Don't You Wish You Were Us?

I do not own Lemonade Mouth


"OK, I can't decide whether the Madison performance or being on Moxie's show was more amazing," beamed Stella as the band left the television studio.

"You're joking, right?" Scott always would rather perform than anything else. "NOTHING beats that enormous crowd at the Madison!"

"You don't get it, Scott," said Mo. "Moxie's show is the Great Chick Happy Place. All the cutest rock star guys," "and most ferocious rock star girls", Stella interjected, "play on her show," finished Mo.

"SO, this means that we are 'the cutest…' Thankfully, Scott's phone interrupted that train of conversation. "Hello? Oh, hi Jules. What? Wait, I can't hear you." And he walked away to hear the call better.

Mo followed, working to keep her fury down. She had finally forgiven Scott his transgression earlier that year, and their relationship had taken a whole new level. They were mutually respectful of each other's talent and dedication, rather than him looking at her as his cute little rock star groupie accessory. He had put everything on the line – his band, his friendship with is best friend, his reputation at school – to help her and Lemonade Mouth at the RIZing Star competition. That single act changed everything for Mo and Scott. And this also meant that Mo completely trusted him.

However, the fact that Jules was calling him was a little much to bear. She worked to control herself, knowing that Scott only had eyes for Mo. Whatever game it was that Jules was after, it wasn't going to fly. All the same…it was best to stick nearby, just out of curiosity…

Wen approached Olivia and said to her quietly, "Olivia, can we talk a second?"

Crap, thought Olivia. He needs to hash this out, and make sure I understand that we're just friends and that he said what he did in order to help me cover for Mo. "Sure, yeah, ok." She let the words stumble out of her mouth, just as they did on TV, she thought.

OK, now's my chance, thought Wen. He was too foolish the day he gave Olivia the kitten to clearly express himself to her. And now that she outed them on national television, he felt it was time to finally make his feelings perfectly clear to her. He was annoyed with himself for letting her falter like that. He should have been the one to jump in and declare himself to her.

Olivia had to think quickly to save what was left of her dignity. Wen knew her feelings for him: besides outright shouting at him the day of the RIZ-ing Star competition, she was always a stumbling fool around him. If he didn't know by now how she felt, then he was a half-wit by far. He had plenty of opportunities to respond to her. He could have gone after her that afternoon when she shouted "I did it for you, you jerk!" He could have said something to her that night, or when he brought her the kitten, or at his father's wedding. The fact that he didn't told her volumes: he thinks of her as a good friend who needs to be cheered up every once in awhile, but he did not think anything more of her.

Alright Gifford, now, now NOW! Wen pushed himself to finally speak up. He thought back to all of his previous foolishness and cowardice: he was completely floored with surprise when she shouted her feelings for him the afternoon of RIZing Star. He had been always had a crush on her. He had tried to talk to her, but she always looked at him like he was some kind of freak and ran away. Then, when they started writing music together, after her initial shock that he was at her house (again, looking totally repulsed at the thought of him being there), she seemed to finally warm up. He dared to hope that she might grow to care for him. Then, there it was, shouted from the rooftops (or at least from her perch on her bike). He couldn't believe it, and he was thrilled! But before he could get over the shock and go after her, she was gone. He thought that bringing her the kitten would make up for it, or that inviting her to his dad's wedding as my guest would finally seal the deal. However, the day of the kitten didn't quite work out. As she embraced him – and every cell of my being exploded with electricity – he was going to kiss her. However, the door to her house was open, and Grams was inside. This was not the time to make a move. Then, she and Grams got to work at settling the kitten in, and the moment had passed. Then, his dad's wedding. Well, when he went to invite her, everyone was together, and she thought he was inviting everyone to the wedding. Truth be told, he did want his family-outside-his-family there on his dad's day. Then, when he asked his dad if his 4 closest friends could perhaps be added to the guest list, Sidney begged for them to perform at the wedding. There went another opportunity, but it was great to get to play at the wedding.

And now, that poor girl, in an attempt to bail her friend out of hot water with her father, blurted out on national TV that she and Wen were "dating-ish". The girl who was sent to fits of vomiting over the thought of singing in front of her high school, just announced on TV her most intimate thought, and in such a clumsy manner. If you had only been a man about this earlier, she wouldn't have had to be flailing in the wind like that. Enough is enough! Now is the time to just make this happen.

Wen turned toward Olivia, and they walked a few steps away from their friends, out of earshot. "Olivia," Wen began. "I…"

Just then, Scott came running back to the group, Mo not far behind. "Ray's been in a car accident and is in the hospital. He's unconscious."