spilt on my shoes. It was insane, I was never going to find Finn in this mad house. My phone started to buzz in my cleavage, I didn't bring a purse and have no pockets, don't judge me!

I grabbed my phone and flipped it open. "Hello?"

"Rachel! Where are you? I need to talk to you!" My heart started to pound in my chest.

"I'm down stairs looking for you." The music was so loud I could barely hear anything Finn was saying.

"I'm in my room, hurry up!" With out an answer I snapped the phone shut and made my way up to his bedroom.

I knocked on the door a few times. "It's Rachel."

"Come in." I opened the door to see a shirtless Finn. I swallowed hard trying not to stare. I've seen him shirtless before, but I was caught off guard. At least when we'd go swimming I was expecting to see his bare chest.

"Hey what are you doing up here by yourself?" He was walking around finishing getting ready.

"I was waiting for you! I need to tell you something." He held up a green Vancouver t-shirt and blue t-shit. "Which one?"

I looked at both shirts. "Umm, the green one!"

"Thanks." He tossed the blue one in his closet and pulled the t-shirt over his head.

"So, you said you needed to talk to me about something?" His head snapped up.

"Yes." He walked into his bathroom and came out with this huge beautiful bouquet of red flowers and a little jewelry box. My heart instantly dropped. "Rachel, you're my best friend and I think I'm ready." He opens the small blue box and reveals this beautiful diamond ring. I couldn't help but gasp. "So.." I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating it was beating so fast. I just looked at him speechless as he smiled at me. "Do you think she will like it?"

Wait, what? Did he just say she? "She?"

He smiled wider. "Quinn silly. I'm asking her to marry me." In that second my heart sunk till it was hanging down by my feet. I wanted to run. To cry my heart out. I can't believe what was happening.

I managed to squeak out a question. "Aren't you broken up?"

He smiled again. "No we made up at Graduation. And to be honest I always knew she was the one."

I was crushed. The one boy that I ever cared for and that cared back didn't even notice me. "Oh." was all I could bring my self to say. I tried so hard not to look crushed, but I failed. I looked down hiding the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

"hey, hey!" He put his hand under my chin bringing my face up so he could see me. "I'll still be here for you! We will always be best friends."

I pulled away. "No, that's not it." His face was confused and worried.

"Did I do something wrong?" He was looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"No, I did." I stood up straightening out my dress and walking towards the door. "Quinn is going to love it." and with that I was gone.

As I made my way home I made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up some ice cream. I was in dyer need of some Ben and Jerry's therapy. When I got home I carried my self up to my room grabbing a giant spoon on my way. I sat in my room all night crying and stuffing my face, my dads were worried to say the least. The next morning I woke up with swollen eyes from all the crying I did the past night. I was bouncing an idea around my head that I wanted to talk to my dads about. There was no way I could stay here all summer and see the soon to be newlyweds swoon over one another, I had to leave, permanently. I moped down the stairs and into the kitchen and started making myself some coffee. Daddy had walked in the kitchen and pulled me into a hug and the tears started to pour, I was surprised I had any left.

"Daddy, I can't stay here." He hugged me tighter.

"I know." I cried harder into his chest. Both of my dads were very aware of my love for Finn and hated how he made her feel and he didn't even know it.

I stop crying enough to speak, pulling back so I can look him in the eyes. "I want to move to New York next week. I can stay with Aunt Liz and then when class starts I can move into my dorm." My dads were very supportive of me and trusted me so much.

"I'll go call Liz now." He kissed the top of my head and headed towards his office.

I took a long sigh. I didn't want to leave my dads, but I wasn't going to sit by and have my heart break even more than it is. I went up to my room and heard my phone beep. I flip it open to see I had eight missed calls and five missed texts from Finn. I wanted to read them, but it still hurt way to much. I deleted the texts and voicemails. I put my phone down and headed for the shower, I looked a mess.

As soon as I was out of the shower and dressed my dads knocked on my door. "Come in."

Both of my dads entered my room and motioned for me to sit down. I sat down on my bed so they were both standing in front of me. "We both talked to Liz, and she is more than thrilled to have you for the summer." I practically jumped off the bed with excitement. Screaming thank yous, I love yous, and a few you're the best.

"Hold it Rachel." My dads face was serious and that made me a tad nervous. Just cause Aunt Liz said yes doesn't mean they will. I sat back down and looked up at my dads again.

