I was sick and couldn't sleep and a friend and I have been doing a roleplay where Ellis is pregnant. Her Ellis is a lot different than mine used to be so I decided I'd explore how he'd take the news. Was intended to be a short one shot, but I think I'm going to extrapolate on this. We'll see how it goes. Enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not own L4D2. I just look up the origin of euphemisms on the internet.


Ellis stumbled back, hand groping for and finding the wall, leaning his weight on it. His other hand trembled slightly as it covered his mouth. Eyes wide, staring at Nick, whose hands were in gloves covered in blood.

"Yer shittin' me..."

The other man's expression stayed calm as he shook his head, pulling his gloves off. He blinked. Then blinked again. Mind oddly still, like he couldn't formulate thought anymore.

"Ya... ya gotta be shittin' me..." He repeated, shaking his head, "That can' happen. It's... impossible, man..."

"I can show you. It's still in there." Nick threw a thumb over his shoulder. Ellis shook his head again, stomach turning just at the thought.

"Bu-but... Dammit, Nick, Imma man. A man..." Breathing hitched as tears started to pool in the corners of his eyes. He rubbed his face with his hand, trying desperately not to cry.

"Ellis..." Nick approached, hand outstretched, hoping to soothe the young man in some way.

"Don' touch me!" Ellis spat, slapping Nick's hand away as it almost made contact with his arm. Fury turned to a strange sort of fear, waiting for Nick's reaction.

Green eyes blinked, the emotion carefully hidden behind his poker face. He took a step back and each assessed the other. The tears finally came flowing out in full force. Without a word, Ellis turned and rushed out of the room.