A/N: This is my first go at a FanFic… being soooo in love with the awesome Ms. Harris' characters, I had an idea so I had to try… The timeline for this fic is after "Dead to the World" (My fave book mmmm love me some Eric) with some TrueBlood thrown in the mix… I'm in no way, shape, or form a "writer" by any standard, this is the first time EVER that I've written anything so please be gentle and enjoy! Oh and BTW Eric isn't very nice in the beginning thought he tries ;)

I allow for anonymous reviews so please share your thoughts! It will be greatly really appreciated!

DISCLAMER: I do not own SVM character's the Brilliant Charlaine Harris does and Alan Ball has TrueBlood… Please don't sue, I have no money I'm not making any money on this and I'm just bored and kinda just mixing it up ;)

Rated M for Language

Blood Debt


It's been weeks since I regained my memories of myself, but I can't remember the one week I spent with Sookie. It's driving me insane wondering what went on between us. What makes things worst is I have all these damn emotions that I've never felt in my entire existence.

It pains me to do so but, I need to seek advice from my Child. She is the only one that I would discuss anything that shows weakness. After all, the only Vampire you can trust is the one you made. The only problem is she has too much fun using the situation as fodder for her entertainment and doesn't hesitate to piss me off about my so-called 'emotions' that I am feeling for Sookie. I sigh.

"Pam." I call for my Child as I am tired of thinking.

"Yes, Master?" Pam enters my office as she closes the door behind her.

"Should I just… end her?" I say frustrated to no end.

"Why Eric, whatever do you mean? The Telepath was of great use to us while you were cursed." Pam smirks… as she is well aware I've been twisting in agony over this whole Sookie bullshit.

"I need to find out what went on with us. . . I do not enjoy having feelings that cannot be explained." I say to my child "Do you have any ideas?"

"I think the Telepath may have 'feelings' for you as well." Pam says with her typical sardonic tone. "Why don't you just ask her?"

"I have, but she will not speak to me. She too is 'emotional'. I can see and smell that she is afraid of me, but can also sense she has strong conflicting emotions. It is driving me to edge of my sanity that she won't tell me what happened." I say

"Have you told her any of this?" Pam replies

"Of course not!" I glare at her and Pam chuckles and crosses her arms

"Well Eric, you know that the human is extremely stubborn and very insecure. Especially after what Compton did to her." Pam replies I frown and she cocks her head. "You love her." Pam says not as a question but a statement and her fangs slide down. Yeah she is having way too much fun at my expense.

"Pamela, do not be absurd. I do not know what that even means." I roll my eyes. Pam sniggers then instantly lowers her eyes to the floor as I give her a look that means time for joking is over. Suddenly a thought pops into mind.

"I seem to remember a Vampire that went missing a while back. That queen that was selling his blood said that Jason Stackhouse had something to do with his disappearance." I said. Her eyes shot up as if she immediately knew what I was thinking.

"Forgive me, Master. If I may speak" she asked once again lowering her gaze after I give her a curt nod. "Master, I don't think it would be wise." she says back to her bored tone.

"Why not Pamela, after all it was your idea" I say with a wicked grin.

"But Master, you know as well as I that harming the brother would only get you the opposite of what you want." She says and I wave off her reply.

"I am well aware of that. But harming him is not what I intend. If he is indeed guilty of the disappearance he owes a blood debt. As sheriff of this area I'm due to collect." I say and I know exactly what I want as payment.

"Do you wish me to retrieve him, Master?" Pam says.

"Yes bring him here and lock him up downstairs. Before we proceed with him, maybe I'll try to entice Miss Stackhouse to yield to me of her own will." I say then dismiss Pam to collect the Were.

As I drive down to Bon Temps to the Shifter's bar I think of the last night I confronted Sookie with what might have happened that week. The only information I had was from what Pam has told me, what with Compton's attitude towards me I know for sure that Sookie and I had sex, and that she was willing. So what the fuck is the problem? There's got to be more to the story and I and damn sure going to find out what no matter what I have to do.

I enter the bar and my nostrils flare as I am assaulted with her delicious scent. Even with all the other humans, beer and food smells, hers is the most powerful to my senses. I follow it to one of her open tables. As I sit I see her behind the bar and for a split second our eyes meet and she has a terrified look on her face. Since she's had my blood I know everything that she is feeling… lust, sadness, fear, guilt, and what is that last one? I just can't understand it; it is the same one I feel along with the lust. Could Pam be right? Do I actually love this Human? Impossible!

I hate that this woman has this power over me. I will get the truth from her one way or another; I don't care if what I plan will piss her off. I need to regain the power. I never take my eyes off her as she approaches my table with that strained grin on her face.


My shift is nearly over and I have a splitting headache trying to shield the thoughts of everyone in the bar tonight. All my tables are empty so I'm behind the bar helping Sam wash some glasses when a hush falls over crowd. I look up from what I'm doing to see what's going on. 'Shit! What is he doing here!' I think as I meet those beautiful eyes that sparkle like sapphires and try like hell not to melt. All of a sudden the memory of our time together some rushing back to, the amazing sex, the offer he made to give up everything for me, Debbie "effing" Pelt. I fell in love with this man. I looked over at Sam he doesn't look too happy, but he gives me a nod to tell me go on. As I walk over to his table I can feel the 'Crazy Sookie' grin spread across my face.



"Can I get you a Trueblood?"

"Yes, thank you."