"Your dad and I want what's best for you Rachel. We trust you and love you more than you'll ever know. All we want is for you to be happy. So we decided that moving to New York is what's best for you." I let a yell of excitement escape my lips.

My dad gave me another look and I instantly calmed myself down. "Thank you both so much." I haven't been this happy in a while, but I still had a piercing sting in my chest. I pushed that aside as I listened to all my dads rules.

"We booked you a flight on Wednesday, both your father and I took off Monday through Wednesday to help you get packed." This time when I jumped up and hugged them both, they hugged me back with out a stern look but with a smile.

I left to go get boxes so that I could pack and we could ship my stuff out to New York.

There was a knock on the front door and my dad answered it to see Finn standing in the doorway.

"Hello sir, is Rachel home." My dad didn't hate Finn but hated how he made his daughter feel.

"No Finn, she's out getting moving boxes." His face was frozen.

"Moving? Who's moving?" Mr. Berry really wanted Finn to feel at least a sliver of the pain he put his daughter through.

"Rachel. She's moving to New York." I sigh of relief washes over Finn's face.

"Oh, you scared me for a second sir." Finn chuckled lightly.

"I don't think you understand me son. Rachel is leaving in three days." Finn's face went pale as Rachel's father told him his best friend was leaving in days.

"Why? I thought she wasn't leaving until August." Mr. Berry had very little sympathy for this boy and his patience was wearing thin.

"She needs to be happy Finn and she can't do that here."

"What are you talking about? Rachel is the happiest person I know."

"Well you obviously have no idea then. After she's done putting on her show for you, she is here crying." Mr. Berry wasn't going to say anything about his daughters love for the man that stood in front of him. But he wanted him out of her life. "I think you should leave Finn."

Finn was shocked. Rachel Berry, his best friend was all along miserable? About what? Finn cleared his throat and took a few steps back. "Okay, thanks for your time." He walked away and climbed into his truck and drove off.

"Dads! Can I get some help out here?" I yelled into the house as I tried to drag some of the boxes into the house. My dads came out of the living room and helped me bring the collapsed boxes in and up to my room. "Well I should get started, I have a lot to do in two days."

"Rachel?" Daddy was speaking low.

"Yes Daddy? What is it?" I was a little worried as to what he was going to tell me.

"Finn stopped by.." and the pain in my chest was on fire again.

"what did he want?" My dad folded his arms across his chest and daddy explained.

"He was looking for you." I rolled my eyes and turned back to my room and looked around fro where she should start. "I told him you were leaving."

I turned my head to my dads. "Why? I just wanted to disappear." I groaned. "Now he is going to want to know why."

My dad un folded his arms as he walked up to me placing his hand on my shoulder. "He deserved to know. Even though he is oblivious, he does care for you Rachel."

"Your right. Well thanks for letting him know so I don't have to."

"Your not going to talk to him?" My dad still holding my shoulder and looking into my eyes.

"I can't. It hurts too much." and with that they let it go and left me to pack all my things.

The next two days were stressful. Between packing, healing a broken heart, and dodging Finn, I was ready to be in New York. My room was packed and I was ready to finally be where I belong. I was doing some last minute cleaning when I found a letter under my bed. I opened it up to see it was the one I was going to give Finn just three days ago before he dropped the bomb on me. I began to read it and pools of water started to form in my eyes.

Dear Finn,

We have been best friends for such a long time now, thanks to your mom accidentally washing the whites with your red shirt. Everyday I have spent with you has been the time of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Life is so unpredictable. Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what happened but my world has been turned upside down. I don't know exactly what it is, it just hit me, there is something so special about you. It might be the simple things on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you. Your kindness, generosity, leader ship, that amazing smile, and your warm and loving heart. These thing set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the big things, the person you really are, the one that I get the pleasure of seeing everyday. It might be the little things, the way you walk, how you talk to others, your awesome dance moves, and your presence in general. I receive so much joy just being able to see a smile in your eyes. If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd probably find out it's a combination of all these things. You are a really amazing person. I can't put in words how I feel when I see you walk by, or smile, or laugh. You are the only man who understands me and my crazy. I have sat back and watch you fall in and out of love so many times. Wishing so many times that it was me you loved, that you'd finally see me as more than your nerdy friend. I can't help but fall for you deeper and deeper everyday. You are my everything. I love you Finn, I always have and I always will. Even if you don't feel the same about me, I will always be here for you.


Rachel Berry