I turn on my heels to get him a bottle. After I remove it from the microwave and give it a good shake I head back to the table, then set it down in front of him. As I turn to walk away as fast as I can without sprinting. He grabs my wrist. I turn to look at him as he looks me in the eyes, I could get lost in those eyes.

"Sookie, can you sit for a minute?" he asked. I hesitate and look around at my tables. Damn all empty no excuses.

"Sure Eric, what's up?" I ask as I slide into the booth across him.

I hear a low growl coming from Eric's chest and see him glaring. I turn to see Sam scowling at the Big Blond Vampire. I give a little chuckle and just sit back and roll my eyes 'Men' I sware can't believe I haven't gotten pee'd on yet. I clear my throat to get back Eric's attention from the testosterone display.

"Uh, Eric? Wanna tell me what this is about?" I ask looking back at Sam waiving him off.

"I just wanted to see you Sookie, do I need a reason?" Eric says with that stoic look that only a Vampire can achieve. I return the look but no wear near as well. It's times like these I wish I could hear what Vampires are thinking, but then again getting into this Vampire's head was just a scary thought.

"Right Eric, tell me what you're really up too?" he had that trademark grin that is so damn sexy and lightning bolt flashed strait to my center. I squirmed in my seat a bit and a full blown smile lightened up his beautiful face. I duck my head 'cause I know I was bright red. It felt like an hour past the silence was deafening, though it was just a minute. I couldn't help but think of what he was really up too. The last time I saw him he was demanding that I tell him exactly what happen that week I took him in. And it scared me. I looked everywhere, but at him. Then finally he spoke.

"Why are you so afraid of me Sookie?"


"You can't lie to me Lover, I know what you are feeling" my anger flashed, damn his blood.

"Look Eric, Are you gonna tell me what you are doing here?"

"We need to talk, but not here. I will meet you at your house."

With that he dropped a Twenty on the table and left with Vampire speed. I sighed and cleaned off the table and stomped over to the bar with his barely touched bottle. Sam could see my unease and was about to say something. I just shrugged him off.

After I was done finishing up cleaning the rest of the bar and doing my closing duties, I headed in to Sam's office to get my things, then head over to my house to meet Eric. Before I could say goodbye, Sam asked.

"What did he want?" as he sat back in his creaking office chair.

"I couldn't tell ya, Sam. He said he just wanted to talk is all."

"Are you gonna talk to him?" Sam asked, just a little bit huffy to please me.

"Yes, I am. I'm meeting him at my house as soon as I leave." Sam ran his hands through his Strawberry blond hair and let out a loud sigh. "What?" I asked a little piqued

"Nothing" he shook his head with another sigh. "You be careful, Chere. After everything Bill put you through." Another head shake "You shouldn't be getting yourself mixed up in their shit again. You should stay away from all of them." Now I know Sam is only saying this 'cause he cares about me, but sometimes he just pisses me off.

"Sam, I know what I am doing. Just… just… look I know you care and all, but I think you are a bit biased with your attitude. I was there I saw that little pissing display between you and Eric." I crossed my arms and glared at him

"You're right… you're right I might be a bit jealous, but He's a Vampire Sookie. I don't trust him, any of 'em. I'm just looking out for you I don't wanna see you hurt." Now it was my turn to sigh…

"I know Sam, I'll be alright. I'll see you tomorrow night. Goodnight" I gave Sam a hug and walked out the door. I caught a last look at him and he looked so sad.

As I pulled into my driveway Eric was standing on my porch looking like he was in 'downtime' I pulled around to the back to park and went straight to my kitchen to get a Diet coke for myself and a TrueBlood for Eric and walked out to the porch. He unfroze as I handed Eric his drink and went over and sat on my old porch swing. He gave a little chuckle, bent down and kissed me so sweetly on the check as he sat next to me. Another shot strait down to my center, another chuckle, and minute past and I thought I was about to lose my mind. So I finally broke.

"So, what's up Eric. You plan on telling me what I can do for you?" I realized what I said and immediately regretted it.

"Well Lover there are many things you can 'DO' for me." He said with that sexy grin "but that's not why I am here. I just wanted you to tell me what happened between us while I was here." Shit I saw this coming. Why did I agree to this?

"Eric, we already went over this." I said turning away from him

"Not good enough, Sookie" he said with an Ice cold glare. I just sat still looking away not saying a word. He wasn't gonna intimidate me. I crossed my arms and harrumphed.

"Fan, envis Kvinna! Tell me what I want to know!" Eric shot up from the swing and towered over me with his fangs down, fist clenched at his sides and the most evil glint in his eyes that were now almost black.

"What the hell do you want from me Eric?" I whimpered, my heartbeat flew like a hummingbird. I was never as scared of Eric as I was in this moment. Even before he was cursed. I've never seen this Eric. This was the VAMPIRE… the monster I knew him capable of. I stood up and backed away from him terrified.

His fangs retracted, his face softened for a second and back to the cold stoic Eric. I couldn't stay in front of him any longer, I blinked back my tears, ran into my house and slammed the door shut and fell in a crumpled mess as the tears I fought ran down my face in an unending torrent. How could that be the same Eric that I fell in love with? The one that was so sweet, so loving? This Eric was a stranger, a monster.

A/N: What do you think? You want more? I've got it if you want it. As I said this is my first time and I am unbeta'd so this is all me. Any kind of reviews good or bad are welcomed. Constructive criticism is a great way to get better ;)